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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hi everyone! Just popping in here for the first time. Sounds like y'all are having fun.

I had never heard of a town sale, that would be really fun to check out. We have flea markets on weekends in Tokyo, my bestfriend and I have a booth this sunday. We try to participate twice a year or so to clean out our closet of unworn clothes, shoes, makeup etc. We usually make about equivalent of about 500 dollars in the end of the day and we go out to eat yummy food and drinks afterwards with a bit of change left for us to take home.

I hope the migraine goes away Barb. I used to have horrible migraines but mine was related to blood pressure so once I got my blood pressure meds I got in under control, high blood pressure runs in my family it seems, everyone of my family member take blood pressure medication.

I was watching this medical tv program a couple nights  ago and they were saying to differentiate  if the headache is a tension headache or migraine is to bow and if the pain gets worse it's supposed to be a migraine.


Reply 2955#2955 waterlilybarb's post

Have you tried vitamin  B2  for your migraine?  The tv show was stressing that vitamin B2 helps migraines, and to go rest in a dark quiet room when the pain is bad as light  and sound is supposed to make migraines worse.


I hope you have great weather on Saturday Barb for the town sale.
It was a nightmare this sunday when we had the booth at the flea market. We had buckets of rain several times during the day but despite the horrible weather and being drenched, and some items got stolen but  we still made a lil over 500 US dollars. So it was cool that we got rid of stuff we didn't need and made some money and my bestfriend and I and her two lil ones treated ourselves to Korean BBQ for dinner.

The bad part was I hurt my knee last week and it got to the point that I could barely walk on sunday so  I went to the doctor today and he stuck really thick needles in my knee and drained 47 milliliters of fluid when average people only has 3 milliliters of it. My knee still kills but he gave me pain killers and something for the inflammation and hopefully I can stand on my legs on saturday for my cousin's wedding which I'm part of the wedding and have to wear like almost 3 inch high heels because I'm so short and I need to balance out in height with other people. ouch!

And I took my lil chihuahua Barry to the vet today to get him checked to make sure he  is struvite free and he is but his urine is PH is still too high so it can cause struvites so we started him on tablets that's supposed to make his urine more acidic so that it's normal and I got some meds to prevent heartworms as we started to see some mosquitos now.

I hope y'all had a great weekend!


Reply 2985#2985 waterlilybarb's post

Congratulations on finding such a great bargain, a 5 dollar bedside table, that is so awesome! Made me feel like I over charged the people at the flea market I sold a bunch of  slightly used makeup for equivalent of 5 dollars each

I hope the painting goes smoothly, easy on the paint though, you don't want your migraine to start up again.

My knee is bothering me again, I wore like a 3 inch pin heeled sandal at the wedding so I think that made it worse again. I dread the doctor sticking that big fat needle in my knee tomorrow...

I've been up and about since early morning today so I'm a bit exhausted but I cannot sleep, do you all every get that? Maybe its a bad idea to play games before bed lol.
I don't know how many of you watch the movies at the movie site, I watched confession of a shopaholic and it was so funny I think that also made me more hyper I think

I think I'm also hyper from killing a whole bunch of tiny brown bugs with my sister  that infested my dad's spice box (my dad used to run restaurants before he retired recently ) and I seriously hate bugs... but we had to get rid of them quickly before they multiplied and my chihuahua was shiverring from the bugs flying around him

It's Friday early morning here in Tokyo now, ah finally its the weekend!


Thought I'd show something interesting going on in Tokyo at the moment,(till today I think)McDonalds is holding a rose color campaign and for a limited 5 day only they turned 1 store in Japan all pink and sold limited numbers of Tshirt just at the store and since they have this only at 1 store in East of Japan and 1 store in west of Japan I'm starting to see a lot of these shirts being auctioned off. I got my hands on 1 and 1 for my sister. I hope its okay to add a link here . I'm not promoting McDonalds just wanted to show something interesting. ... donalds-in-shibuya/


There really must be something going on lol. I have 4 friends expecting too, one finally delivered this week being  3 weeks over due, and I have another expecting in a week and 2 others in November.

I also wanted some changes in my life too and left work in January and just relaxed up till now, visiitng my relatives overseas etc.  but I feel like I'm getting bored and wanted something new so after 16 years of working in the game software industry I finally decided to add something new to my resume and going for a job interview for a managerial post at a human resource consultant agency next week.  I really hope the interview pans out, its in a posh area, posh office working with mainly expats and executive level people - it might be exactly what I want right now.  Something totally different than working in an electronics town full of gamers.


Thank you guys! Now I just have to write a killer resume. It's kind of hard to do when you've worked for like 8 companies now and I didn't need to submit one for the last 10 years or so as I kept changing companies through connections. I don't even know what the trend is lately.


Thanks for the advise guys! I know ideally it would be great if I can fit it all in one page but I've worked at like 8 companies now so just putting my name and address and company names and years I worked for at that specific company without writing any info would probably fill up a whole page LOL.

I've looked at some samples on the internet and many of them listed accomplishments before they listed the work experience. Is this common?  If I listed a few of this as well then I definitely can't fit it in one page more less barely fit it in 2 pages maybe.

The interview is next Thursday so I plan to email the resume on Monday so I guess I have the weekend to fiddle with it.

I'm excited about the interview and I hope to get it, but if I do then I need to go buy some more suits LOL. I only have a few now as I only needed to wear jeans to work unless I had meetings with clients. We're so relaxed about clothes in the software game industry. Even for meetings half the people still wear jeans lol.


Thank you so much guys! I just finished writing it and my sister is going to check it for me tomorrow for typos etc and fancy it up as she's much much better at using MS Word than me.

Writing this resume made me feel really nostalgic and made me remember all the great times I had making incredible software and miss working with many of the really talented game developers. I think my high point was my late twenties and early thirties when the economy was great and the game market was really huge with many original games. I hope the economy improves really soon.


Hi all! I just wanted to drop in and say thanks to all who wished me luck for my job interview,  well it turns out that they wanted someone who can do part time for a few hours for the first 6 months and then they wanted to hire as full time as the business isn't going too great right now but I really would rather go in as full time from start so no luck this time! Just  wanted to drop in and say thanks!

