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White Collar Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 42#42 bala's post

I'm glad this is on the site now


White Collar Season 2 General Discussion (May Contain Spoilers)

Season 2 Premiered July 13, 2010

Discuss Anything Season 2 Here

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 9-4-2010 16:39 ]


Episode 1: Pilot

This was a great way to start this new show, I like how we have already been given the back-story on Neal Caffrey & Agent Peter Burke's characters, I found it funny that Neal found a 5 Star place to live within his 2 mile ankle tracker radius, my favourite scene was the rooftop anniversary date between Peter & Elizabeth, I like how the case ended with Neal going to the bad guys warehouse which set off his Ankle Tracker, I am looking forward to see where the Neal looking for Kate sup-plot goes, I love all the characters so far and my joint favourite character has to be Neal and Mozzie.


Episode 2: Threads

This was a very good episode, I would love to know who Neal's friend was that was able to find such a great place to throw a fake party compared to the dump site Peter found, I am a little disappointed that Diana Barrigan has been replaced with Lauren Cruz, the best thing about this episode for me was the interaction between Neal & Mozzie's characters, my favourite scene was when Neal had Peter act like a bodyguard/thug while talking to Dmitri, I cant help but find it funny how Neal and not the FBI was able to come up with the plan of calling Ghovat to block his cell phone.


Episode 3: Book of Hours

This was a good episode, the case of a rare Bible being stolen from a mob boss called Burrelli was great, the highlight of this episode for me was Steve an Army Veteran and his sick Dog Lucy, my favourite scene was when Burrelli got his Bible back and also decided to get Lucy some help, I enjoyed the scene of Neal, Peter & Elizabeth discussing the case using visual aid, I find it funny how Peter does/doesn’t want to know about Mozzie, I liked the sub-plot development with a Map being found on that Bottle Of Wine at the end, I laughed every time we saw Mozzie in that FBI Jacket.


Episode 4: Flip Of The Coin

This was an excellent episode to watch, I found it funny how Neal was able to con his way past a dozen people just so he could search Alicia Tiegen's desk while Peter questioned Alicia, the scene when Neal, Peter & Mozzie all shared some drinks while talking was good, my favourite scenes was when Neal & Mozzie conned their way into getting a Limo which Mozzie then used to run down Gregory the bad guy, I found the Dana Mitchell character very annoying because she came across as an emotional wreck, I am beginning to grow to the Lauren Cruz character.


Episode 5: The Portrait

This was a pretty good episode, I had to agree with Julianna about Peter looking like an FBI agent by the way he dresses, my favourite and funniest scene was when Neal searched for the painting while Peter entertained Brigette & Claire, I think Neal was very Robin Hood like because he made a fake Girl With locket painting and gave the real one back to its rightful owner Julianna, I am loving the Neal searching for Kate storyline and I cant see what new development comes next based on how this episode ended with Neal & Mozzie seeing and talking to Kate.


Episode 6: All In

This was a brilliant episode in my opinion, I like the June character and wish she would get more screen time, my favourite scene was when Peter all but confessed how he truly feels about Neal to Bai, I am constantly impressed  with how Neal helps catch the bad guys by making changes to the FBI's Plan at the last minute, It might only be me but I thought all the humour in this episode came from Bai, I loved the massive bombshell in the Neal searching for Kate storyline at the end when Meilin Wan let Neal know that somebody inside the FBI has Kate.


Episode 7: Free Fall

This is my favourite episode so far, It was great to see Neal act like a criminal for a large part of this episode just to clear his name, my favourite scene was Neal's spectacular escape from the courthouse, I found it funny how Mozzie actually had a law degree which allowed him to be Neal's lawyer, I swear my jaw dropped at the end of this episode when it looked like Peter had control over Kate, I love the Elizabeth character because she always finds a way to talk Peter into trusting Neal, I have no idea what Fowler's game is but I don't trust him.


Episode 8: Hard Sell

I thought this was a very good episode, the scene of Neal selling Rhymer Pharmaceutical shares to Peter was a great scene that was also very believable, I had 2 stand-out scenes in this episode with the first being when Neal & Peter had their fake disagreement at that party and the second scene was when Neal & Peter were locked in a vault with no air, my favourite scene/flashback however was of Peter meeting with Kate which is when we learn that Fowler wants some Music Box that Neal stole.


Episode 9: Bad Judgment

This was a pretty good episode, I would love to of seen Mozzie debug the whole of Peter's home because what we did witness was funny, I thought the highlight of this episode was how everybody at the FBI came together to help Peter with the case to catch a dirty Judge while Peter & Mozzie fixed the Fowler problem, I cant wait to see how the storyline involving Fowler, Kate, Neal & Peter ends because it is getting more interesting with each episode that passes, I have decided that Mozzie is my favourite character.


