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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Great episode!
I reckon the Chief will stick to his guns and fire Derek but after a while he will realise he needs him and ask him back.

It does seem a bit much to go 20hrs without a break.  He must have to take some breaks for food and toilet or he will just collapse.


Reply 97#97 themegababe's post

I think its funny that if Lexie stays with Sloane then she will become a grandmother in her late 20's


OMG   What a finale.  Best finale this year.  I agree with comments above, the police/SWAT were slow to move, especially because the hospital has a large glass wall which they can see through and shoot the guy with the gun.  I actually expected them to shoot him when he was about to shoot Derek.

You have got to give it to Meredith, she continued working while having a miscarrage, she did pass it off though as unimportant.  This will feature heavily i think in the first few episodes of next season i reckon.

I really like Callie and Arizona, now the problem with children is over they an get on with being a couple

[ Last edited by slade01 at 5-21-2010 17:16 ]

