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Law & Order Season 16 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Red Ball
A young girl is abducted in broad daylight, and the only link to the girl is an ex-convict who wants a deal before he's willing to talk.

Episode 2: Flaw
When the body of Patrick Sullivan is found with one of Olivia Benson's business cards in his pocket, Green and Fontana call on SVU to help them with their case. Although not initially clear, the detectives soon realise that Patrick Sullivan is connected to Lorraine Dillon and April Troost, career criminals that Benson had previously been unable to catch. Lorraine confesses to the crime and claims she did it to protect her daughter, but when April ends up on the stand she tells a different story, and McCoy and Benson disagree on which of the two is telling the truth.

Episode 3: Ghosts
Fontana and McCoy pursue a man believed to have murdered a young girl ten years earlier despite numerous obstacles.

Episode 4: Age of Innocence
The murder of a man shortly before he was due to take his wife off life support sparks controversy when both suspects have iron-clad alibis.

Episode 5: Life Line
When the body of undercover reporter Teresa Richter is discovered, police soon realise her death is connected to the story she was working on a Latin gang, L-12. Their investigation leads them to Kevin Drucker, a businessman who reported his car stolen but who was really paying off members of L-12 not to hurt his son Patterson, who was imprisoned on the same cell block with many of the gang members. McCoy and Borgia realise the only way they can get to L-12, who ordered the hit on Richter, is to get Drucker to testify. Drucker is reluctant to do so, however, unless his son's safety can be guaranteed.

Episode 6: Birthright
Teenage suspect Traci Sands dies in police custody after being arrested for the murder of the man who reported her to child protective services. Rodgers reveals that she died because someone outfitted her with a benecrine I.U.D.that reacted with Sands' sickle system and ended up killing her. Fontana and Green follow the trail to a charitable clinic and nurse Gloria Rhodes, who believes she is saving the world by sterilizing women that she does not believe are worthy of having children. McCoy faces former assistant district attorney Paul Robinette in court as Robinette defends Rhodes.

Episode 7: House of Cards
Fontana and Green investigate when the body of a young mother who had recently cleaned her life up is found in her apartment, with her five-day-old infant son Nicholas missing. Detectives soon track down Arlene Tarrington and ascertain that the infant she is claiming is hers is really baby Nicholas, but after her lawyers make a claim of post-partum psychosis and another man comes forward claiming to be the child's father, McCoy and Borgia are forced to decide which of the two they would rather lock up for the crime.

Episode 8: New York Minute
Detectives discover that the owner of a trucking company has been smuggling illegal aliens and suspect that a citizens' border patrol member has killed him.

Episode 9: Criminal Law
The deaths of three women with the same name lead Fontana and Green to the nine-year-old conviction of Leland Barnes, who had shot and killed his wife in an office full of people. With two of the three witnesses against him dead and Jack McCoy on the hit list, the detectives struggle to determine how Barnes, who has been in prison the entire time, got someone on the outside to kill the only people who could keep him in jail. The investigation leads them to Leland's two sons, with surprising results.

Episode 10: Acid
After the daughter of one of Van Buren's college friends is found dead in her room, a suicide, Van Buren joins Green and Fontana in hunting down the man who burned her face with acid months earlier, ultimately leading to her suicide. Van Buren is unsuccessful in getting a lot of help from her friend, who is terrified that the man who destroyed her elder daughter's life with destroy her younger daughter as well. McCoy and Borgia's case hits a snag when Van Buren takes the stand and comes close to committing perjury to keep Jason Corley behind bars.

Episode 11: Bible Story
Jeffrey Kilgore is found murdered after destroying the Speicher Chumash, which had been brought to America from Poland years earlier. Green and Fontana follow the trail of evidence to Barry Speicher, who confesses to the murder, but it's his cousin Eric that McCoy has his eye on after Barry's wife tells them that Eric had everything to gain by Barry going to prison. McCoy and Borgia pursue the matter to trial, but their star witness turns on them.

