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X-Men: Evolution Season 2 Guide

Episode 1: Growing Pains
When Scott and Kurt use their powers to save several people from a car crash, the question of how much they're willing to ignore to keep their powers secret comes up. Professor X maintains that the world is not ready to know about them. However, the other mutants, now without Mystique's guidance, have other ideas ...

Episode 2: Bada-Bing Bada-Boom
Boom Boom flirts with Nightcrawler, and then gets a visit from her criminal father who wants her to commit a crime for him. Tabitha reluctantly agrees, but then crosses the way of the Brotherhood, and joins them at the end of the episode.

Episode 3: Power Surge
Jean's abilities start growing in sudden bursts. At first she tries to ignore it, but with each burst she has increasing trouble regaining control. Meanwhile, the school gets a new science/phys. ed. teacher.

Episode 4: Fun and Games
While Professor X has to mend Juggernaut's stasis cell, the younger X-Men trick Cyclops and Jean Grey to exit the Mansion in order to have a party. However, there is a guest with sinister intentions.

Episode 5: Beast of Bayville
Dr. Hank McCoy has no energy left to fight his mutation, which forces him to be a violent Beast. When he finally becomes a monster, Spyke is the only one who can possibly reach Dr. McCoy.

Episode 6: Adrift
Scott becomes lost at sea when trying to find his brother, who was swept out by freak wave while surfing.

Episode 7: African Storm
Storm is tormented by Houngan, an evil African shaman who wants to take over Africa. Storm and the X-Men have to stop an enemy who knows every weakness of hers.

Episode 8: Joyride
Lance comes to the mansion, wanting to join the X-Men. Unfortunately he has a hard time fitting in, and it doesn't get any easier when he gets the blame for some of the other students' nightly joyrides in the various X-Men vehicles.

Episode 9: On Angel's Wings
Xavier starts worrying about the existence of mutants becoming public knowledge when the media starts reporting multiple sightings of a man with angel wings. With most of the X-Men on Christmas leave, and Cerebro down for repairs, Scott and Rogue are left having to track the man down themselves.

Episode 10: Mindbender
Jean has nightmares about huge circus clowns, then is controlled by the master of that circus, with Nightcrawler, Kitty, and Spyke controlled also.

Episode 11: Shadow Dance
Forge is working on a device that will let Kurt teleport around the world when they realize when Kurt teleports, he passes through a beast-infested dimension. After a close shave, Kurt vows not to work on the project anymore, but at the school dance, Kurt's only partially closed dimension doors let the beasts into the school. (Recap Available)

Episode 12: Retreat
In order to help a depressive Beast out of his slump, Kitty arranges a field trip with the New Mutants. However, hunters catch Beast, thinking him to be Bigfoot, and the young mutants must save their teacher from life in captivity.

Episode 13: Walk on the Wild Side
When Jean and Amara feel like the boys think they are stronger than the girls are, Tabitha decides that they should form a girl's crime fighting club. After getting Kitty and Rogue to join, they begin to fight crime at night as the Bayville Sirens, while the rest of the town, as well as the rest of the X-Men, try to figure out who they are.

Episode 14: Operation: Rebirth
Nick Fury informs Wolverine that Magneto has stolen a device once used to create the super-soldier Captain America. Wolverine, Rogue and Nightcrawler go to recover it. Meanwhile, Logan reminisces about his history with Captain America during World War II.

Episode 15: The HeX Factor
Mystique breaks the Scarlet Witch out of an asylum and brings her to Brotherhood House. Mystique kicks Tabitha out of the house. Quicksilver meets up with his sister, the Scarlet Witch. The X-Men get defeted by the Brotherhood for the first time. Lance shows more feelings for Kitty.

Episode 16: Day Of Reckoning (1)
Wolverine suddenly vanishes, as the Brotherhood members team up with the X-Men to defeat Magneto. They take off to fight him, leaving behind the new recruits. As soon as the ships take off, the institute goes into self-destruct mode. Before it can close off the doors, Amara gets out and is narrowly saved by Tabitha from the institute's weapons. They find Scott, who stayed behind because he felt too angry to stay with the team, and enter the mansion to help the others out. But as they reach the control room, the clock is counting down from 10 seconds...

Episode 17: Day Of Reckoning (2)
The Brotherhood/X-Men arrive where Magneto is with his new allies, but Quicksilver suddenly reveals he is part of Magneto's team. The others begin to battle the allies, but without warning, Magneto caves in the ground, and a mega-robot sentinel is released. The government agents with the sentinel trap a few members of the team, and the remaining retreat back to the destructed institute. Scott and the other students explain how they escaped then Scott suddenly accuses the Professor of setting it up. Professor X suddenly morphs into Mystique, shocking them all, stating that "Things are about to get much worse ..."

Source Wikipedia and

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X-Men: Evolution Season 3 Guide

Episode 1: Day of Recovery
The remaining X-Men and Brotherhood members go to Area 51 to save their captive members. However, when Cyclops traps the treacherous Mystique in Area 51 to blackmail her into saying where Professor X is, the squads split. The X-Men are now alone in a world which shuns them.

Episode 2: The Stuff of Heroes
Storm and Beast step in front of the Senate and try to curb rampant anti-mutant racism. The X-Men fight have to stop Juggernaut, who was unleashed by Mystique and is threatening to destroy a dam. Shadowcat assists Rogue with absorbing the Juggernaut's powers and mind (including information of where the Professor is located). While the Juggernaut is thrown into the dam by Rogue, Iceman freezes him in a giant block of ice, and is declared "long gone now" by Cyclops. Seeing this, Congress decides not to pass any anti-mutant laws.

Episode 3: Mainstream
The outed X-Men return to Bayville High and are scorned and verbally abused. Worse of all, Principal Edward Kelly is now prejudice of every mutant of Xavier's and New York. The School Board decides whether to allow mutants to attend school. The Brotherhood attack to get even with Scott. The X-Men stop them by only using their powers to save people. The School Board votes to allow them to attend school.

Episode 4: The Stuff of Villains
Wanda wants to find out where her father Magneto is and threatens Caliban and then her brother Quicksilver for info. When he refuses, Wanda delivers him to the police. When the Brotherhood wants to break him out of a prison transport, Rogue and Shadowcat appear and prevent Pietro from falling to his death. However, he is less than grateful and with Gambit's help becomes the new leader of the Brotherhood.

Episode 5: Blind Alley
Jean is about to confess that she loves Scott when Mystique abducts him to a desert in Mexico and steals his ruby quartz glasses. Jean, who has visions of him in peril, tracks him down, although Mystique is determined to kill them both.

Episode 6: X-Treme Measures
Spyke joins a skateboarding contest sponsored by "Power8" soda. However, Power8 is harmful to mutants, and when Spyke drinks a swig, his mutation advances and poisons and disfigures him seriously. He is saved by the Morlocks, and in the end, Spyke joins them.

Episode 7: The Toad, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Wanda tracks down Magneto to his Acolyte HQ in a near by ski resort. Meanwhile, Kurt is spending time with Amanda Sefton and meeting her parents. Toad steals Nightcrawler's image inducer (thereby blowing his cover in front of the Sefton household) and pursues Wanda, followed by an angry Kurt. However, when Wanda gets abducted by Magneto, the two rescue Wanda, who has been brainwashed by Mastermind into believing her father was a kind and giving man (erasing her memory of the asylum and his "death" by Sentinel).

Episode 8: Self Possessed
Rogue witnesses her crush Scott date Jean. She is consoled by her friend Risty, but when she accidentally touches and absorbs her, she finds out that she was Mystique in disguise. Thinking everybody hates her, Rogue's latent multiple personality disorder breaks through and she loses her sanity. The X-Men have to stop their colleague, who has all their powers combined and in the verge of burning herself out.

Episode 9: Under Lock & Key
Angel spots Gambit stealing a mysterious artifact, but when he wants to stop them, Mesmero fights him off. When the Acolytes want to steal another artifact, the X-Men fight them and discover that there is a bigger plan happening. Soon both teams will face a spider-like being which is virtually unstoppable.

Episode 10: X23
A mysterious assassin terrorizes the X-Mansion, knocking out the X-Men one by one. Wolverine finds out that it is his clone, raised without love by HYDRA, and she wants to kill him because she makes him responsible for her miserable life. Wolverine and X-23, as she is called, square off in a battle which Wolverine does not want to win.

Episode 11: Dark Horizon (1)
Rogue falls under mind control of Mesmero and is used as a weapon to absorb the mutant powers of every X-Man, Brotherhood, and Acolyte member. The three factions reluctantly cooperate and find out that Mesmero wants Rogue to give all her powers to Apocalypse to awaken him.

Episode 12: Dark Horizon (2)
The X-Men, Brotherhood, and Acolytes track Apocalypse to Egypt, but fail to prevent him from coming back to life. Mankind is now in terrible danger.

Episode 13: Cruise Control
Taking a break from superhero duty, the X-Men (sans Rogue) take a pleasure cruise. However, Magma becomes violently ill, literally suffering from earth withdrawal. When Boom-Boom transfers her to an island, she accidentally triggers a volcano. When the volcano threatens to explode again, Magma dives into its heart to silence it once and for all.

