Internet connection problems can make viewing so difficult it's not even worth the bother. I've been there and I can sympathize.
What works for me is:
a) Use Firefox rather than IE. It's a quick download and it's safer to use than IE because there aren't so many people ticked off at Firefox as there are at Bill Gates.
b) Make sure to clear out the internet cache, cookies, temp files and so forth on a regular basis.
c) If it takes more than 30 seconds to load, it isn't going to load. Just exit out of the site completely and try re-entering from a fresh browser window. If it still doesn't work try clearing out all your temp files (see "b" above), then re-boot your machine. That should do it.
d) E-mail one of the moderators with some very specific items so they can help you work through them.
Quite honestly, this site appears to be working pretty well for me too. If you're having trouble it's probably a relatively simple issue that should be easily resolved.
Don't give up, let people help you figure out what the problem is. You'll be glad you did.
Come on back and let us know how it worked out for you!