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Viewing HIstory

Viewing HIstory

So I have to ask because from what I can tell this issue is not being addressed directly....I understood when it happened at first as a part of the switch to the new program, but it just did it again as the last week's worth of history that is now gone! If I can't keep track of what I am watching then I have to lose points by checking the episodes by playing them to see if I have seen them. I just did that with a few shows and accepted it without complaint as part of the changeover, but now AGAIN it has happened where my history is gone. I refuse to lose points again just to figure out my own history to correct a website bug. Please help! You guys are ALWAYS the best so please help me out!

Thanks so much,
Recent Ratings
  • shinny Points +6 To help with episode checking 6-1-2009 15:36