Source Wikipedia and
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X-Men: Evolution Season 4 Guide

Episode 1: Impact
Magneto ruthlessly hunts Apocalypse, but the X-Men aren't so eager. When nothing can be done about Mystique, the professor gives her to the Brotherhood. Much to Rogue's objection, Kurt brings it back. When the two fight, Kurt sees a tear. Jean discovers Apocalypse in Mexico, and the professor, Cyclops, Jean, Shadowcat, Beast, & Wolverine go to investigate. They try to be peaceful, but Magneto attacks. Apocalypse defeats him with ease, and appears to kill him. Back in Bayville, Kurt has Wanda contact Agatha. Rogue finds the two meeting, and Agatha tells her that she's the only one who can save her mother. Kurt begs her to do the right thing, but Rogue knocks the statue off the cliff. It shatters before Kurt can teleport down to it, and Rogue just walks away.

Episode 2: No Good Deed
When the Brotherhood saves a few people after Wanda accidentally causes a subway accident, they are regarded as heroes. The X-Men are utterly repulsed. The Brotherhood begins to cause accidents just to get famous. When the X-Men figure it out, Pietro tricks Wanda into using her powers to make it look like the X-Men are the villains. After the X-Men are arrested, the Brotherhood tries to cause one last accident. When they can't stop it, the X-Men are released to help. Shadowcat & Jean can't stop the explosion, so Avalanche does. He promises that there will be no more heroics.

Episode 3: Target X
X-23 returns and wants to hunt down the people who tortured her. Wolverine is dragged into the mess by an old enemy, and the two tackle HYDRA and its leader Viper and bring the terrorists down.

Episode 4: Sins of the Son
Charles Xavier's son David has been seemingly abducted. The X-Men track him down, and it turns out that he suffers from multiple personality disorder, and that his dominant malicious personality, called Lucas, overwhelmed him. In the end, Lucas defeats the X-Men and breaks free.

Episode 5: Uprising
Spyke makes his return, having turned into an angry vigilante who protects the Morlocks. He is unafraid to go in public with his disfiguring mutation, causing panic in his environment - especially since the world is under extreme prejudice against mutants. Anti-mutant racist Duncan Matthews and his friends hunt Spyke down, and stumble on a small boy called Leech. When the X-Men fight Duncan's gang (and try to stop Evan from causing more damage), Leech stops the battle with his powers and is "outed" as a mutant. Spyke realizes that his rage has destroyed Leech's chances for a normal life. Also in this episode a pyramid in China is surrounded by an impenetrable force shield. The Chinese government attack by bombing the force shield but fail and destroy the landscape surrounding the pyramid. SHIELD release Bolivar Trask ordering him to build new improved Sentinels so that they can fight Apocalypse.

Episode 6: Cajun Spice
Gambit abducts Rogue, so that her powers can aid him in finding his abducted father. The mission is a success, but Rogue finds out that Gambit had some additional, deeply egotistical goals attached. In the end, she states that he did the wrong thing for the right reasons, and that she forgives him.

Episode 7:  Ghost of a Chance
Shadowcat meets Danielle Moonstar and quickly becomes friends with her. But suddenly, she wakes up and realizes that she seemingly dreamt everything up, but then, it seems that her dreams had a deep meaning. In the end, she and Nightcrawler find out what really happened and that Danielle is more than a piece of fiction.

Episode 8: Ascension (1)
Apocalypse plans to turn all humans with the dormant X-gene into mutants. He has turned Magneto, Professor X, Storm, and Mystique into his Four Horsemen and has covered the world with a network of energy pyramids to stage his plan.

Episode 9: Ascension (2)
The X-Men, the Brotherhood, SHIELD, Angel, Spyke, Havok, and the New Mutants all join forces to save humanity from the ambitions of Apocalypse. Then, Professor X tells them what may happen in the future (because he had glimpsed into the mind of Apocalypse).

Source Wikipedia and
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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks. Ready to post. 12-15-2008 12:19


i was unable to find one but have found this one in its place


i have no idea, are the updates i done any better


will try and do 1 full TV show guide a week, might do more if i get more time, but will let you know each week which one i am doing.


will try and do the Airwolf episode guides by end of the week, so i could put them up here on Friday or some point on Saturday


Airwolf Season1 Guide

Episode 1: Shadow of the Hawke
A top-secret division of the CIA known as 'The Firm' has built a hi-tech, weapons-laden new helicopter called 'Airwolf', but after the chopper's test flight, the craft's twisted creator, Dr. Moffet, turns the lethal firepower onto the flight tower, before taking off in the chopper with his two co-pilots to Libya. Archangel, the head of the division who built Airwolf, is badly wounded in the assault but not out of the game, and calls upon ace combat pilot Stringfellow Hawke to take the task of bringing back Airwolf from Libya, where Moffet is using it to destroy for his own sadistic pleasure.

Episode 2: Shadow of the Hawke Part 2
A top-secret division of the CIA known as 'The Firm' has built a hi-tech, weapons-laden new helicopter called 'Airwolf', but after the chopper's test flight, the craft's twisted creator, Dr. Moffet, turns the lethal firepower onto the flight tower, before taking off in the chopper with his two co-pilots to Libya. Archangel, the head of the division who built Airwolf, is badly wounded in the assault but not out of the game, and calls upon ace combat pilot Stringfellow Hawke to take the task of bringing back Airwolf from Libya, where Moffet is using it to destroy for his own sadistic pleasure.

Episode 3: Daddy's Gone a Hunt'n
Hawke is given the assignment of recovering a high-tech fighter jet that was stolen by the test pilot and flown to Russia. Hawke discovers the pilot is an old Vietnam War buddy who has stolen the plane as exchange for the return of his half-Vietnamese son. After the war the boy grew up on the streets of Saigon. He was captured and was being held as a bargaining chip for the plane.

Episode 4: Bite of the Jackal
While on a job assignment to Acapulco, Mexico (and unknowingly carrying a young stowaway portrayed by a young Shannen Doherty), Santini's helicopter explodes from a bomb and crashes in a desolate mountain area. Archangel discovers the man behind the bombing is a rival agent who wants to topple Archangel's position at The Firm and is using Santini as bait to capture Airwolf.

Episode 5: Proof Through the Night
Archangel sends Hawke and Santini to help a F.I.R.M. double-agent escape the Soviet Union. The agent is in possession of a neurotoxin developed by Russian scientists that is valuable to The Firm. The mission is complicated by the fact that the agent has refused to leave without his wife and daughter. Airwolf 's fuel consumption rates mean that she cannot cover the requisite distance with the "extra weight" of three passengers, so Hawke and Santini must make up the difference by removing the weapons systems, leaving the helicopter unarmed as it flies through hostile territory.

Episode 6: One Way Express
Santini is hired by a movie producer to fly as a helicopter stunt pilot for a gold heist scene. Concerned for his friend's safety, Hawke tries to stop him from performing the dangerous stunt. Archangel looks behind the scenes of the movie producer discovering the stunt is actually a cover-up for a real gold robbery arranged by a criminal mastermind.

Episode 7: Echos From the Past
Hawke gets a lead that his brother St. John is alive and well but being held in a foreign prison camp. Determined to launch a rescue, Hawke suddenly falls unconscious and crashes his helicopter. He wakes up in a hospital from a coma and is told he's been out for one year. He is also told Archangel and Santini were killed after their own attempt to get St. John had failed. Hawke soon realizes nothing is as it seems and discovers that everything is an elaborate ruse by foreign spies to get their hands on Airwolf.

Episode 8: Fight Like a Dove
A woman named Sarah LeBow seeks out Hawke and Santini to help avenge the death of her father, who was murdered by a former Nazi named Kruger. Sarah wants to use Airwolf to penetrate Kruger's fortress in Paraguay. Archangel informs Hawke that The Firm has their own interests in Kruger and he must not be interfered with. Hawke discovers that their interest lies in the fact that Kruger is also a weapons dealer in possession of an advanced artillery system known as "Thor".

Episode 9: Mad Over Miami
Santini goes on a mission to deliver $2 million dollars raised by Cuban exiles as payment to free comrades who are being held by a Cuban colonel. He is later forced down and kidnapped by a group of mercenaries who also nab the money. A F.I.R.M. listening post confirms Santini's disappearance and Archangel secretly informs Hawke about the incident. Hawke quickly sets out to find his friend while the exiles accuse Santini of stealing the money for himself. Hawke later uncovers The Firm's involvement in hiring the mercenaries for the benefit of the colonel who they are actually in league with.

Episode 10: And They Are Us
Archangel sends Hawke and Santini to a small African nation to protect their president during a military coup. Hawke discovers the leader behind the coup is a rogue colonel his brother St. John served with in Vietnam. Hawke goes against Archangel's orders to stay with the president and plans to capture and extract information from the colonel but first he must get past a fleet of helicopter gunships.

Episode 11: Mind of the Machine
Archangel asks Hawke and Santini to test fly an Airwolf simulator designed by Dr. Robert Winchester who worked with Dr. Moffet on the design of the real Airwolf. Involved in the test is an attractive assistant who unbeknown to all is really an undercover KGB agent with orders to steal the schematics for Airwolf so the Russians can build their own.

Episode 12: To Snare a Wolf
Archangel informs Hawke and Santini that a high-ranking government official will be using a newly launched satellite to find the hiding spot for Airwolf. Hawke and Santini plan to hide Airwolf somewhere else until the satellite flies over. On the way to the hiding spot, they discover a female pilot who is stranded in the desert, but suspicions arise that she may be a spy working for the government official who wants Airwolf found.

