Problem watching
Hi! Does anyone else have problem watching? Even though it buffers ok, it still stops every other second and I get that loading circle, like the JW player is having looks the same as when you have bad internet connection and it reloads to buffer, but the problem remains even though the ep. is buffered, I´ve had this problem now for 2 days. Everything on my end is up to date, cookies has been removed, vpn does not make a difference, my browser is up to date, I have good internet connection and so on... I´m on a laptop with Win 10 and I´m using Chrome as my worked just fine before and I have not changed anything on my laptop....getting a bit frustrated since I´ve paid for a 30 day pass, and I can´t watch anything due to this problem, and I can´t figure out what the problem is... Anyone have any ideas on what´s wrong? Does anyone else have the same problem?