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Cougar Town Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Episode 14: Cry To Me

This was another great episode, I liked the scenes when all the gang did or said something nice to somebody in the gang and then did the reverse not long afterwards by saying something mean, the scene of Jules finally getting Grayson to open up emotionally was my favourite scene because of what happened, I have to say the funniest scenes were of Travis having to take part in a photo shoot for Kristen, I loved the reaction by Kristen when she saw the picture, I wasn't really into the whole Andy & Ellie storyline but the Valentines Gift Andy got Ellie was sweet.


Episode 15: Walls

I thought this was a really good episode, I personally think the idea of Travis proposing to Kristen as stupid and if he does then I think the relationship will be finished but apart from that It was funny watching Jules trying to not inter fear in Travis' private life yet again, I was completely bored of the whole Penny Can business idea but it did result in Grayson being given another lesson in friendship, I can admit I found the Ellie thinking her Truck is haunted storyline funny but It was oblivious that Jules kept moving Ellie's stuff.


Episode 16: Baby's A Rock N Roller

This was a great episode with quite a few funny moments, I loved the way Bobby stuck some food in the Dog's mouth to stop it from waking him up fully, my favourite scenes were of Jules & Grayson taking care of Stan for the day, I was kinda hoping they showed the video of Travis and the washing Hamper as it would have been the funniest thing to come from this episode, the scenes of Andy trying to help Laurie get back in the grove of things was really great to see, I also loved the reaction by Jules when Grayson mentioned about having a kid someday, the ending with Bobby & Travis asleep in the golf cart was quite funny.


Episode 17: You're Gonna Get It

I have to say this was a brilliant episode of Cougar Town, I guessed something bad would happen as soon as Jules started to mention Charity Work at the start but the scene of Jules screwing up the National Anthem at an Elementary School was hilarious even if I saw it coming, It was funny watching Laurie kick Ellie & Grayson's butts at Trivia with some help from Travis, my favourite scene was the family moment of Jules, Bobby & Travis on Bobby's boat, It was great seeing Bobby's get a lucky break for a change even if he had to become Bobby Wrong Ball for it to happen.


Episode 18: Lonesome Sundown

This was a very good episode in my opinion, the scene when Travis shouted Pancaked after Kevin had tackled Grayson at the bar was quite funny, I would say that the storyline of Jules having to live of Bobby's boat for a weekend was funny from start to finish, I think the words I told you so come to mind when it comes to Travis & Kristen breaking up because Travis decided to propose but the Proposal scene was however my favourite scene from this episode, I wasn't all that interested in the Secret Council thing after awhile because the punishments become so stupid.


Episode 19: Damaged By Love

This was a rather disappointing episode for the most part, I personally thought the only good thing about this episode was the storyline of Bobby, Chick & Jules hanging out with Travis at a strip club to try and cheer him up, I don't have anything good to say about the Andy having family visit storyline because I found it completely boring, I did however like the storyline that involved Grayson wanting to Rollerblade home because it had the funniest scenes like when he went flying over the car near the end, I disliked the ending with Andy & Angela because I thought it should have been about Travis.


Episode 20: Free Fallin

This episode was way better than the last one, the scene when Kevin came round to ask about Travis was awesome because of how Travis started walking back up stairs after hearing Kevin ask if Travis had dropped out of College, I loved the scenes when the Chalk Children appeared because of how Grayson & Ellie reacted, my favourite scene was when Grayson, Ellie & Tom scared the Chalk Children away, I can't wait to see how Bobby's life changes now that he has $20,000 to his name after selling his Penny Can invention, I look forward to seeing where the Travis being depressed storyline goes next.


Episode 21: Something Good Coming Part 1

I thought this was a very good part 1 episode to lead us into the season 2 part 2 finale, I really did enjoy the scenes of Grayson hanging out with Stan at the start, I wouldn't mind seeing a storyline of Jules & Grayson having a baby at some point down the line, it may just be me but the whole Bobby & Andy friendship just gets funnier the longer this show goes on in my opinion, my favourite scenes were of Ted Buckland playing depressing songs, I'm really liking the new Travis because his character has more depth than it did before.


Episode 22: Something Good Coming Part 2

This episode was slightly better than the part 1 episode, I loved watching the scenes of Bobby doing all the Sporty things with Ellie and doing all the girly things with Andy, the scene when Travis hit Ted in the face with a surfboard had me in stitches, It was a little funny how Bobby started talking to Laurie and then got distracted by a Coconut, I thought the thing that stood out most about this episode was the fact it was not all about Travis which most of part 1 was, my favourite scene by some distance was the ending sequence to this episode.

This was a really good season but their were way more poor episodes this season than the first one.


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