Source Wikipedia
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Airwolf Season 2 Guide

Episode 1: Sweet Britches
After an old Vietnam buddy of Hawke's is shot in the desert when trying to escape a corrupt Sheriff, Hawke gets a call from an inmate who had been in jail with the man to aleart him of the escape, and flies with Dominic in Airwolf to Pope County, Texas, to investigate. There, Hawke meets Highway Patrol Deputy Caitlin O'Shannessy, who had a run in with Sheriff Bogard prior to the killing; but Hawke's appearance on the scene sees him arrested by Bogard and released on a private game reserve, where gun-happy sportsmen pay big money to hunt big game – and Hawke is the latest bait.

Episode 2: Firestorm
An old pilot friend of Santini, who lost his nerve to fly after a crash had killed his passengers, has become a drunken recluse living in a trailer in the middle of the desert. The man suddenly comes to Santini with a wild story of seeing strange lights in the sky at night. Everyone dismisses the drunken rant until Santini witnesses the lights himself. He and his friend investigate but disappear. Hawke arrives in Airwolf to search for them and uncovers a secret missile base ran by fanatical militants who plan to launch their own nuclear missile against Russia.

Episode 3: Moffett's Ghost
Airwolf's systems begin to act erratic when a strange virus infects the computer which periodically seizes auto pilot control and turns the helicopter into a flying terror of destruction. Hawke and Santini discover the virus is a trap originally planted by Airwolf's designer, Dr. Moffet, and programmed to unleash itself at a specific time unless the proper override code is entered. Hawke and Santini must make the decision to allow the FIRM's engineers access to fix the helicopter and risk them trying to seize the aircraft, or deal with the virus themselves.

Episode 4: The Truth About Holly
After Hawke rescues Dominic's niece Holly from a mobster's compound in Mexico, strange things start happening at Santini Air. At first, Hawke and Dominic assume that the mobster is trying to scare the girl, but, especially when Hawke turns down Holly's advances of romance, the incidents get worse, Meanwhile, Caitlin O'Shannessy arrives fresh from her escapade with Hawke against the corrupt Police of Pope County, and looks for work at Santini Air. He close relationship with Hawke somehow seems to fuel the incidents.

Episode 5: The Hunted
An industrial millionaire offers a big paying contract to Hawke and Santini, requesting they use Airwolf to protect and transport him around whenever the need arises. Santini is excited by the offer, but Hawke is skeptical, wondering why the man requires such protection. Unbeknown to them is the fact that Caitlin's new boyfriend is really an assassin who has been hired to kill the millionaire. Matters become worse when Airwolf experiences sudden malfunctions caused by someone's tampering.

Episode 6: Sins of the Past
Dom and String return to Dom's birthplace when Dom learns that his daughter has died of a drug overdose. After attending the funeral, they return to California where Dom is arrested on suspicion of murdering his ex-wife. String returns to the island to investigate the murder and learns that unsavory elements have begun taking over the seaside community where a casino is being developed. String finds himself pondering a burning question...does the casino's developer have something to do with the deaths of Dom's wife as well as his daughter?

Episode 7: Fallen Angel (a.k.a. Angel of Mercy)
Marella unofficially asks String and Dom to attempt a rescue mission when Archangel is captured by rival agents and his wing of the Firm is disavowed. Archangel had embarked on a rescue mission for a former lover which he later discovers is a trap to lure him to his capture and subsequent brainwashing. String and Dom must find Archangel and deprogram him before he can assassinate the Firm's top leader, Zeus.

Episode 8: HX 1
When new hi-tech attack chopper HX1 is stolen by an elite group of mercenaries, the tactics used fits those that Hawke's MIA brother St. John was trained in, and Hawke is certain that his brother may somehow be involved. Dominic begs him to leave well alone, but Hawke is adamant, and with Archangel insisting that if it can't be retrieved, the Firm will blow HX1 and anyone flying it out of the sky, Hawke goes back into his past and some of the people he knows from it, to desperately try and get a lead on the group and mercenaries and possibly St. John. But the HX1 is so powerful, it may even be able to blow Airwolf out of the sky.

Episode 9: Flight #093 is Missing
Caitlin is a passenger on board a plane which Airwolf is sent to search for after the plane is hijacked and forced down at sea.

Episode 10: Once a Hero (a.k.a. Heroes)
String receives information that St. John is being held in a POW camp, but by the time a rescue operations put into effect St. John has been moved.

Episode 11: Random Target
While filming aerial footage, String and Dom accidentally get footage of a mobster believed dead.

Episode 12: Condemned
String and Caitlin are sent to a remote Alaskan research station where a deadly Russian bacteria has been let loose.

Episode 13: The American Dream
Hawke helps out a troubled Vietnamese man he fought alongside with in Vietnam whose crops are being sabotaged by a rival Vietnamese landowner known as "The Spider". When the sabotage turns to murder, Hawke takes matters into his own hands and is determined to bring the Spider to justice.

Episode 14: Inn at the End of the Road
A pilot who escaped from terrorists who stole an experimental aircraft guidance computer leads the Airwolf team to the remote community where the terrorists are holed up.

Episode 15: Santini's Millions
Dom inherits from the estate of a millionaire whom he had earlier rescued from a plane crash.

Episode 16: Prisoner of Yesterday
The Airwolf team ends up stopping a Banana republic coup when they set out to rescue Doc, who had been kidnapped to treat the nation's leader.

Episode 17: Natural Born
The Airwolf crew befriends a runaway looking for revenge on the drug runners that murdered his uncle.

Episode 18: Out of the Sky
While working on a music video, String helps a country singer whose manager plans to kill her in an effort to boost album sales.

Episode 19: Dambreakers
String and a reporter friend are taken hostage by terrorists who have taken over a Christian commune.

Episode 20: Severance Pay
String must bring in a disgruntled former Firm employee whose been denied his retirement benefits.

Episode 21: Eruption
After being forced down by a volcano eruption, String and Dom discover a mining town being run as a slave colony.

Episode 22: Short Walk to Freedom
String is captured by Latin American revolutionaries while attempting to rescue American archaeological students trapped by a coup.

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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks! Ready to post. 12-18-2008 12:57


Airwolf Season 3 Guide

Episode 1: The Horn of Plenty
Hawke takes a seemingly luxurious Santini Air job, piloting and accompanying a beautiful, high-flying business woman for a few days, but ends up duped into being hypnotised in an elaborate plot by master criminal John Bradford Horn. Horn has desire to take over a small country as his own, and intends to have the hypnotised Hawke deliver Airwolf to him so he can use the chopper's fierce fire-power to succeed in his goal.

Episode 2: Airwolf II
Tired of dealing with Archangel's cover-ups and manipulation regarding Airwolf, The Firm fires him and the Airwolf crew. They are replaced by Airwolf II, which has secretly been developed by The Firm and Moffett's assistant, pilot Harlan "Tex" Jenkings. However, Jenkins has other plans for the new super-chopper, including settling an old score with a mid-air dual to the death of twin Airwolfs!

Episode 3: And a Child Shall Lead
Hawke is kidnapped and brainwashed by John Bradfrod Horn, an evil tycoon; and its up to Cait to rescue Hawke, Dom, and Airwolf from his clutches.

Episode 4: Fortune Teller
Hawke and Dominic arrive for a rendezvous with Archangel in the desert, only to find his jeep abandoned and no sign of him. The F.I.R.M., who have reason to believe that he has turned traitor, give him 48 hours to be found before they send in the Zebra squad – an assassination squad that take out suspected traitors. Dominic asks for the help of a reluctant psychic in finding Archangel's whereabouts, much to Hawke's scepticism. Archangel is actually being held by a rich crime baron who is determined to get his hands on "The Fortune Teller" – an in-flight device that out-guesses the opponent's next move - of which Archangel has been involved of the development.

Episode 5: Crossover
Hawke is working covertly for the FIRM in Baja, Mexico to meet a defecting Russian laser-scientist named Victor Janek, and his young daughter Inge. Hawke soon learns that a Soviet bounty-hunter is hot on the duo's trail with orders to eliminate them. The hunter manages to kill Victor, but Hawke and Inge get away and make a run into the desert. Santini and Caitlin become dismayed when Archangel refuses to help them since Hawke has crossed over from the FIRM's strict mission stipulations, and has already been written off.

Episode 6: Kingdom Come
When a professional group of thieves steal a batch of thermonuclear detonators, which can cause mass destruction if they fall into the wrong hands, Archangel has reason to suspect that the robbery was an inside job, and sends Hawke and Santini to use Airwolf to track down the detonators before they can be used by the criminals.

Episode 7: Eagles
At a National Air Race show, Hawke and Dominic befriend an attractive pilot racer, unaware that she's being pursued by her boss and his henchmen after stealing some tapes that can prove that a new combat jet is too unstable to be flown – something that her boss is determined to cover up at any cost.

Episode 8: Annie Oakley
Hawke, Dominic and Caitlin work as stunt artists at an Old West tourist town while tracking varmints who rustled a laser weapon.

Episode 9: Jennie
Arriving in Airwolf in a war-torn South American country, Hawke, Dominic and Caitlin rendezvous with "living legend" freedom fighter leader El Gato, in a mission to rescue a US scientist who is being held captive. Dominic and Caitlin wait at the pick-up point as Hawke and El Gato set off on the rescue bid, but during the escape after locating the scientist, El Gato is killed.

Episode 10: The Deadly Circle
The families of one of String's friends from Vietnam are kidnapped along with Dom and Caitlin by people seeking revenge against those who destroyed their village during the Vietnam conflict.

Episode 11: Where Have All the Children Gone?
Hawke goes to deliver a congressional medal of Honor to a brother of one of his friends, but there's only children around and no adults.

Episode 12: Half-Pint
Hawke finds evidence---including a boy said to be Hawke's nephew---that may prove that his MIA brother is dead.