Episode 12: Family Friend
After Philip and Valerie Messick are attacked in their home, Green and Fontana follow the trail to a small-time thug named Jay Fleckner. After Valerie's testimony unintentionally helps free Fleckner, he is found dead, and detectives soon realise that Bob Cerullo, a family friend of Valerie and her late husband, was the triggerman. Unfortunately, when McCoy attempts to prosecute Cerullo, a retired cop, he threatens to claim that he deliberately planted evidence in his past cases in an attempt to get McCoy to drop all the charges.

Episode 13: Heart of Darkness
A journalist's suicide becomes suspect after Green and Fontana find evidence at the scene suggesting that it wasn't a suicide after all. Their suspicions turn to the reporter's girlfriend after learning that he was still sleeping with his ex, but their investigation soon leads them in a different direction.

Episode 14: Magnet
Fontana and Green arrest a fellow student after a young man is murdered, but McCoy faces a tough adversary when he tries to prosecute the crime.

Episode 15: Choice of Evils
After the body of a teenage boy is found dead in a warehouse, detectives use DNA to connect the boy to a convicted rapist and serial killer, then to the boy's mother, Allison Ashburn, the convict's ex-wife. While trying to solve Danny's murder, Fontana and Green learn that he recently got his girlfriend Tina pregnant, and his mother had seen him recently when she had given him money despite having claimed she hadn't seen him for months. Allison finally admits that she murdered her son after the police arrest her new husband John, but claims she did it to save the world from her son, whom she was convinced would become a monster just like his biological father. Borgia and McCoy face an uphill battle trying to convict the perfect soccer mom.

Episode 16: Cost of Capital
The case against a high powered executive accused of killing her lover rests on the executive's estranged husband and unstable teenage daughter.

Episode 17: America, Inc.
After Jeffrey Pope, a private military contractor, is found dead, suspicion eventually leads Green and Fontana to Robbie Howell, the younger brother of a man who died because of Pope's incompetence, and Kevin Boatman, Nick Howell's former co-worker who had witnessed the tragic events in Iraq. Danielle Melnick returns to defend Robbie and Kevin, and in the courtroom Kevin drops the bombshell that he knows where Pope and his men were keeping an Iraqi prisoner of war, a wanted terrorist. McCoy and Branch butt heads over whether or not to let Kevin Boatman get away with murder in order to get their hands on the prisoner.

Episode 18: Thinking Makes It So
Fontana and Green investigate when a bank manager is involved in the robbing of his own bank and learn that his daughter is being held hostage and that he had to go along with the robbery or risk losing his daughter. One man is killed in the robbery, but the two detectives track down his accomplice and, while alone with Mitchell Lowell, Fontana uses extreme force to get the answers he needs, prompting Lowell's lawyer to claim that all the information Fontana obtained is fruit of the poison tree. McCoy works to fight the claim of police brutality while also trying to find a way to get around Fontana's actions.

Episode 19: Positive
When a teenage boy commits suicide after firing on a doctor and hitting an innocent party, Fontana and Green investigate why he was after the doctor to begin with and learn that Jeremy Miller's younger sister had recently died of A.I.D.S. Throughout the course of the investigation, detectives are led to Dr. Andrew Copelan, the doctor in charge of Emily Miller's care, who had been giving her an experimental A.I.D.S. drug not yet approved for usage on humans, ostensibly to find a cure for his own full-blown A.I.D.S.

Episode 20: Kingmaker
After undercover cop Dana Baker is murdered, Fontana and Green learn that the man who killed her had discovered her identity after seeing a photograph of her in the paper revealing her as a police officer, not the undercover heroin dealer she was posing as. Investigating the story leads detectives to Eric Lund, one of the workers in Congressman Prescott's office, but Lund seems to have an ironclad alibi after an e-mail he sent comes to light.

Episode 21: Hindsight
Fontana and Green are called in to investigate when Green's former replacement, Nick Falco, is suspected of murdering a young woman he had spent the night with.

Episode 22: Invaders
The family of a man who once turned in his customers to the police is slain, and the ensuing fracas pits McCoy against a corrupt D.E.A. agent.
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Law & Order Season 17 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Fame
Green and Cassady investigate the death of a cop accidentally killed during a botched robbery which leads them to stolen photographs of a celebrity mother married to a player.

