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Lost points - VIP Acct only showing 1pt

Lost points - VIP Acct only showing 1pt

After making 3 purchases of F$ on the 12th of July and transferring all to VIP Points all of a sudden roughly 600 points have just disappeared from my account and also neither friends vista, nor VIP are showing a true reflection of my account transactions. I have my paypal statement showing the purchase of the F$. I therefore ask those in Admin positions if you can assist in my obtaining the points returned. I'm hoping it's a network glitch and all will be rectified tomorrow but I thought best to notify you now. Regards Gresk


Still no response to the PM, may I ask how long I should expect to wait for a PM back from Lbj? Kind regards


Many thanks


Still no reply, is there any other admin other than LBJ who can research this loss of points please as VIP is the only way in which I can watch any TV, I'm reluctant to try putting more points on seeing as I had 600+ points sitting there before the database decided to remove them. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Recent Ratings
  • trulee Points +8 For your trouble 8-19-2009 07:11


Thank you kindly for your efforts.


Many thanks

Just a reply to say a great thanks to LBJ for sorting out my predicament, it was a user error and not an admin error and for that I apologise should I have seemed in my posts to imply that. Thank you again LBJ and Trulee. Gresk