Episode 13: Wildfire
With the crew earning some down time, and Airwolf some much-needed repair time, Dom takes a trip to help out an old war buddy. But he soon finds himself in the middle of both a family feud, and a dangerous drug-smuggling ring...without the help of Airwolf!

Episode 14: Discovery
John Bradford Horn gets a second chance to steal the supercopter when a young woman stumbles into Airwolf's lair.

Episode 15: Day of Jeopardy
Tess Dixon, the wife of the infamous crimelord Cullen Dixon, and an old flame of Hawke's, escapes her husband's bodyguards and Archangel contacts Hawke to deliver her to a safehouse. She plans to testify against her husband's involvement in a plot to assassinate several top-ranking Washington officials, but Hawke's previous involvement with Tess makes it difficult for him.

Episode 16: Little Wolf
Hawke is visiting a former Vietnam War pal named Greg Stewart and finds him in the midst of a child custody battle between him and his ex-wife, Rani. The battle becomes more complicated when Greg's rich mother Martha, gets involved and refuses to release the child from her custody at her ranch. Rani hides the child in Santini's car, and he and Hawke find themselves accused of kidnapping.

Episode 17: Desperate Monday
At Caitlin's sorority reunion aboard the Queen Mary, the boyfriend of one of her sorority sisters plans to kidnap her for ransom. The attempt goes awry when the brother of the boyfriend fumbles up the job, leading to the entire sorority being held hostage.

Episode 18: Hawke's Run
An old Vietnam War buddy invites Hawke to join his mercenary squad, but Hawke turns down the offer. The friend then invites Hawke to an art showing, but upon getting there, he finds himself betrayed and set up for assassination as gunmen storm in and shoot up the place. Hawke is shot, but manages to escape. He is helped by a passerby who gets him to the hospital under an assumed name.

Episode 19: Break-In at Santa Paula
Hawke helps a friend get her wrongly convicted son Terry, out of a brutal Mexican prison. Hawke goes to get a layout of the prison and poses as Terry's uncle to get close to him. The rescue attempt fails when Terry refuses to leave a fellow inmate behind and Hawke's cover is blown. He finds himself thrown into the same prison until Santini and Caitlin mount a rescue.

Episode 20: The Girl Who Fell from the Sky
During a night-time fishing trip, Hawke spots a helicopter fly down and dump a body into the lake. He fishes the body out the river finding it to be a young girl who is barely alive and takes her to a hospital. The girl recovers but has lost all memory of who she is or what happened to her. Uncovering her identity, Hawke learns that she is a drug addicted prostitute.

Episode 21: Tracks
Hawke takes a group of wheelchair-bound vets on an outdoor trip into the mountains, but the group runs across a deranged woodsman known as "The Cat" who has been terrorizing and murdering anyone who trespasses on "his mountain". Santini and Caitlin learn Hawke and the men are in trouble and mount a rescue attempt, racing against time to find the team first before the killer does.

Episode 22: Birds of Paradise
String comes to the aid of his nephew who asks String for help when his aunt disappears for a week. When String follows up, he has to fit in with the crowd of a local club scene in order to get close to its owner, who may be connected to the disappearance of his nephew's aunt.

Source Wikipedia and
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Airwolf Season 4 Guide

Episode 1: Blackjack
Dom is killed in a helicopter accident that also severely injures String. Dom's niece, Jo, inherits and takes charge of Santini Air. The Company sends Locke to regain possession of Airwolf, he recruits Major Mike Rivers ,an Air Force pilot to help him find and fly the craft. Together they rescue St. John from a jungle prison and he and Jo round out the new Airwolf team.

Episode 2: Escape
Jo is in Istanbul awaiting her contact who has smuggled top secret papers out of Bulgaria. The papers contain the locations of Soviet missile installations and are brought to a Stockholm peace conference as evidence that the Soviets are violating treaty stipulations. Her contact fails to show so she goes looking for him and finds him shot. Before he dies he reveals his hiding place for the papers and Jo retrieves them. She gets on her plane for Stockholm but the flight is forced down by Bulgarian fighter jets. Jo is arrested as a spy and taken to a prison.

Episode 3: A Town for Hire
St. John is following Jo in a bi-plane as she tries out a new navigation device in a helicopter over an area of wilderness, when her helicopter is suddenly struck from the ground by a laser-beam that sends her chopper crashing down. St. John's plane is also hit, but he manages to land in the nearby town of Santa Mira before he looses consciousness. Waking up the next day in the local hospital, he is infuriated that nobody seems to believe his story and is out looking for Jo. But when he arrives at the crash-site, there is no sign of the crash ever happened.

Episode 4: Salvage
St. John and Rivers go to the remote town of Devil's Peak to meet a former FIRM employee and check on her story of strange sounds and lights coming from a nearby Indian burial ground. Investigating, the two stumble upon a secret base where an advanced military helicopter called the Scorpion is being tested and ready to be handed over to the KGB.

Episode 5: Windows
The Company sends the Airwolf crew to tail a KGB agent who has stolen computer boards belonging to a new government spy satellite. The team must recover the boards before they are handed off to his Soviet comrades. They manage to kill the agent and secure one of the boards but the other has already been handed off to a second operative. The crew must get it back before the second agent before he can escape the country.

Episode 6: A Piece of Cake
Jo catches a teenage boy hiding at the Santini Air hangar who has run away from a nearby wilderness youth camp. The boy seems afraid of being returned to his abusive grandfather, but Jo and Rivers bring him back to the camp and decide to help make sure nothing happens to the boy. The boy's hostile grandfather shows up threatening to kill everyone with a rifle and a bomb unless his grandson his handed over. In a scuffle, the man kidnaps Jo and takes her to a nearby dam. St. John arrives to help in Airwolf and he and Rivers try to get Jo back before the madman carries out his threat to kill her if his grandson isn't returned.

Episode 7: Deathtrain
Airwolf is on a mission to guard a train carrying a deadly nerve gas on its way for disposal, but a rebel mercenary group sets up a trap ahead of the train at a mountain tunnel. The train enters the tunnel and the Airwolf's crew temporarily lose sight of it until it re-emerges at the other end. Soon, they realize they have been duped and are following a decoy train that was hidden in the tunnel while the real one has been stopped and diverted elsewhere. The mercenaries take the gas canisters off the train and hand them over to their fanatical leader who has his own dubious plans for the deadly chemical. The situation intensifies when Locke and a Russian commander who were on the train to supervise the disposal, are captured and held as hostages.

Episode 8: Code of Silence
Airwolf is supporting a group of military helicopters who are returning a kidnapped U.S. Ambassador who has just been set free by friendly ground forces. The mission is being led by Colonel Combs, a man who St. John once served under and is not on good terms with. During the flight home, one of the helicopters piloted by an Army General's son, is shot down and crashes. Now Colonel Combs is being held responsible for the pilot's death. St. John is stunned when Combs chooses his former enemy, St. John, to help in his defense at the court martial.

Episode 9: Stavograd (a.k.a. The Stavograd Incident) (Pt.1)
The Russians reluctantly agree to allow the Airwolf team help them contain a nuclear power plant that has had a meltdown.

Episode 10: Stavograd (a.k.a. The Stavograd Incident) (Pt. 2)
The Russians reluctantly agree to allow the Airwolf team help them contain a nuclear power plant that has had a meltdown.

Episode 11: Mime Troupe
The Airwolf team is assigned to guard the daughter of an Interpol agent who is marked for death by terrorists.

Episode 12: X-Virus
St. John investigates the murder of a Japanese businessman who was injected with a deadly experimental virus. St. John learns that if the virus were released it could kill millions of people. Now he must uncover the madman behind its creation and avert his deadly attack.

Episode 13: Rogue Warrior
Once again the Company tries to take possession of Airwolf after Rivers and Locke ignore orders not to proceed into Soviet airspace and retrieve information from a double agent. On their return home, The Company fires Locke, along with the rest of the Airwolf crew and they demand "The Lady" be handed over immediately.

Episode 14: Ground Zero
Jo is kidnapped by a Japanese businessman and forced to fly him to a nuclear power plant. St. John discovers that the man was a Japanese pilot, shot down in World War II by his father, and he seeks revenge.

Episode 15: Flowers of the Mountains
St. John is testing a new military aircraft called the "Viper", but something goes wrong with the plane and bails out before it crashes. After it is revealed that the company who engineered the plane has made a lemon and just wants a quick military sale, St. John tries to expose their scheme but quickly finds himself on the run after the company sends hit men after him.

Episode 16: The Key
The Airwolf team is sent in to stop a group that has taken control of ten Soviet and ten American nuclear missile silos and threatens to set them off unless everyone agrees to total nuclear disarmament.

Episode 17: On the Double
Mike's near twin, an East German pilot, will appear at a European air show and Mike has to replace him, while he is debriefed. Things get complicated, with a schedule change, and Mike has to rush his mission training. At the air show the Airwolf team find that the East Germans are on to the agent and have imprisoned his wife until he completes his part in the air show.

Episode 18: Storm Warning
In a war-torn South American country, Airwolf must rescue Hawke's friend, Jack, from a local General. Hawke and Mike break in, while Locke uses Airwolf to provide cover. Unfortunately, Jack is already dead, leaving the mystery of where some smuggled money might have gone unsolved.

Episode 19: The Golden One
An Afghan rebel wants military weapons and Jo Santini. Meanwhile Hawke and Jo are testing Airwolf when Jo gets a message. A former boyfriend wants to see her, and asks her to visit him in Afghanistan. She does go, unknowingly walking into a trap.