Episode 2: Avatar
Green and Cassady investigate after the photograph of a dead woman is found on a popular website, Their investigation leads them to a mentally disturbed young man whom the teenage daughter of the victim claims kidnapped and raped her, but his lawyer offers up an even greater incentive -- the supposed kidnapping victim, Molly Preston.

Episode 3: Home Sweet
When eight-year-old Jenna Wechsler dies as a result of a building explosion, Green and Cassady follow the trail of evidence to Rosalie Schaffner, the owner's ex-wife. McCoy and Rubirosa pursue Rosalie Schaffner despite a lack of concrete evidence, but the case takes a turn when Rubirosa finds a piece of evidence that points them in a new direction.

Episode 4: Fear America
After Eric Khabaly is seen being murdered on tape in what appears to be an American movement against Islam, Green and Cassady investigate the case which leads them to Khabaly's cousin, Ben Faoud, who appears to be connected to a terrorist cell functioning inside New York. Unfortunately, the best link to Faoud appears to surround a recent shipment of uranium, which McCoy and Rubirosa are forbidden to mention by the federal government. When news of the uranium leaks out, McCoy and Rubirosa find themselves the victims of intense federal scrutiny, and Paul Robinette's vigorous defense of young Faoud doesn't help matters.

Episode 5: Public Service Homicide
When Carl Mullaly is discovered murdered in his apartment, Green and Cassady learn that he had recently been profiled on HardFocus, a tabloid talk show that exposes sex offenders who are caught via the ScumWatch website. With an eight-year-old girl as the only eye witness, detectives arrest the murderer, but McCoy and Rubirosa soon learn that HardFocus is a lot more involved than they claim.

Episode 6: Profiteer
The shooting of a local businessman is linked to a killing in Iraq, and McCoy and Rubirosa refuse to allow the killer to plead out.

Episode 7: In Vino Veritas
A has-been actor wearing blood-stained clothing arrested for drunken driving reveals religious prejudices during his rantings.

Episode 8: Release
After Hudson Moore is found bludgeoned in the back of the Babes Being Bad bus, suspicion initially turns to the company's creator, Chris Drake, until video footage leads detectives to a young woman who was with Moore the night that he died. After concentrating their investigation on the young woman, the reasons behind Moore's murder soon become apparent, and McCoy and Rubirosa struggle to prosecute a man who, while not directly responsible for the murder, may have been responsible for the incidents that led up to it.

Episode 9: Deadlock
Green and Cassady hunt a mass murderer Leon Vorgitch, who recently escaped from prison. The finally corner Vorgitch in a school with a room full of hostages, and before surrendering himself to police, Vorgitch shoots a number of innocent children. His unwillingness to accept a deal infuriates McCoy, as it gives him more time to escape prison again. When the father of one of his victims takes justice into his own hands and ends up being used as a campaign slogan for a local politician, McCoy and Rubirosa try to convince Robert Purcell not to let himself be a scapegoat for a political platform.

Episode 10: Corner Office
After corporate attorney Charles Dillon is discovered dead in a hotel room, Green and Cassady investigate and learn that the company he was working for is in the process of being indicted. Their investigation leads them to a high-priced callgirl, Julia Veloso, who turns out to have been romantically involved with the company's C.E.O., Samantha Weaver. McCoy and Rubirosa find themselves at odds as Rubirosa wonders if McCoy's prosecution of Weaver has more to do with her gender than her guilt.

Episode 11: Remains of the Day
After Michael Jones dies in his mother's hospital room with no immediate explanation, his mother Ashley accuses her former husband's adult children, Miles and Hillary Foster, who are fighting her for control of their father's substantial fortune. The autopsy rules out the Fosters, and points Green and Cassady in the direction of illegally harvested donor bones, which Jones had received in a transplant eighteen months prior. McCoy and Rubirosa struggle to prosecute the case after it becomes clear the only way they will get the evidence they need is to test another young man who received bone grafts from the same woman who had given Michael Jones his legs.

