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New Viptv Site Discussion

"NEW" SIte & Service are Awful. I Want A Refund.

Bala, you or your other moderators have not responded to my previous posting (see below). Please address my questions and reply to me asap, thank you: ===== Horrible!!! I cannot tell you how truly disappointed I am with the "NEW" site. For starters, for weeks you have been teasing us with this innovative, new site that was coming soon. There is nothing new here, all you did was copy the same web/design style you are currently using on your movie site ( This site has become a waste of time. I'm very upset about this as I have been a big fan/user of your site since the very beginning and have spent a lot of money with you. Your decision to forgo function for style is very disappointing. For example, if I want to watch a season of a particular show why must I navigate through 3 or 4 pages to see all of the shows for that season??? Just list the available episodes for each season on one page like before!!! Same goes for FREE shows, just list the links to all available free shows in one easily accessible box. Who wants to waste their time waiting waiting for multiple pages/images to load??? And how are we supposed to know which new shows and episodes have been added without the color coding??? Seriously, (on the Home page) no one cares about which shows are "Playing Shows" and which shows are "Promoted Shows". Change the "Playing Shows" to "Coming Soon" and the "Promoted Shows" to "Newly Added" - this is a very simple fix that would take your IT Team less that 10 minutes and cause no down time whatsoever. You also failed to mention that with this "NEW" change you would no longer be providing service to Mac users. As you have already taken our money, will you be providing FULL REFUNDS to all Mac VIP Members who request them? It is highly unprofessional of you to reply so flippantly to members concerns by telling them: "...there [they] been working 2 months so you just have get used to it." This is not a FREE service. We (the VIP Members) pay you for a service. I certainly hope this is due to a language barrier. I FRANKLY DO NOT CARE HOW THE SITE LOOKS, I ONLY CARE THAT IT WORKS!!! I recently purchased an additional $100 USD worth of points from you. I have not yet used those points. Please tell me how to go about requesting a full refund and canceling my membership to your site. Thank you for you time and attention, I am sad it has come to this point.


Reply 20#20 magic4u's post

You have a very interesting philosophy regarding customer retention, Gary "Super Moderator". Shame on you! The folks here are not some random group of school children whining because we don't like what's being served for lunch. We are paying customers whose "donations" keep this site going. We were sold services that are no longer available at all (in many cases). It is NOT our fault that the proper beta testing was not done before the site went live. Perhaps a smarter approach for a "Super Moderator" would be to find ways to constructively address members legitimate concerns rather than focus on their own misguided "Little Rants".

