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Cougar Town Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Episode 19: Everything Man

I thought this was a very good episode, I did like the new Grayson storyline about him being in an adult relationship with Sarah, the storyline of Travis taking pictures of everybody was good and a little funny at times, It might only be me but I did not like the Ellie & Andy storyline that much, my favourite scene was of Grayson & Sarah singing together, I loved the ending to this episode when Jules had to be dragged out of her new bathroom.


Episode 20: Wake Up Time

This was quite a good episode, I loved the opening scene to this episode with Bobby & Andy playing a game to see who will cry first to a certain song, I found the double dinner date between Andy & Ellie and Grayson & Sarah quite funny, the funniest thing about this episode was how Andy was trying to find something he has in common with Stan his son, I felt bad for Jules because most of the guys she dated all cheated on her, I did not care much for the Travis storyline at all.


Episode 21: Letting You Go

This was a surprisingly good episode, I laughed constantly at the first scene when Andy, Tom & Grayson all danced around in their homes at night, I also laughed constantly at the scenes of Jules watching Travis sleep, I have to admit but I actually enjoyed the Laurie & Smith storyline, it may of taken 21 episode but I'm glad Jules & Grayson finally hooked up and I look forward to seeing where the storyline goes.


Episode 22: Feel A Whole Lot Better

I loved this episode, the scenes of Bobby, Andy & Travis chasing after a Red Balloon was great fun to watch, my favourite Red Balloon chase scene was when Bobby walked into a lamp post, I have to admit but I did not enjoy the Jules & Grayson storyline as much as I thought I would, my favourite scene was when Laurie let Ellie know that she is kind of her hero which I don't really believe.


Episode 23: Breakdown

This episode was slightly better than the last one, the storyline about Laurie acting slightly weird in this episode was good, I loved the ending to this episode when Travis chucked in giving his Speech and started chasing that Red Balloon along with Jules, Laurie, Andy & Bobby, I wish Travis had given his speech because I'm sure it was brilliant and I thought it was touching how Travis did the speech as a tribute to his dad Bobby.


Episode 24: Finding Out

This was a very good season finale, I found it funny how Andy knew everything about Bobby, I loved the scene when Grayson chucked a coin into a pot from like 30 feet away, I really liked the scene of Jules & Ellie doing the Running Man dance, the side story about Travis forgetting his 7 month anniversary to Kylie was a little boring at times but it was funny when Travis found his defensive style, my favourite scene was of everyone hanging out and having fun at the beach.


Cougar Town Renewed and Moving to TBS


Episode 1: All Mixed Up

This was a pretty disappointing episode to start season 2 with due to the lack of funny scenes, I was hoping for some really funny scenes when Jules & Glenn interacted because of the fact they were played by Courtney Cox & Jennifer Aniston but unfortunately that didn't happen, I personally found the Travis & Laurie scenes to be the most interesting thing about this episode, my favourite scene however from this poor episode was of Bobby & Grayson talking on the boat near the end, I'm crossing my fingers that this poor episode was just a blip.


Episode 2: Let Yourself Go

This episode was much better than the last one in my opinion, I was yet again unimpressed with the drinking game scene at the start, I can honestly say I laughed at the scene when Bobby lost his fishing rod to a passing bus, the scenes of Laurie trying to teach Bobby how to use the internet gave me quite a few laughs, I didn't find anything funny about the storyline of Ellie making Tom think Baby Stan had died, I look forward to seeing what new storylines Travis could have now that he is at college, I loved the very last scene of this episode with Jules, Bobby, Grayson, Laurie & Andy all pretending to shoot themselves because of Ellie telling a Stan story.


Episode 3: Makin Some Noise

This was a really good episode, I loved how this episode started with Jules smacking Andy over the head with a wooden spoon, I found it funny how Jules kept putting glasses on Grayson because he looks better wearing them, the scenes of Travis being at college were awesome because he ended up with Bobby, Andy & Jules all playing him a visit, I laughed a little bit at the scene of Travis driving that golf cart with the security guy chasing after him, my favourite scene was of the Jules, Grayson, Bobby, Andy, Ellie & Laurie all playing music at the end of this episode.


Episode 4: The Damage You’ve Done

This was the first great episode of season 2 in my opinion, I had forgotten that Laurie & Grayson had slept together so I found the storyline very interesting to see how everybody handled the revelation, the scene when Grayson & Laurie told Jules they had slept together was brilliant because of the look on Jules face, the scene of Travis trying to break up with his girlfriend was hilarious because she said no and bossed him around afterwards, It was a shame Laurie's relationship storyline ended but it got a bit boring for me towards the end.


