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Merlin Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Episode 2: The Once And Future Queen

This was an excellent episode in my opinion because we got allot of Arthur & Gwen scenes, I loved the (Sir) William character because almost everything he did was funny in some way or another, the scene of Gwen shouting at Arthur for the way he was behaving was brilliant, my favourite scenes was of Arthur jousting with the assassin, the ending minutes of this episode with Arthur letting William take credit for the win and talking Uther out of retaliating showed a very different side to Arthur.


Episode 3: The Nightmare Begins

This was a fantastic Morgana centred episode, I thought Arthur took a massive step back in this episode when he just followed Uther's orders without question, my favourite scene was of Mordred using powerful magic to escape, I liked the scene towards the end when Arthur gave some advice to Merlin because he thought Merlin had a crush on Morgana, I cannot wait to see where the Morgana having Magic storyline goes, It was good to see Mordred again.


Episode 4: Lancelot and Guinevere

This was a very good episode, It was great to see Lancelot make a second appearance, the best thing about this episode for me was the interaction between  Gwen & Lancelot's characters, I liked the scene when Arthur kind of admitted to Merlin that he has feelings for Gwen, I also like how Arthur & Merlin kept squabbling like an old married couple, the only thing I did not like about this episode was how Arthur was not reprimanded by Uther for going against his orders and saving Gwen.


Episode 5: Beauty & The Beast Part 1

I thought this was a great episode, my favourite scenes were of Gaius trying to tell Uther in a nice way that Lady Katrina is a troll, I really liked the scenes of Lady Katrina going from acting like a human one minute to acting like a troll the next, I have to admit that the scenes of Lady Katrina eating that rotten food made me a little sick, I found the scene of Merlin trying to tell Arthur that Lady Katrina Is a troll quite funny, my favourite scene was at the end when Merlin & Jonas had a small confrontation.


Episode 6: Beauty & The Beast Part 2

This was an excellent way to finish this 2 part story off, I thought this episode gave Arthur some major character development because of the way he stood up to his father Uther, my favourite scene by quite some distance was when Gaius & Sir Leon spoke to Uther about his wife Lady Katrina being a troll, I loved the scene when Merlin tried to hug Arthur, I was laughing at the scene of Arthur & Uther having dinner, I also thought Anthony Head put in his best performance to date as Uther Pendragon.


Episode 7: The Witchfinder

This was a fantastic episode, I liked the interaction that took place between Gaius & Aredian's characters, I also liked seeing Merlin & Gwen play detective to prove Gaius innocent, I found it funny how Merlin planted an excessive amount of evidence against Aredian, my favourite scene was of Uther apologizing to Gaius which was followed by Gaius going off on a mini rant, I thought Charles Dance did a very good job of playing Aredian the Witchfinder/bad guy, I also thought this was Richard Wilson's best performance to date as Gaius.


Episode 8: The Sins Of The Father

I loved every minute of this episode, I liked the scene when Arthur & Morgause had their Knights Rule Sword match near the start, I was laughing quite a bit when Merlin dropped Arthur after letting go of the rope, my favourite scene was when Arthur tried to kill Uther, the best thing about this episode however was how Merlin talked Arthur out of killing Uther and into despising magic instead, I look forward to seeing where the storyline about Morgause being Morgana's half sister goes.


Episode 9: The Lady Of The Lake

This was a very good episode, I could not stop laughing at the scenes of Merlin stealing Arthur's food, the scene when Freya died in Merlin's arms which was followed by Merlin sending Freya into the lake before burning the body was quite sad, my favourite scene was the ending of Merlin & Arthur talking, I liked the scene when Gaius tried comforting Merlin, I loved the interaction that took place between Merlin & Freya's characters.


Episode 10: Sweet Dreams

This was quite a good episode, I could not help but find the scenes of Arthur head over heels in love with Lady Vivian because of an enchantment funny, the scene when Merlin hid Lady Vivian in a closet was funny to me, my favourite scene was when Gwen kissed Arthur which resulted in the enchantment being broken, I thought David Schofield & Kevin Eldon both did great jobs of playing their roles of King Alined & Trickler, I lam getting used to seeing The Dragon laugh at the predicaments Merlin and others have got into of late.