Episode 20: The Puppet Master
Locke falls for a beautiful woman, who works for the Ridgemont Institute. The Institute is run by a former employee of the Firm who was a mind control expert. When Kate shows Locke her workplace, he is captured and an implant is used to gain control of him. He is then sent home, unaware of the control in an attempt to get Airwolf.

Episode 21: Malduke
Hawke and Mike find out via television that a madman wants all diseased people quarantined so they can no longer contaminate the world. Airwolf is sent to investigate. The madman finds out about Airwolf and threatens to poison the Pacific if it is used against him.

Episode 22: Poppy Chain
In Laos, Mike tries to capture one of the world's largest opium suppliers. After he fails, Hawke, Jo, and Mike are sent on separate missions to stop portions of the drug lords operation.

Episode 23: Flying Home
Hawke and Mike investigate stolen plutonium, while Jo's dad lets her know that hi is dying. The guys find out that an employee was blackmailed into the theft by neo-Nazis who want a nuclear weapon.

Episode 24: Welcome to Paradise
John comes to the aid of an old flame, who owns an aircraft charter service, whose husband was killed by drug dealers. They go after the man responsible, who wants the land for his lumber schem

Source Wikipedia and
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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks! Ready to post. 12-18-2008 12:57


I can do the Prison Break and Two and a Half men guides by 24th December.


I can get them up by Saturday Morning at Latest maybe even tomorrow as I am staying up to watch England Vs India on Sky so I will start working on them now.


i had some extra time and did this to see if i have done a About show right


Everybody Hates Chris About Show

If he wasn't picked on he'd have no material.

Everybody Hates Chris is a comedy series that premiered September 22, 2005.

The Show Summary:
Motivated by his childhood experiences, Emmy Award-winner/actor/comedian Chris Rock, narrates this very hilarious & touching story of a teenager growing up as the oldest of three children in Brooklyn, New York during the early 1980s. Uprooted to a neighborhood and bused into a primarily white middle school two hours away by his strict, hard-working parents, Chris  struggles to find his place, all while keeping his younger brother & sister in line at home and surmounting the tests of junior high school. This dependable, resilient teen brings a unique, comedic spin to his everyday trials & upsets in UPN's new single-camera comedy, "Everybody Hates Chris." The year that Chris turned 13 was 1982. Filled with dreams that being a teenager would be really cool, Chris' entry into adolescence is turning out to be less pleasant. Moved from the projects to the tough "Bed-Stuy" neighborhood of Brooklyn, Chris is still stuck in his big brother role. As the family's "emergency adult," he's accountable for taking care of his younger brother Drew, and his younger sister Tonya while his parents are working; Drew, although younger, is taller and more confident than Chris, while Tonya is the baby of the family, who gets all of the attention from his parents.

The Stars:

Tyler James Williams

Chris Rock
As the young Chris Rock in the hit comedy series Everybody Hates Chris, he struggles to watch out for his siblings as he deals with the challenges of being a black teenager. This 14 year old teen is the eldest among three siblings which often lands him the responsibility of being the babysitter. The dependency of his parents towards him makes him more independent and strong willed which prepares him to face the discriminating world. Relatively shorter than his younger brother Drew, he develops a hint of inferiority complex as his brother gets popular with the girls.

Tichina Arnold

Rochelle Rock

As Rochelle, the mother of Chris Rock, she can be very aggressive and demanding. She exudes a tyrannical household but holds the best interest of her family at heart. Usually a socialite wannabe, she struggles to have a trendy-sophisticated lifestyle while she manages her family's budget.

Terry Crews

Julius Rock

For Julius, Chris Rock's father, family life is expected to be tight on the belt. Although affectionate and responsible, he makes things more complicated as he constantly questions the practicality of things like groceries and food. Entertainingly funny, he gives the show a nudge to a hilariously comical level.

Tequan Richmond

Drew Rock
As Chris Rock's younger brother, Drew appears to be more confident, secured and strong. His popularity with the ladies makes him even more charming, but puts a little strain with his relationship with Chris.

Imani Hakim

Tonya Rock

Tonya Rock can definitely be a pain in the neck. Don't be fooled by her cute and innocent persona, she can be irritating especially with Chris. Tantrums and outburst must be part of her everyday routine which makes the plot intriguing and interesting.

Vincent Martella

Making things worst for Chris Rock is just one of the things Greg is known for. Although smart and dependable, Greg attracts bullies like magnet due to his frail figure and geeky persona. But despite this misfortune, he continues to be a good and loyal best friend to Chris.

Episode Guides:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4

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Images from: fanpop & photobucket

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[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 12-19-2008 16:00 ]
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Prison Break Season 1 Guide

Episode 1: Pilot
Michael gets himself imprisoned in Fox River State Penitentiary as part of an elaborate plan to break out his brother, Lincoln, who is facing execution for a crime he did not commit. Michael meets him roommate Surcre, who gives him a tour of the prison. Michael manages to join Prison Industries, run by Abruzzi, and meets Sara, whom he tries to charm. Fox River's warden, Henry Pope asks Michael if he can finish making a model of the Taj Mahal for his anniversary with his wife. Michael reunites with Lincoln, and reveals his mysterious body tattoo is the blueprint to Fox River, on which Michael will base his escape plans.

Episode 2: Allen
A race riot starts brewing amongst the black and white prisoners of Fox River. Michael attempts to stay neutral, but finds that impossible. Michael obtains an Allen bolt, and uses it to unscrew his cell's toilet. When the riot does break out, T-Bag thinks that Michael killed one of his friends. C-Note gives Michael medication so that he can see Sara on a regular basis. At the end of the episode, Michael is ambushed by Abruzzi and tortured for information on an informant. Meanwhile, Veronica sees evidence that seems to prove that Lincoln really did murder Terrence Steadman.

Episode 3: Cell Test
Michael tests whether his cellmate Sucre can keep the escape plan a secret. Sucre passes Michael's test, but wants nothing to do with the escape plan. T-Bag wants revenge on Michael for supposedly betraying the white inmates, and Abruzzi tries to get Fibonacci's location from Michael by assisting instead of assaulting him. Veronica is contacted by a woman who claims to have information about Steadman's murder, but the woman is murdered by Agent Kellerman on orders of Caroline Reynolds.

Episode 4: Cute Poison
Michael's new roommate, Haywire, starts to unravel the secret behind Michael's tattoos. When Sucre discovers that his cousin Hector is making a move on his fiancee, he decides he wants in on the escape. Michael manages to get Sucre back as his roommate, and they both, along with John Abruzzi start corroding the pipes behind Michael's cell. In the meantime, Veronica Donovan meets Nick Savrinn, who tells her that he will assist her in her investigation. Agent Kellerman learns of Michael's placement at Fox River and arranges a transfer to a different prison for the following day.

Episode 5: English, Fitz or Percy
Kellerman and Hale blackmail Warden Pope. Michael finds out he might get out of Fox River earlier than anticipated.  Veronica becomes uncertain of her allies.

Episode 6: Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 1
Michael creates a problem with the air conditioning to buy more time out of his cell, but it puts Sara---and his whole plan---in jeopardy; Kellerman gets help on the inside to deal with Lincoln

Episode 7: Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 2
Michael puts the escape plan at risk to rescue Sara from the rowdy prisoners in sick-bay, leaving Sucre and Abruzzi to continue the digging, while T-Bag joins the escape team. Lincoln must fight off an assassination attempt. Veronica and Nick follow a lead to Washington D.C..

Episode 8: The Old Head
Michael finds out a storeroom fundamental to his escape plans has been converted into a break room. Veronica and Nick are being threatened, so they go to Nick's place which is off the radar of the Secret Service.

Episode 9: Tweener
Abruzzi's demotion in the prison hierachy puts the entire escape plan at risk. Michael finds himself in the uneviable position of trying to protect T-Bag's new "fish" and facing the threat of T-Bag exposing the plan to the guards. The inmates dig themselves into a hole.

Episode 10: Sleight of Hand
Abruzzi struggles to get his crew back to PI. He tries to convince Michael to reveal Fibonacci's whereabouts to Falzone. Agents Kellerman and Hale receive some professional help for their search, as the Vice President isn't satisfied about their progress so far. An inmate becomes suspicious of the escapees' work in the break room.  Steadman's money trail leads Veronica and Nick to a surprising discovery.

Episode 11: And Then There Were 7
Michael gets a visit from his wife, much to everyone's surprise. She brings him what appears to be a credit card, but is in fact something entirely different. Bellick does some research after seeing Michael's wife, whom he thinks looks familiar. Michael learns that his watch has been stolen by a guard, and he must enlist the help of an inmate in order to get it back. In the woods, Veronica, LJ and Nick are threatened by Quinn, who is determined to find out who else knows about the conspiracy.

Episode 12: Odd Man Out
After learning all the escapees can't make it over the prison wall, the group decides to get rid of T-Bag. T-Bag has a plan of his own that doesn't involve him staying inside. His "insurance", however, is too obvious for Abruzzi, who takes action to undermine it. Sucre gets some news from Maricruz.

Episode 13: End of the Tunnel
On the eve of Lincoln's execution, Michael has to break him out of solitary to make the escape; Veronica goes public with what she knows; and Kellerman shows no boundaries in protecting the conspiracy.