Episode 5: Keeping Me Alive

This was such a great episode to watch, I was unimpressed with how Ellie brought up the fact Bobby gets Alimony from Jules, the way Jules reacted to Bobby saying he doesn't need Alimony from her any more was quite funny, the scene when Bobby caught the Frisbee in his mouth and landed hard was hilarious, I like the fact Jules has found another way to give Bobby money, I really want this Laurie & Smith storyline would just go away already because I'm bored of it, I really liked the scene of Jules, Andy & Grayson showing Ellie she is not all that smart after all, my favourite scene had to be the ending at the Golf Range.


Episode 6: You Don't Know How It Feels

This was a brilliant episode to watch, It was great to see Ken Jenkins (Scrubs) appear in this episode as Jules dad Chick, I loved how Chick interacted with everybody and his character definitely gave the show an edge that has been missing this season, my favourite scene was of Laurie pulling a Halloween prank of Travis, the scene of Jules & Chick finally having a heart to heart conversation was close to being my favourite scene, the storyline of Bobby trying to become a legal guardian for Stan in case anything happens to Andy or Ellie was the best thing about this episode.


Episode 7: Fooled Again – I Don't Like It

This was a good episode, I liked the idea of the human truth gun that was used multiple times during this episode, the scene when Bobby had liquid drip out of his nose was quite funny, I loved the scene of Ellie giving Grayson a toy rocket which contained a picture of Grayson & his dad, my favourite scene was of Jules & Andy Dancing but a close second was of Ellie saying “Look at my rings” whilst dancing, It may of just been me but the Bobby & Travis storyline was a little boring to watch at times unlike the Jules & Andy storyline which was interesting from start to finish.


Episode 8: Little Girl Blues

This was a pretty good episode, I didn't like the scene of Jules & the gang embarrassing Travis & Kristen at the start, the scene when Bobby fell off his hammock and ended up dangling in the air was quite funny, the scenes of Jules being threatened by Kristen was good but my favourite scene was of them having a heart to heart conversation near the end, I have to admit I didn't like the ending of this episode when Jules held a funeral of sorts for a broken glass, I think the last thing to say about this episode was how much I enjoyed the storyline of the gang hanging out at Grayson's and not leaving, I also like the Kristen character at the moment.


Episode 9: When The Time Comes

This was a very good Thanksgiving Episode, I have to admit I have not noticed the whole Mumble talk from Bobby since this show started or maybe I never noticed it before, the scene of Jules saying “I love You” to Grayson and him not responding was predictable, I loved everything about the storyline of Andy being optimistic that everything happens for a reason, my favourite scene however was easily the Thanksgiving dinner scene towards the end, I don't think I have said it yet but I do like the Kevin character and hopefully we get to see more of him.


Episode 10: The Same Old You

This was personally my favourite episode of the season so far, I loved the scene of Bobby playing golf and scaring that idiot in the Golf Cart, I liked the fact that we learnt something about Grayson's past but Grayson & Ellie then exchanging secrets found about one another at the end was funny, my favourite scene had to be of Jules, Ellie, Andy & Grayson fixing up Bobby's boat, I can honestly say I would not be surprised if Travis & Laurie hook up at some point because for me the writing is on the wall, I guessed that Bobby's boat would sink when it hit the water but it leave me wondering where he will stay now.


Episode 11: No Reason To Cry

This was a very good episode to, I'm glad the whole Bobby qualifying for a PGA golf tournament was brought up again in this episode, I loved the reaction by Jules, Ellie & Laurie when that Dove died, the scene of Travis & Kristen trying to fix Bobby so he wouldn't be depressed any more was my favourite scene, I really did find the scene of Jules walking into that cupboard door funny, the ending of this episode with Laurie ordering coffee was hilarious because of the look on the workers face, I don't know why but I wasn't at all interested in the Jules & Grayson storyline this time around.


Episode 12: A Thing About You

This was a really good episode, the storyline of Laurie moving in with Jules whist her place is painted was funny because of how Laurie acted even after Jules was mean to her, my favourite scene was when Ellie tore Wayne to pieces because of what he said about Jules earlier, I loved the scene of Travis & Kristen having a romantic moment thanks to Grayson & Bobby, I thought the ending to this episode with all the gang hanging out was the perfect ending to this episode because of the friendship storyline that surrounded the entire episode.


Episode 13: Lost Children

This was a great episode, It was funny how Andy reacted to Grayson poking fun at him, I couldn't help but laugh at seeing Andy tied to a tree but I really liked the scene of Grayson & Andy settling their differences, my favourite scene was when Ellie made the first phone call and called Jules a Dictator, I loved the scenes of Jules searching for Ellie who was hiding in the back of her Truck and by the end all the gang were in the truck, I liked the scenes of Laurie & Bobby talking about his new girlfriend but what was the point of the Bobby having a girlfriend storyline if it only lasted 1 episode.