Episode 12: Charity Case
Green and Cassady investigate after Sean Archer, a producer who had recently adopted a child from Africa with his wife, well-known actress Sofia, is gunned down outside an ice cream shop while holding baby Christopher. The shooting is soon linked to the recent adoption of Christopher, which had received international scrutiny because it appeared to have been pushed through based on the couple's celebrity status. McCoy and Rubirosa initially investigate the murder of Sean Archer, which soon turns into an investigation of a child's death when the identity of baby Christopher comes under question.

Episode 13: Talking Points
The shooting of university student Jason Miles at a political rally hosted by controversial speaker Judith Barlow leaves any number of suspects, but after Green and Cassady prove that two of the people they've questioned are lying about their alibis, they turn their attention to Malcom Yates, a grad student who claimed to be with Jason's girlfriend at the time of his death. McCoy and Rubirosa realise that Yates went after Barlow because of her open criticism of stem-cell research, something that Yates had high hopes could help find a cure for his own Parkinsons.

Episode 14: Church
A reverend confesses to the murder of a young gay actor, but McCoy and Rubirosa soon learn that he may not be the guilty party.

Episode 15: Melting Pot
After an actress is found dead in her apartment, Green and Cassady attempt to prove that her death was not a suicide.

Episode 16: Murder Book
After publisher Serena Darby is found murdered in her apartment, suspicion turns to J.P. Lange, a former professional baseball player acquitted of his wife's murder who had written a book hypothesising how he would have committed the murder. Green and Cassady follow the trail of evidence from Lange to Gerald Stockwell, a former ghostwriter on the book, but Stockwell tries to clear himself by offering McCoy and Rubirosa proof that one of the jurors in Lange's trial was paid off to force an acquittal.

Episode 17: Good Faith
Green and Cassady investigate an arson turned homicide when a body found in a burned church turns out to have been murdered before the fire started.

Episode 18: Bling
Green and Cassady follow the clues in the shooting death of female rapper Clarice James, 'Sweet Clarice', first to a sketchy music producer and then to a jeweler who claims Clarice owed him a great deal of cash.

Episode 19: Fallout
Green and Cassady get mixed up with the Russian consulate after Peter Rostov dies of ricin poisoning. Their investigation leads them first to his work, where they learn he spent a great deal of time traveling back and forth between Russia, and secondly to his brother, Karl. It isn't long before they link the Rostov brothers to an illegal prostitution ring trafficking in young Russian woman, but McCoy is faced with trying to get the remaining Rostov brother to testify so he can prosecute Brezin, the father of one of the trafficked girls.

Episode 20: Captive
When a young boy is found murdered, Green and Cassady follow the leads to a suspected serial pedophile/murderer.

Episode 21: Over Here
The detectives link the deaths of two homeless men to the war in Iraq.

Episode 22: The Family Hour
When Nicole Bailey, the ex-wife of a respected former senator, is found murdered and brutalized in her home, Green and Cassady look first at the senator, but follow the trail of clues to a dysfunctional family with a number of potentially embarrassing secrets. McCoy finds himself in the hot seat when he is forced to argue the case in front of a judge more interested in public relations than justice.
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Law & Order Season 18 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Called Home
Cyrus Lupo returns to New York after four years abroad to deal with his own terror. Lupo and Green investigate two suicides committed the same way. The detectives are suspicious of a parolee known as "Dr. Death".

Episode 2: Darkness
Lupo and Green's first offical case together is a kidnapping that happened during a citywide blackout; a housekeeper is slain and a mother and daughter are kidnapped. The evidence that links all the kidnappers is the father and husband of the kidnap victims. When they search the kidnappers' hideout, they find preparations which implies that the kidnappers knew that the blackout was coming. Cutter must convince the man to testify after he has lied about a search warrant to save the man's daughter, or else the kidnappers will all go free. Issues of a warrantless search arise. Courtroom scenes revolve around questions of Enron-like manipulation of energy.

Episode 3: Misbegotten
Green and Lupo investigate after a package explodes at a scientific research lab, resulting in the injury of a pregnant security guard. The investigation soon turns to the scientist's latest experiments.