Episode 14: The Rat
The night before Linc's scheduled execution, Michael's escape plan fails, and the would-be escapees must get back to their cells without being caught. It won't be easy. Nor will it be easy for Dr. Sara to persuade her father, Gov. “Frontier Justice Frank” Tancredi (John Heard), to grant clemency. But Veronica and Nick have a legal card left to play---and Michael has one more trick up his sleeve---to keep Linc out of the electric chair.

Episode 15: By the Skin and the Teeth
As Lincoln is about to be executed, he sees his father in the viewing room. A phone call from Judge Kessler delays the execution. After reviewing the newly surfaced evidence, the judge orders the exhumation of Steadman's body. Michael creates a new, more dangerous, break-out plan, involving going through the prison yard. An accident puts Michael's new plan in danger.

Episode 16: Brother's Keeper
A flashback episode reveals details about the crime that landed Linc on death row, explains Michael's motives for helping his brother, and looks at reasons why other characters wound up at Fox River. For Sara, the road began in a hospital's drug dispensary. Sucre needed a wedding ring for Maricruz (Camille Guaty). C-Note got a taste of military injustice. And T-Bag found love---for a while.

Episode 17: J-Cat
The work crew in the guardroom is being stymied by a new crew member---Tweener---and new carpeting, and that means the hole in the floor has to be fixed fast. Meanwhile, Sara tells Pope what she found on Michael's burned back; Brinker tells Kellerman the identity of the man who dropped off the evidence in the judge's chambers; and Linc gets a new execution date.

Episode 18: Bluff
In the psych ward, Michael must keep Haywire off his meds so he'll be able to replace the missing part of Michael's tattoo. Elsewhere, T-Bag and C-Note team up uneasily to raise money to keep Michael and Sucre's cell in friendly hands; LJ's charged with killing his mother and stepfather as well as attempting to kill Kellerman, who's told by Brinker to lay off Linc, which displeases the vice president. And Nick runs into a man in a trench coat

Episode 19: The Key
Kellerman is the first to arrive at the scene of Linc's accident, followed almost immediately by a Good Samaritan. This does not please Westmoreland. Back at Fox River, Tweener's situation with his cellmate is growing desperate; Abruzzi returns a new man, but T-Bag has an old score to settle; and Michael has figured out a new escape route, but needs an infirmary key to make it work.

Episode 20: Tonight
Westmoreland wants Michael to speed up the planned escape, and Bellick gets one step closer to unraveling it. Michael has to decide whether to involve Sara in the breakout plan. Tweener's devotion is put to a test. Veronica finds out that her ally has a connection to an inmate serving time at Fox River.

Episode 21: Go
Michael, shank in hand, confronts Pope in his office as the escape plan begins to unfold. And while Bellick remains bound and gagged, his truck is found in the parking lot. In Chicago, meanwhile, Nick tells Veronica about his double life while Sara struggles with her decision about whether to help Michael.

Episode 22: Flight
As the escape is in progress, Warden Pope and Captain Bellick begin a search to detain the escapees. Michael and company struggle to reach the airfield as the police is hot on their heels. Veronica discovers a major piece of evidence that could prove Lincoln's innocence. The Vice President is worried about losing her authority.

Source TvGuide and
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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks! Ready to post. 12-19-2008 13:17


Prison Break Season 2 Guide

Episode 1: Manhunt
Eight hours have passed since the escape. Michael, Lincoln, Sucre, C-Note and Abruzzi continue to evade their pursuers. Bellick is forced to relinquish command of the search party to FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone whose ingenious approach makes Michael's life as a fugitive harder. As a result from her overdose, Dr. Tancredi is in critical condition. A short-handed T-Bag faces the ultimate challenge.

Episode 2: Otis
Michael and Lincoln part ways with Sucre, C-Note and Abruzzi, and try to rescue L.J. from a prison sentence. Agent Mahone manages to thwart their plan, and Lincoln is shot in the leg while L.J. is sent to a detention center in Arizona. Bellick and Warden Pope face tribunal for their roles in the breakout; Pope is suspended and Bellick is discharged for unlawful dealing with prison convicts. Tweener is offered a ride by a college student driving to Utah, and T-Bag's left hand is reattached.

Episode 3: Scan
Michael and a wounded Lincoln try to outmaneuver Mahone, who is hot on their trail. Sara gets a surprise visit to her bedside. Following his termination, Bellick recruits a resolute partner to aid in his quest to get the escapees behind bars. Sucre and C-Note head out for their family reunions-regardless of being observed by the authorities.

Episode 4: First Down
Bellick sets out to find the money stolen by Westmoreland during the 1971 skyjacking. Kellerman targets Sara, who receives a long-awaited phone call. T-Bag gets a ride from an unsuspecting family. Abruzzi resumes the search for Fibonacci to settle the scores once and for all.

Episode 5: Map 1213
Mahone takes an interest in the five million dollars hidden by D.B. Cooper, information on which he discovers in Michael's hard drive. After having escaped from Bellick and Geary, Michael and Lincoln race to locate Westmoreland's ranch. The brothers encounter Tweener, who tells them that T-Bag has the map locating the money. T-Bag memorizes the map and eats it, and agrees to take Michael and Lincoln to the ranch in exchange for a share of the money. When they arrive at the designated location, they find that a subdivision has been built where the silo once was. Sucre is determined to stop Maricruz's wedding in Las Vegas, while Kellerman continues to befriend Sara.

Episode 6: Subdivision
Michael, Lincoln, T-Bag and Tweener search for Westmoreland's money and are unexpectedly joined by Sucre and C-Note. The group locates the house which was built on the silo, and convince the owner that they are sent by an electric company to conduct repairs. Mahone arrives in Utah and captures Tweener, while Haywire surfaces in Wisconsin. Governor Tancredi sees Kellerman at the United States Capitol, and warns Sara not to see him anymore. Sara rejects her father's demand and meets Kellerman at the supermarket.

Episode 7: Buried
Lincoln leaves Michael in order to go search for L.J. in Arizona. Michael, C-Note, and T-Bag succeed in locating Westmoreland's money, however Sucre comes and threatens to kill them if they leave. Mahone confesses to Tweener that he murdered Oscar Shales, and proceeds to kill him. Sara is informed that her father's nomination for Vice President was dropped by President Caroline Reynolds, and finds him dead by hanging. Haywire plans to build a raft and live in a windmill in Holland.

Episode 8: Dead Fall
The fugitives again split up as they scurry out of Tooele, but only one has the money. Later, Bellick and Geary arrive and question Jeanette Owens (Diana Scarwid). In Arizona, Linc watches (from a discreet distance) as LJ is freed from lockup. And in Chicago, a Reynolds thug barges in on Sara, while Mahone must answer for the deaths of Abruzzi and Tweener.

Episode 9: Unearthed
Sara deciphers Michael's coded message to meet him, and is followed by Kellerman and Mahone. T-Bag locks Westmoreland's money in a storage locker, and tries to find his ex-girlfriend Susan. He finds her house empty, but is ambushed by Bellick and Geary, who threaten to remove the stitching from his left hand if he does not reveal the location of the money. Michael discovers that Mahone had secretly killed Shales, and calls him to reveal what he knows. C-Note finds his family, and Lincoln and L.J. are arrested by the police.

Episode 10: Rendezvous
Bellick and Geary find Westmoreland's money, but Geary knocks Bellick unconscious and takes everything. Michael and Sara rendezvous, but Mahone arrives and disrupts their meeting. After they escape, Sara tries to leave, but is confronted by Kellerman. Lincoln and L.J. are rescued from the police by Lincoln's father Aldo. Aldo tells Lincoln that he can exonerate him with the evidence he has gathered, while an agent from The Company is ordered to kill them.

Episode 11: Bolshoi Booze
Michael tries to outsmart a coyote to secure a getaway plane, however his plan backfires. Sucre arrives and saves Micheal, and they let the coyote and his men leave. Aldo and Lincoln head to Bolshoi Booze to meet Michael, while L.J. leaves for safety with one of Aldo's crew. T-Bag escapes from Susan's house by severing his hand. He then kills Geary and takes the money with him when he leaves. Kellerman tortures Sara as Mahone figures out the location of Bolshoi Booze.

Episode 12: Disconnect
With Mahone on their trail, Michael, Lincoln, their father, and Sucre make a run for the getaway plane. Michael's reunion with his father sheds light on his difficult childhood. The women in Bellick and Kellerman's lives coerce their men to confess their sins. A medical emergency forces C-Note to risk it all.

Episode 13: The Killing Box
Bellick is anything but happy about his sudden homecoming-to Fox River. Elsewhere, Michael and Lincoln might face a homecoming of their own. Mahone and Kellerman use everything they have to make certain that Michael and Lincoln do not get through their road trip alive. Sucre's getaway plane encounters some difficulties. T-Bag closes in on Mrs. Hollander.

Episode 14: John Doe
Bellick gets a taste of the medicine he gave out when he was the captain at Fox River. Agent Mahone's ex-wife makes another appearance, as Mahone is forced to make a difficult decision. Kellerman reveals his motivation for aiding the escape. T-Bag rekindles an old romance.

Episode 15: The Message
Michael, Lincoln and Kellerman take the airwaves hostage as they attempt to evade the authorities and get a message to a missing Sara; Bellick gets a surprise visit in Fox River’s infirmary; Haywire resurfaces and lands in more trouble; Sucre takes his good Samaritan for a ride

Episode 16: Chicago
Another fugitive goes down, but first, Michael, Linc, Kellerman and Sara board a Chicago-bound train in Evansville, Ind., and Bellick has a most welcome visitor at Fox River. Meanwhile, T-Bag makes sure that the Hollanders keep up appearances.

