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Merlin Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Episode 1

I found myself strangly engadged on it, not because it's a masterpiece, but because it's fun, light, and never takes itself too serious. Generally i liked all the characters, and though this is only the first episode, Arthur is maybe my least favorite so far.


Season 1: Episode 1: The Dragon’s Call

This was a brilliant episode, Merlin and Arthur are quite good together, the second fight was great to watch and funny at times, Mary/Helen was just a crazy old woman, the best part was when Merlin found out what his reward would be. Yes, the show plays fast and loose with what is deemed to be historical truth. However, just like Robin Hood, it's not worth getting worked up about the inaccuracies


Season 1: Episode 2: Valiant

A Brilliant episode, a snake shield was a great idea for this episode; Merlin bringing that dog statue back to life was fantastic and was nice to see Arthur ask Merlin to come back as his servant after sacking him. A credible performance by Will Mellor as Knight Valiant was the highlight of the episode for me. I like how everyone keeps going on about Merlin’s destiny.


Season 1: Episode 3: The Mark Of Nimueh

This was another great episode, Merlin almost getting Gwen killed was good but saving her made up for his mistake, Morgana convincing Arthur to help was great and yet again Merlin uses his magic to save the day but Arthur takes all the credit. In my eyes Michelle Ryan did an excellent job of playing Nimueh


Season 1: Episode 4: The Poisoned Chalice

This was a great episode, was nice to see Arthur doing anything he could to save Merlin, it looks like Gwen cares for Merlin, Arthur disobeying Uther again was great as Morgana is the one that talks Arthur into going against Uther’s wishes. What was highly improved in this episode was the relationship between Arthur and Merlin; both now seem to have a mutual respect for one another with each out to save one another


Season 1: Episode 5: Lancelot

Another brilliant episode, I hope Lancelot makes another appearance at some point as he was great for this episode and also glad that somebody apart from Gaius knows about Merlin’s secret, was nice how Merlin wanted to help Lancelot become a Knight even if it did get Lancelot in trouble. The Griffin special effects themselves were pretty good, the ending with Merlin saving the day and yet again not able to take the credit for doing so.


Season 1: Episode 6: A Remedy To Cure All Ills

A fantastic episode, Edwin was one nasty piece of work but Edwin got what he deserved in the end, was a nice gesture on Uther’s part to make Gaius a freeman of Camelot. I think Merlin might always have been suspicious of Edwin. How Uther could fall for what Edwin was saying about Gaius I will never know.


Season 1: Episode 7: The Gates Of Avalon

A very good episode, was good to see it revolve around Morgana and her dreams, Arthur was very different when he thought he was in love, the cover story Merlin and Gaius gave Arthur was a brilliant one. I loved the reaction Uther gave when Arthur declared he was going to get married, Merlin always seems to save the day at the right moment.


Season 1: Episode 8: The Beginning Of The End

A Fantastic episode to watch, Morgana really was attached to the boy for some reason, Merlin looks for invites trouble if you ask me or trouble just finds Merlin either way it ends in the same result, How Morgana continues to convince Arthur to help I will never know, best part was Merlin getting the keys from Arthur as that was just funny to watch.


Season 1: Episode 9: Excalibur

Fantastic episode, that Knight was one bad man and was nice to see a different side of Uther in this episode, The Dragon can never give a straight answer which is annoying but always fun to watch, Gaius drugging Arthur was really good but the fight with Uther and the Black Knight was brilliant and the best part of this episode is the reaction the Dragon gave after finding out who used the sword


Season 1: Episode 10: The Moment Of Truth

Great episode, well this was a much welcomed change to all the other episodes as it was not set in Camelot, William was kind of nice to say it was him who used magic to protect Merlin, was great to see Arthur come and help Merlin, the last battle was my favourite part and it was also nice that Gwen and Morgana helped Merlin for a change. I really did think Uther would want to help at the start of this episode but I was wrong.


Season 1: Episode 11: The Labyrinth Of Gedref

Brilliant episode to see, Arthur willing to sacrifice himself was great and noble of him; the ending with the Unicorn had to be the best part as it was the perfect ending to this special episode. My other favourite moment was when Merlin gave Arthur rat stew and then they gave it to Morgana to eat. Arthur really should listen to Merlin some more as that way they would get in less trouble.


Season 1: Episode 12: To Kill the King

Another great episode, I really thought Morgana was going to kill Uther at one point, Merlin always helping without anyone knowing was great, I felt bad for Gwen and I could not believe that Uther would lock up Morgana for speaking her mind but Morgana does speak her mind allot in my opinion.


Season 1: Episode 13: Le Morte D’Arthur

A fantastic episode to end the season, that was one angry dragon at the end, the chain of events in this episode was brilliant, Merlin saves Arthur, Gaius saves Hunith and then Merlin saves Gaius, the goodbye Merlin sort of said to Arthur was great to see and was funny also. As season-enders go, this one seemed to be less than cliff-hanging until the final 10 seconds with a Morgana... what? And a very angry dragon.

I am very much looking forward to season 2 of Merlin


Merlin Season 2 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Discuss Anything About Season 2 Here

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 9-4-2010 15:37 ]


This has built up nicely for the season finale


I get the feeling we will be left with a cliffhanger to end this season


Well it was a great season finale and they have all but confirmed a third season


Merlin Season 3 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 3 Premiered September 11, 2010

Discuss Anything About Season 3 Here


Episode 1: The Curse of Cornelius Sigan

I thought this was a great start to season 2, I found the scene of Arthur falling off his horse near the start a little funny, it might only be me but I liked the Cedric character even though he was a bad guy, the best thing about this episode for me was the last 15 minutes when Camelot was under attack by Sigan and his creatures, my favourite scene however was of Merlin falling into some horse poo, I also look forward to seeing where the storyline about Merlin making a deal with The Dragon to goes.


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