Episode 4: Bottomless
The investigation into a pair of missing pants leads to the murder of a young lawyer. Lupo and Green soon turn their suspicions to a businessman who works for a shady multinational corporation called SavingsMart.

Episode 5: Driven
Lupo and Green investigate after a white teenager (David Kendall) and a young black girl (Tanya Anderson) are shot and killed in a local neighborhood. The investigation stalls when no one is willing to talk, but the detectives later learn that the victim had earlier had an altercation with someone in the neighborhood that led to a surprising altercation later that evening.

Episode 6: Political Animal
A triple homicide has ties to a politician, but he may be just the first step toward the truth and a killer who will take desperate measures to keep his freedom.

Episode 7: Quit Claim
A hit-and-run investigation leads back to a title company, but Green, Rubirosa and Lupo's undercover work takes a surprising twist that pits McCoy against the U.S. Attorney's office.

Episode 8: Illegal
A riot at an immigration rally ends in murder, and the political climate causes McCoy to assign a special prosecutor increasing tensions at the office.

Episode 9: Executioner
A case of mistaken identity leads Green and Lupo to suspect that a murdered doctor may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Episode 10: Tango
A high school party turns tragic when a teenager is found dead, and the detectives end up playing games with the two leading suspects to find out the real story. Unfortunately, unwanted attention from a juror for A.D.A. Rubirosa may disrupt the trial.

Episode 11: Betrayal
The murder of a psychiatrist focuses the suspect list to his clients and wife, and the defense of the murderer will challenge the D.A.'s office to somehow show the jury that a bad childhood is not a justification for crime.

Episode 12: Submission
When the police shut down a dog-fighting ring, the investigation becomes a murder case after a woman's finger is found inside one of the dogs; things get more complicated as the case deepens, and the interest of a pushy reporter is sparked.

Episode 13: Angelgrove
A recorded conversation has Lupo and Green delving into the personal and family life of a murdered art dealer, and suspected connections to terrorist activity.

Episode 14: Burn Card
Internal Affairs takes a special interest in Detective Green after he shoots a gambler that may be connected to a current case. The investigation turns up a part of his past he's taken pains to conceal.

Episode 15: Bogeyman
A novelist's apparent suicide changes to a murder investigation. The suspects include a cult and her husband. Cutter's case is jeopardized by the defense attorney's indirect juror tampering tactics of scaring the jurors.

Episode 16: Strike
A legal aid strike ends in the death of a paralegal, and the investigation leads to a golf pro who proclaims his innocence, again. Then the case takes an even stranger twist when Rubirosa is pitted against Cutter because of the strike that started it all.

Episode 17: Personae Non Grata
An online romance may be at the heart of a mechanic's murder, but Detectives Lupo and Bernard must unravel some truly bizarre developments before the full story is known.

Episode 18: Excalibur
A jeweler's murder may have ties to a prostitution ring, and once the case goes to trial, D.A. McCoy's job is on the line as favors are called in.
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Law & Order Season 19 Episode Guide

Episode 1: Rumble
A stockbroker is beaten to death and the investigation leads to an illegal street-fighting ring. Issues around misuse of terrorism statutes are explored.

Episode 2: Challenged
The detectives hope that a mentally challenged patient can help solve the case of a man found murdered in a park.

Episode 3: Lost Boys
A young man's murder is linked to a woman who has escaped from a polygamous religious cult.

Episode 4: Falling
A crane falls and kills a man and the detectives find evidence of foul play.

Episode 5: Knock Off
A tourist is murdered and the detectives suspect that corrupt law enforcement officers are involved. Meanwhile, the governor threatens to nominate a new District Attorney for the upcoming election.

Episode 6: Sweetie
A well-known memoir writer is found dead in a community of male prostitutes.

Episode 7: Zero
A woman's body is found in a city garden, leaving Bernard and Lupo to sort through her contradictory life and her ties to a cop's death in New Jersey. Then Cutter's case is jeopardized by a law clerk with a crush whose judge requires an unusual amount of assistance.

Episode 8: Chattel
A pair of divorce lawyers are murdered in their home and the investigation leads to a possible cover-up involving the abuse of adopted children.