Episode 17: Bad Blood
Michael and Sara realize that Warden Pope is the key to recovering information that will bring down The Company; Mahone corners another escapee; C-Note fears for his daughters life; Sucre learns the dangers of hitchhiking en route to reuniting with Maricruz; and T-Bag walks down memory lane when he takes the Hollander family to his childhood home.

Episode 18: Wash
Michael and Linc hear the tape on the memory stick that was in Gov. Tancredi's humidor. It could exonerate Linc, but getting the information is only half the battle. Now they must get it out. In Mexico, meanwhile, Sucre and Maricruz (Camille Guaty) find refuge with his aunt. In Birmingham, T-Bag visits a psychologist. And back in Chicago, C-Note begins to hold up his end of the bargain with Mahone, while Kellerman tends to personal business with the president. LJ: Marshall Allman.

Episode 19: Sweet Caroline
In Chicago, Michael has an encounter with President Reynolds (Patricia Wettig), and Sara has one with Mahone while C-Note performs his part of the bargain with Mahone. At the Mexico City airport, Bellick spots T-Bag while on his way to track down Sucre

Episode 20: Panama
Sara sacrifices herself for the safety of Michael so the brothers can get on with their final plan to attain freedom, but their plan gets 'shipwrecked'. Meanwhile, Bellick blackmails Sucre to partner up as T-Bag's streak of murder continues to the south of the border.

Episode 21: Fin Del Camino
The day has finally come for Sara's trial. Michael is determined to stop T-Bag's reign of terror. Bellick is money hungry and will do whatever it takes to hunt down T-Bag. Kellerman decides his fate while Lincoln and Mahone square off.

Episode 22: Sona
Michael tries to save his brother and himself from the unstoppable Mahone. Kellerman's testimony at Sara's trial proves different from what was expected. Sucre puts everything on the line to save Maricruz. Just like old times, T-Bag and Bellick are at it again.

Source and Wikipedia
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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks! Ready to post. 12-19-2008 13:17


Prison Break Season 3 Guide

Episode 1: Orientación
Now locked up in a Panamanian prison known as Sona, Michael, T-Bag, Bellick, and Mahone try to find a way out. Much to their devastation, they soon find out that the prison has been abandoned by the authorities because of the immense threat from the vile inmates. Michael searches for an inmate named Whistler in the prison sewers. As Lincoln is puzzled by Sara's sudden disappearance, he learns that LJ has gotten into some trouble.

Episode 2: Fire/Water
After Michael gets bad news from Linc, he sets out to find a prisoner named Whistler (Chris Vance), who holds the key to his freedom. That's easier said than done: Whistler is hiding in Sona because there's a price on his head, and Lechero (Robert Wisdom) is not about to help Michael find him. In addition, both Mahone and Bellick want to get to Whistler too. Meanwhile, T-Bag won't allow a little humiliation stop him from insinuating himself into Lechero's good graces.

Episode 3: Call Waiting
Someone slides an envelope containing a photo of Sara and LJ under the door of Linc's hotel room. It might contain clues to their whereabouts. The Company Operative (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) in Panama City might help, too, but Linc must persuade her it's in her best interest to do so. And at Sona, Michael gets to know Whistler (Chris Vance); Lechero begins to lose confidence in his ability to shape events; and Mahone, who is in increasing need of his medications, meets the lawyer who'll defend him.

Episode 4: Good Fences
After failing to rescue LJ and Sara, Linc receives an ominous warning from the Company; Michael plans an electrifying escape from Sona; a face from the past haunts Mahone; T-Bag crawls up the ladder while Bellick lands in hot water with Lechero.

Episode 5: Interference
A new inmate enters Sona unnerving Whistler and raising Michael's suspicions; Lincoln plans an ocean getaway with Sofia as Susan moves up the escape timetable; T-Bag tempts his fate with his latest attraction; and Sucre attempts to get goods into Sona.

Episode 6: Photo Finish
Michael threatens to cancel the escape plan unless he sees proof that Sara is still alive. Whistler is accused of murdering an inmate and it is up to Michael to prove his innocence and save his life. Lincoln and Sofia help in monitoring the morning guards. Mahone may have another way to get out of Sona.

Episode 7: Vamonos
As Linc, Sofia and Sucre arrive at the rendezvous point, each with a personal agenda, Michael uses his grief and anger as a cover for the escape plan. Meanwhile, Lang and Sullins transport Mahone to Panama City for his court date, at which they tell him that he'll have to disclose everything he knows about the Company.

Episode 8: Bang & Burn
The Company has given Linc four days to get Whistler out of Sona, but Susan B. decides to act on her own, bypassing Michael, who finds a new ally in Sona. Meanwhile, Lechero faces a challenge from Sammy; Linc and Sucre try again to rescue LJ; Sofia learns some new things about Whistler; and Mahone, still strung out, testifies.

Episode 9: Boxed In
Michael finds himself in solitary confinement and must talk his way out. His interlocutor: Sona's new commanding officer. Meanwhile, Susan B. finds a way to keep Linc motivated; Lang has a parting gift for Mahone; Sucre makes another delivery to Sona and Susan B. makes him an offer; T-Bag makes Whistler an offer and Sofia confronts him; Bellick's refusal to mop up a mess puts him in a very messy situation; and a mysterious American woman travels to Panama to see Michael.

Episode 10: Dirt Nap
Michael heads back to shore up the escape tunnel, and T-Bag enlists Bellick to display his gladiatorial skills once again as the battle between Lechero and Sammy for control of Sona comes to a head. Meanwhile, in Panama City, Linc does a computer search on "Gary Miller," and Sucre has two meetings with Susan B.

Episode 11: Under & Out
Michael begins a new effort to tunnel out of Sona, joined by Lechero, Whistler, Mahone, Bellick and T-Bag. They are a team in name only. Then the weather causes a change in plans, requiring some last-minute assistance from Linc and Sucre. In Panama City, Susan B. threatens Sucre with the worst thing he can imagine. She also wants to see Sofia.

Episode 12: Hell or High Water
The escape attempt succeeds for some, if not all, of the escapees, and those who make it receive assistance on the outside from an unlikely source. But one escapee inadvertently leaves something behind.

Episode 13: The Art of the Deal
Michael and Linc make their way to Panama City and their date with Susan B., but Whistler isn't with them. Meanwhile, Mahone waits for an appointment at a Panama City cantina; and McGrady and his father run into a roadblock on their way out of the country. Back at Sona, Sucre pays the price for the escape, while T-Bag comes to Lechero's aid and also takes stock of the new landscape behind the walls.

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Prison Break Season 4 Guide

Episode 1: Scylla
Michael uncovers unbelievable news in Los Angeles when he seeks revenge against Whistler and Gretchen for Sara’s death. Michael and Lincoln are reunited with the gang and receive an offer from a Homeland Security Agent they cannot refuse. Mahone suffers a devastating loss, and T-Bag is deserted during his flight to freedom.

Episode 2: Breaking and Entering
Michael, Lincoln, Sara and the team work with Roland, a new team meber, to get a copy of the data card. Meanwhile, Wyatt continues his mission to track down the brothers while T-Bag makes his way north using the bird book as his guide.

Episode 3: Shut Down
Michael and the team have one day to find the next cardholder or they risk going back to prison. Mahone seeks revenge on Wyatt who is attempting to extract info on Sara’s whereabouts, while T-Bag finds the gateway to his new identity and future.

Episode 4: Eagles and Angels
Michael, Lincoln and Sucre must crash a police benefit to obtain the next card key. Reeling from another death, Sarah falls back into an old habit. T-Bag arouses suspicion and runs into some old “friends” his first day on the job.

Episode 5: Safe and Sound
Michael and Lincoln make their way to the Treasury Department in search of the next key card holder; an awkward alliance formed by T-Bag at his new job arouses the suspicions of Sucre and Bellick; Wyatt uses his magic touch on Gretchen.

Episode 6: Blow Out
After successfully transcribing the fourth card at an L.A. racetrack, Mahone is arrested---with the transcribing device on him---for being in a restricted area (and for punching a cop). Meanwhile, the Company hones in on Don Self; T-Bag's boss at GATE finds more "irregularities" in his sales reports; and Gretchen surfaces at her sister's tidy suburban home.

Episode 7: Five the Hard Way
Lincoln takes members of the team to Las Vegas where Sucre gets an indecent proposal. Sarah learns about Michael’s condition, and Roland pushes his luck too far. Gretchen teams up with T-Bag who makes an offer to Michael he cannot refuse.  Meanwhile, the secrets in Whistler’s bird book are finally revealed.

Episode 8: The Price
While Pad Man lays out the Company's next gambit to his underlings, Lincoln reaches into his past for a way to gain access to the final card, which is in Pad Man's possession, and Michael and Self have a meeting with their colleague-to-be: Gretchen. Meanwhile, Roland seethes at the treatment he has gotten from the gang since he lost the transcribing device in Las Vegas.

Episode 9: Greatness Achieved
While Michael, Linc, Bellick and Sucre navigate the GATE basement looking for a way to break into Company headquarters, a police detective upstairs questions T-Bag about Andrew Blauner's disappearance. Meanwhile, Gretchen has a meeting with Pad Man; Wyatt has a proposal for Sara (which Self records) and Mahone waits for his turn with the Company hit man.

Episode 10: The Legend
When Michael's condition begins to worsen, Sara has no choice but to take him to the emergency room. Later, Sara receives a shocking call about Michael's ailment. Meanwhile, Sucre and Lincoln find themselves in explosive territory; Agent Self makes a surprising ally; and Mahone is able to track down vital information about Scylla.

