Originally posted by waterlilybarb at 6/1/2009 03:30
Yes, I would feel the same. I was expected to help others when I was a teen, and I'm happy I did. If I saw the neighbours had a daughter out shovelling rather than a son, I would know she was old en ...
Thank you for answering. Sorry if I offended you in any way, that was not my intention. Maybe your neighbor doesn't think you need any help, and that's why he's not offering. Just a thought.
I always try to offer my help to others, if I can. I have a different problem, though. I'm having difficulty accepting help from others. If someone asks me (no matter who it is) if I need help with something, I get really irritated. That's probably because I want to do things myself, and get frustrated if people think I can't do them. Maybe I'm just stubborn. Or maybe it has something to do with me coping with my rheumatism. It's not visible on the outside, but those who know about it often offer their help. But I'm working on letting others helping me