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All my points disappeared

All my points disappeared

I purchased 200 points yesterday. I watched BSG S4 E7-E14, and then logged off until about ten minutes ago. The points are all gone. I definitely didn't use them all, so how did this happen? What can I do to get them back? My viewing history didn't record the seven episodes of BSG I watched after purchasing. I do, however have my exchange logs:

20090224070415  200 Points  2009-02-24  Verified  VIP Member

But when I look in my user profile, it says I have zero points. Can this be fixed? I should have roughly 192 points remaining.


Yeah, I'm definitely logged in. I logged out and then back in twice. They're still not there.


So I figured it out; apparently, I somehow created a duplicate account that has the same password and a slight variation on my username. It's worked out now, though. Thanks for your help guys.

