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Tv Shows that could be updated up to 12th July

OMG Children of Earth!!!!
OMG Children of Earth!!!!
OMG Children of Earth!!!!
OMG Children of Earth!!!!
OMG Children of Earth!!!!

Can you tell I'm a little excited? I feel I've been waiting for this for forever and now I think like I may explode.

P.S please forgive me my spam. Someone gave me the Twilight novels to read. And after 24 hours straight reading to get the first  3 and 1/3  read(Yes I know that's just crazy) I now have to wait on my mother to go to bed so I can steal and finish the last one. Those books are pure evil. I think this is what a pre-pubescent teen feels like at a Jonas Brothers concert and I'm 33. Yes I know my life is sad.

