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loading problems

i think most people have the same problem. it makes me mad all the time. i pay 30 bucks a month to get unlimited viewing because the site is so unreliable. when you ask a question about it, it's always the same answer," we are working on the problem. please be patient." you would think that all the money that gets funneled through this site that the people running it could upgrade to better, faster servers. the more people trying to use it the more powerful servers you need. eventually as they keep loosing customers they will be forced to upgrade and take our issues seriously. i mean no one even responded the original post. there are other more reliable web sites out there that offer this service so people will go where they get what they are paying for instead of giving their money away.


i tried to talk to "LIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORT NO. 2" about the same problem tonight and didnt get a response back at all. then i logged out, did it again, this time with a kudos comment and i immediately got a response. its so cool to know that you are paying 30 bucks a month for a year to be ignored and have such horrible server/loading problems. with us and eu servers by the way. i have a dope computer and fiber optic internet. i guess its on my end lately. seems how fiber optic is so slow and all. oh. my bad everything else on the world wide web is moving at the speed of light. still prolly on my end.

