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Flash Vs Realplayer

Reply 89#89 imagnu's post

Hi, have you tried to use Flash in a different browser? If you are using IE or Firefox, you may want to try Google Chrome, many member find that Flash works best in Chrome. I did read that a registry cleaner might help with your sound problem, but I would try to solve the issue by other means, before using a registry cleaner (unless you are familiar with the registry). You can go to Flash Player Troubleshooting, or the adobe link provided in the post above this one. If you are using a Mac OS X, do not use a registry cleaner, it is for Windows OS only. If you do use cCleaner make sure you use the back up option before deleting, just in case you cause more problems. Here is a link to a cCleaner Tutorial, if you need it. Please let us know if you are able to solve your sound issue, and how you accomplished it. Good luck!

