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Can't get shows to load

Hi Anna

I have been experiencing the same problem for the past few days also.... I thought it might be due to server peek times or something, but it doesn't seem to matter what time of the day... I was initially able to watch a few episodes no problem and now it just doesn't seem to work.

I'm a VIP member, so points are not an issue... very frustrating!

Any help here would be fantastic!

Many thanks


Hi Anna

I found this post from "shinny" that might help us both out:

Have you made sure your connection speed is correct and increased your timeout seconds? You can do so by:

1. In RealPlayer, click the Tools menu, and then select Preferences. The Preferences box opens.
2. In the Category pane, click Connection.
3. Under Network Time-out, increase the time-out settings by 10 seconds.
4. Click OK.
5. Try to play the clip again.
6. If you still have problems, increase the time-out settings by another 10 seconds and try again. Keep trying until the clip plays or it becomes obvious that increasing the time-out settings will not resolve this problem. Increasing this time also increases the time you wait for a time-out message to appear.

I've already increased mine to 300/300 but will try doing 10 second increments to see if that makes a difference!!

Take care
Recent Ratings
  • dognxtdoor Treasure +10 Thanks for helping out another member :) 2-22-2009 20:57
  • dognxtdoor Points +10 Thanks for helping out another member :) 2-22-2009 20:57