Episode 11: The Witch's Quickening

This was a great episode to watch, it might only be me but Mordred is becoming more scary in each episode he appears in, my favourite scene was when Merlin saw the future after looking into the magical crystal, I loved the scene when Morgana stood up to Uther and told him that he would go to hell, the only bad thing about this episode for me is how Arthur & Merlin are almost always the only ones who survive when they are attacked, I get a bad feeling that this is the start of Morgana becoming evil.


Episode 12: The Fires Of Idirsholas

I have to say this was the best episode of Merlin to date, I liked the first scene of Arthur & Merlin fighting the Knights of Medhir, I found the scene of Merlin trying to heal Gaius very funny, I loved the scenes when Arthur, Merlin & Morgana kept moving Uther to somewhere safe, my favourite scene was when Merlin poisoned Morgana to save Camelot, I cant wait for the season finale based on how this episode ended with Merlin releasing The Great Dragon, I am also loving the Morgause character and I cant wait to see what trouble she brings to Camelot next.


Episode 13: The Last Dragonlord

This was a fantastic season finale, I liked the interaction Merlin had with his dad Balinor who was played brilliantly by John Lynch, the scene when Balinor died in Merlin's arms was quite sad in my opinion, I loved the scene when Arthur gave a speech and all the Knights in the room surrounded him, my favourite scene was when Merlin was able to tame The Great Dragon and get him to leave, the scene near the end when Gaius spoke to a distraught Merlin was a very touching scene, I am hoping to see a bit more Arthur & Gwen in season 3.


I cant wait for the season finale, I have read what the 2 part finale is about and I get the feeling it will be the best episodes of Merlin to date.


bring on part 2


Reply 90#90 gabsimom's post

its a shame we have to wait over a year for the new season, the wait is going to kill me


Merlin Season 4 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 4 Premiers October 2011

Discuss Anything About Season 4 Here


Episode 1: The Tears Of Uther Pendragon Part 1

This was a good season 3 opener, I continue to enjoy the interaction between Merlin and Arthur, I didn’t like the fact Morgana got found inside the first 5 minutes, I became suspicious of Morgana as soon as she forgave Merlin for poisoning her, the scene when Arthur wiped Merlin's face and then put a bucket on his head was very funny, I liked the scene when Merlin got his revenge and caused Arthur to fall face first into some mud, my favourite scene was the ending with the Dragon saving Merlin from certain death, I look forward to seeing how the storyline of Merlin knowing the truth about Morgana working with Morgause is going to play out over the season.


Episode 2: The Tears Of Uther Pendragon Part 2

This episode was much better than the season opener in my opinion, I think Anthony Head put in his best performances as Uther Pendragon to date during these first 2 episodes of Season 3, the scene when Merlin said to Arthur about him being destined to be the Greatest King Camelot has ever had was brilliant, I absolutely loved all the action sequences especially the ones that involved the skeleton warriors, my favourite scenes were of Merlin & Morgana having their first of hopefully many fight scenes, I really liked the small Arthur & Gwen moment that we got.


Episode 3: Goblins Gold

This was possibly the funniest episode of Merlin ever, I would say some of the funniest bits of this episode were of Gaius pulling Childish pranks people with my favourite being when he started turning Arthur into a donkey,  I liked the twist when Gaius/The Goblin announced to Uther than Merlin was a sorcerer which almost got Merlin killed, my favourite scenes were of Merlin chasing after the Goblin at both the start and end of this episode, I was happy about the fact Morgana was kept very much in the background during this episode, In my opinion Richard Wilson put in a 10 star performance as Gaius.


Episode 4: Gwaine

This was a very good episode, I would have to say Gwaine made a great first impression on Arthur & Merlin, I laughed just a little bit when Arthur chucked that chalice at Merlin's head, my favourite scene was of Merlin spitting in the face of Gaius after he said Arthur is good to Merlin, I did enjoy the scene near the end when Merlin tried to convince Gwaine to come clean and stay in Camelot, I loved the ending when Arthur got a little jealous of Gwen talking with Gwaine, I liked the Gwaine character mainly because of how he interacted with Merlin.