Episode 11: Quiet Riot
Michael and the team find themselves in a race against time, but Michael's deteriorating condition forces Sucre to take the lead in the break-in. Meanwhile, Gretchen tries to get the last key card from the General, and T-Bag is faced with a decision that could take him away from his criminal life for good.

Episode 12: Selfless
As the search for Scylla comes to a surprising end, Sarah takes a hostage, T-Bag and Gretchen have their last stand at Gate, and Michael and Lincoln are betrayed by one of their own as they finally get to go face-to-face with the General.

Episode 13: Deal or No Deal
As Michael, Linc, Sara, Sucre and Mahone regroup, Gen. Krantz reasserts his control of the Company in no uncertain terms as he scrambles to regain Scylla. Later, T-Bag gets a new partner in crime, and Michael and Linc have a critical meeting with Sen. Conrad Dallow (David Clennon).

Episode 14: Just Business
While the gang continues to match wits and blows with Self and Gretchen for control of Scylla (and with the Company in hot pursuit), Mahone enlists the aid of former FBI colleagues Lang and Wheeler (Barbara Eve Harris, Jason Davis). Meanwhile, Sara raises the dosage of the drug she's giving Michael to counter the effects of his brain tumor, and T-Bag continues to hold Gretchen's daughter and sister prisoner. But T-Bag tells Gretchen's sister: "I'm as much a prisoner as you."

Episode 15: Going Under
Following Linc's deal with the devil, Michael has his brain operation. Linc also extracts information from T-Bag, with whom he was recently reunited. Meanwhile, Wheeler and Lang transport Mahone to prison; and as Self and Gretchen await their prospective customer, Gretchen gets a phone call from her sister that's both reassuring and troubling. During surgery, Michael (who's conscious) gets unlikely help in unraveling the mystery of Scylla. Westmoreland: Muse Watson.

Episode 16: The Sunshire State
While Linc and his new colleagues are in hot pursuit of Scylla in Miami, Michael is at a remote mountain cabin in California, where he learns something new about the Company. He's also guided through childhood memories by a Company psychiatrist (John Getz). Meanwhile, Sara is waiting for news of Michael in a luxury hotel, and she's not enjoying the luxury. Christina: Kathleen Quinlan.

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Two and a Half Men Season 1 Guide

Episode 1: Pilot
Charlie's life gets a little more complicated when his brother, Alan, and son, Jake, move in with him after his wife confesses her lesbian lifestyle and throws him out of the house. Alan later leaves after finding his son playing poker and moves in with his mother, Evelyn. Charlie realizes how lonely it is without them and invites them back.

Episode 2: Big Flappy Bastards
Charlie finds it hard to enforce the rules Alan has set out for his son. After Jake lures a flock of sea gulls into his room, Charlie gets very upset. Jake tries to get Charlie to forgive him. Alan starts doing chores and errands for Judith, trying to get them back together. After one of his tasks, she kisses him, leading him to believe that things will be back to normal.

Episode 3: Go East on Sunset Until You Reach the Gates of Hell
After a trip to Disneyland, Jake gets sick and wants to go to Judith's house so she can take care of him. Alan gets saddened over this because he is losing his wife and son. Charlie takes him to a bar, and after drinking, they end up at their mother's house trying to tell her what they think of her, but not successful in the process.

Episode 4: If I Can't Write My Chocolate Song I'm Going to Take a Nap
Berta, the housekeeper, quits after experiencing Alan's demanding ways. Alan decides he could be the housekeeper, but does not work. Alan decides to hunt her down and bring her back, leaving Charlie to get ready for dinner with his mother and grandparents. Charlie also tries to get Rose to date other guys, both tasks become harder than expected.

Episode 5: The Last Thing You Want Is to Wind Up With a Hump
After a trip to Las Vegas Charlie decides to go to Jake's soccer game like he promised. There, he meets a soccer mom and they hit it off. Alan goes to a meeting with some soccer moms about creating a newsletter, but does not realize they have other plans for the night.

Episode 6: Did You Check With the Captain of the Flying Monkeys?
Charlie gets in over his head after he tells Jake to avoid certain calls he doesn't want which creates a dinner plan for Charlie and his mother. When Charlie meets her new boyfriend's daughter, he realizes it is one of the people he is trying to avoid.

Episode 7: If They Do Go Either Way, They're Usually Fake
Jake sees a butterfly tattoo on the firm bottom of a surfer-chick friend of Charlie's, which is the start a string of harmless events that become larger and more disastrous with each action. This is not unlike the famous chaos theory's Butterfly Effect, asking if the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil, could set off a tornado in Texas.

Episode 8: Twenty-Five Little Pre-pubers Without a Snoot-ful
After being tricked into helping Alan and Judith produce Jake's classroom musical, Charlie is flattered to find out that the kids know all the words to his jingles. Alan is blind-sided with divorce papers from Judith, causing strife which results in Charlie, who refuses to deal with the pre-pubers without a snootful, having to produce the play on his own. Jake is crushed when he realizes that a reconciliation between his parents may never happen.

Episode 9: Phase One, Complete
Jake befriends one of Charlie's one-night stands, which Charlie does not like as it furthers the relationship that Charlie does not want to continue.

Episode 10: Merry Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving winds up being the least thankful day of the year for Charlie, who has to bribe various members of his household to even come to a traditional turkey dinner. Not only are the usual feuds in evidence (leading to a turkey-carving right out of "Psycho") but Judith's parents are actually sympathetic to Alan and hostile to their own daughter for her "fling" with lesbianism.

Episode 11: Alan Harper, Frontier Chiropractor
While at the movies, the brothers bump into Judith and her new boyfriend. Seeing that Judith has changed her look, and the fact that Jake doesn't think he's as cool as Judith, prompts Alan to realize that if he wants to get back into the dating scene, he's going to have to change his look as well.

Episode 12: Camel Filters + Pheromones
Berta becomes forced to bring her granddaughter Prudence to work for a day. The boys like this because they get very preoccupied with her.

Episode 13:  Sara Like Puny Alan
Charlie gets a double date with a hot neighbor and her sister and needs to take Alan along. The trouble is, Alan got sick from Jake so Charlie takes him to a steam room to heal him. It works for Alan, but Charlie becomes ill, but won't cancel the date at any cost.

Episode 14:  I Can't Afford Hyenas
Charlie's accountant Stan tries to explain Charlie's financial problems to him and Alan decides to help him cut back or Charlie has to ask Evelyn for some money.

Episode 15: Round One to the Hot Crazy Chick (1)
Charlie falls for a seemingly crazy woman named Franky against Alan's constant arguments about the woman.

Episode 16: That Was Saliva, Alan (2)
Frankie tells Charlie and Alan why both her and her daughter are on the run, and Frankie's daughter gets a crush on Jake.

Episode 17: Ate The Hamburgers, Wearing The Hats
Charlie's still brooding over Alan's choice of their cousin as Jake's guardian if both parents die when the boy has an accident while in his care and has to be rushed to the hospital.

Episode 18: An Old Flame With a New Wick
Chris O'Donnell plays one of Charlie's ex-girlfriends, who is now a man. It gets better: He starts dating Evelyn (Holland Taylor), who's clueless about his past history with her son.

Episode 19: I Remember the Coatroom, I Just Don't Remember You
Judith's devious siren sister (Teri Hatcher) stirs things up at Jake's 11th birthday party when she hits on Alan. Meanwhile, Evelyn brings alcohol and has a party of her own. Judith: Marin Hinkle. Evelyn: Holland Taylor. Rose: Melanie Lynskey.

Episode 20: Hey, I Can Pee Outside in the Dark
The harper brothers can't get Jake to say what's bothering him so much, he just keeps playing the same guitar tune over and over again. They end up taking Judith's advice and making an appointment for him with Dr. Linda Freeman, who Charlie now finds out also treated Alan when he was traumatized by being Evelyn's son. This overpriced professional sees the whole family and admits she finds nothing either. Yet next morning Jake is gallivanting happily again- Berta claims it was a more prosaic problem.

Episode 21: No Sniffing, No Wowing
After Charlie is given a witness interview by Alan's expensive, power-hungry divorce lawyer, Laura, she sets her sights on him, but warns him that it must be kept a secret, giving him strict ground rules to follow. Unaware of what is going on, Alan is feeling somewhat confident about the possibility of a fair custody/settlement agreement, despite Judith's concerns about Jake living at Uncle Charlie's house on weekends. When Charlie brings home Laura's paralegal to play, and Laura catches them together, Charlie finds her reaction to the situation unacceptable. Alan in dumbfounded when his lawyer tanks his case.

Episode 22: My Doctor has a Cow Puppet
When Charlie discovers that Alan is sleepwalking, he believes it's related to his brother's lack of sex following his divorce, and comes up with a cure. Dr. Linda Freeman: Jane Lynch. Darlene: Amanda Swisten. Annette: Jamie Day.

Episode 23: Just Like Buffalo
Jake repeats something Charlie says to Judith. Then Judith refuses to let Alan take Jake for the weekend. Alan tries to talk to Judith, but encounters resistance from Judith and her friends. It's up to Charlie to set things right.

Episode 24: Can You Feel My Finger?
Charlie is sure he isn't ready for fatherhood after a year of trying to raise Jake, so he opts to have a vasectomy. But when the doctor performing the procedure keeps getting calls from his wife -- who's about to give birth -- Charlie starts to think about what fatherhood might entail and likes the idea, provided he still has his vital organs intact (in more ways than one).

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