Episode 9: By Perjury
A plaintiff in a class-action suit against an airline is murdered.

Episode 10: Pledge
Harold Foley and his wife Joyce, both biologists at a local university, come home to find their son and their housekeeper murdered.

Episode 11: Lucky Stiff
A murdered truck driver has ties to the Russian mob.

Episode 12: Illegitimate
A police officer who's been having financial problems takes hostages at gunpoint and then gets killed by fellow officers. He has the keys to an apartment that isn't his primary residence; detectives Lupo and Bernard search the apartment and find a dead body and valuable stolen documents.

Episode 13: Crimebusters
An Army recruitment center is bombed. An unconscious woman and a dead baby are found in the wreckage.

Episode 14: Rapture
The creator of a religious website is murdered and the trail leads to a corrupt charitable organization.

Episode 15: Bailout
The mistress of the CEO of a failed bank is killed in a hit-and-run and the investigation leads to a kidnapping and extortion plot.

Episode 16: Take-Out
A writer is murdered after investigating an espionage case involving the Chinese government.

Episode 17: Anchors Away
Detectives Lupo and Bernard investigate the murder of a television reporter who was involved in a love triangle with one of her co-workers.

Episode 18: Promote This!
The detectives investigate the vicious beating of an Hispanic illegal immigrant who may be linked to a series of other hate crimes.

Episode 19: All New
Firefighter Thomas Cooper and his wife Linda are tortured and murdered in their new townhouse. The murders are thought to be linked to an old unsolved drug case, but then the detectives learn about a firefighter named Nick Spence, who had just joined Cooper's company and was being severely hazed. The investigation suffers a setback when Spence dies in a fire under suspicious circumstances.

Episode 20: Exchange
Two engaged scientists die in a fire and their mentally challenged neighbor is injured while trying to help them. The detectives discover that the couple was stabbed before the fire and this leads them to a disturbed and extremely jealous woman.

Episode 21: Skate Or Die
Detectives Lupo and Bernard investigate a serial killer who targets homeless men and discover that a copycat may be at work.

Episode 22: The Drowned And The Saved
A prominent charity executive is murdered and claims of stalking and blackmail surface during the investigation.
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Found this great banners that could be used for tv shows next year or ones which don't have a episode guide yet

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 6-5-2009 15:33 ]


Will look for more of the other shows still airing when new ones get added as I can do them all in one go so whoever decides to do the episode guide then has the banner they could use.


Found some extra ones people could use


Cool you used the Fringe Banner I found


Can I just say that out of all the news show being added can I put my hand on 2 shows as they are 2 of my all time favourite shows

New Adventures Of Old Christine
Quantum Leap


Bala Thought You Could Use This


Thought You Could Add This To Your About Eleventh Hour


It Has Taken Me Almost A Year But I Now Know How To Make A Table, Talk About Slow Progress


Can I Have A Go At Rules Of Engagement About.


Read This To See If It Helps


Wizards Of Waverly Place Is A Comedy Show As On It Is Listed As Kids/Teens Show, So Would Go Into The Same Category As Hannah Montana, Missing 2009 Is A Show On BBC And It Was Listed As A Drama Show. I Will Start To Go Though The List Of The Ones I Found Needed Episode Guides And Post Which Ones I Am Doing Before Hand, Will Probably Do Some Later Today.


Will Do The Chuck, Reaper And Greek Season 2 Guides Soon.


They Can Be Cleared From The List As They Are All Done And Ready For Some Super Mod Magic, Plus Quantum Leap And Rules of Engagement Have Been Done So They Can Now Be Cleared From The List, I Don't Envy The One That Decides To Try The Law & Order About As You Would Have To Mention All The Characters From All Seasons That Had A Main Role And I Have No Idea How Many That Is.


Think I Might Do 1 or 2 Episode Guides Later Today, Might Even Do The Royal Pains About And Episode Guide Once A Few More Episodes Are Added And Once It Is Added To The Site.


No I'm not doing Demons


Will get Royal Pains done over the weekend when I have some free time on my hands.