Episode 10: Vital Signs

This was a very good episode, the case which I think was about Organ Selling/Buying was the best case so far in my opinion, I was in constant laughter at Peter attempting to flirt with Melissa Cartwright, the scene of Mozzie pretending to be Bruce Willis was so funny I almost wet myself, my favourite scene by some distance was when Neal said to Peter “out of everybody in my life including Mozzie & Kate you are the one I trust most, I also found the scenes of Dr. Wayne Powell thinking he was going into kidney failure thanks to the FBI & Neal very mean but also funny as hell.


Episode 11: Home Invasion

This was an excellent episode, It might only be me but I loved the interaction that took place between Neal & Alex's characters and I do hope Alex makes a return appearance at some point because I like her character, the scenes of Neal & Peter talking to Dan Picah had me stitches because of how weird Dan was, my favourite scene was when Neal cut is Ankle tracker off at gunpoint and sent a SOS message, I would love to know what the big deal is with damn Music Box, I thought this episode was missing 2 key elements which were Mozzie & Elizabeth.


Episode 12: Bottlenecked

I loved every minute of this episode, the main case/storyline which was about Neal being dared by Matthew Keller into making a fake bottle of wine once owned by Ben Franklin was great because it was different from all the previous episodes/cases, I was laughing so hard when Mozzie stood up and bid $1 Million on that Ben Franklin bottle of wine because of the look on Mozzie's face, my favourite scene was when Keller was talked into giving himself up or be killed by the Russians for not paying his Debt, I thought Ross McCall did a great job of playing Matthew Keller.


Episode 13: Front Man

I thought this was a great episode, It was good seeing Diane Neal (Law & Order SVU) make an appearance in this episode as Agent Kimberly Rice whose character I did not like that much, the highlight of this episode for me was when Neal & Mozzie scammed Ryan Wilkes out of his briefcase, my favourite scene however was when Neal & Lindsay made fun of how a bad guy was eating his food, I was also very happy to see Alex make another appearance whose character intrigues me for some reason.


Episode 14: Out Of The Box

This was an unbelievably good season finale in my opinion, I am loving the Alex character because of her interaction with Neal, I loved the scene when Peter punched Fowler for going after Elizabeth, it was also great to see Diana return who hopefully sticks around this time, the scene involving Neal, Mozzie & Alex stealing the music box was brilliant and exciting to watch, my favourite scene was the conversation Neal & Peter had just before the cliffhanger when the Plane Kate was on blows up.


Episode 1: Withdrawal

This was a great episode, I'm not 100% sure that Kate died in that Plane explosion, I liked the scene when Neal walked into that bank at the start with a fake ID and was able to steal some money from the vault, the scenes of Peter & Mozzie meeting in the park to talk about Neal funny because of how Mozzie acted, my favourite scene was of Peter & Neal arguing to distract Renee, I'm hoping we get to see more of June & Elizabeth this season as they are both great characters, It's great to have Diana back full time and I had a look of shock on my face when it turned out she had the Music Box.


Episode 2: Need To Know

This was a very good episode, I like how this episode started exactly where the last one finished, I was impressed with how Neal was able to get the job as Gary Jennings Fixer by talking about Stadium's and a Children's park, I was in stitches at the scene when Peter was speaking to Elizabeth on the phone whist his laptop ended up on an escort website, I loved the scene of Neal & Diana hanging out in the Hotel Room, I loved the fact we got some background info on Diana's character, my favourite scene was of Peter & Mozzie going on a scavenger hunt, I can see this secret mission by Peter & Diana blowing up in their faces at some point.


Episode 3: Copycat Caffrey 

This was an excellent episode, It was really good to see Alex make another appearance, I hope we get to see more of Mozzie having secret meetings because they are always funny due to the way he acts, I loved Neal's reactions when he found out somebody is copying his work and a university has been giving a criminology class on him, I liked the fact that Alex's problem and the FBI case ended up being merged into 1 case, my favourite scene was of Peter playing a bad guy and threatening Professor George Oswald, I cant wait for the next development involving the Music Box based on how this episode ended.


Episode 4: By The Book

This was a great episode because it was Mozzie centred, I loved the start of this episode with Mozzie & Neal talking in the elevator at FBI Office, I for one was impressed with how Peter stopped Neal from getting caught by Navarro, the scene when Mozzie first walked into the FBI Office was hilarious and all scenes of Mozzie inside the FBI Office that followed were a little funny, my favourite scene was of Mozzie standing up to Navarro and calling him an idiot, I have to say I thought this was Mozzie's best episode to date and I loved the way he disarmed that bad guy at the end, I was hoping Gina might stick around.


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