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Chuck Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 150#150 codebreaker's post

It was a good finale, though I don't see Grimes being the intersect more than an episode.  Well next season is the last according to the network, so we will see
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Reply 3#3 bala's post

I think NBC really dislikes Chuck
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Originally posted by bala at 10-1-2011 10:32  
if they did they would of ended a long time again.
NBC has tried to cancel the show since the second season, there was a major campaign to keep it on air, they went to Subway (the campaign) which is why Subway is a big big sponsor of the show.  And this is last season, has already been confirmed, which is why NBC put it on the Friday Night Death Spot
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Originally posted by bala at 10-29-2011 08:03  
Well Morgan trying to be as good chuck was amusing but losing their funding and trying make buymore profitable is an interesting plan.
I don't know if I like Chuck not having Chuck as the Intersect, Morgan is even more of a screw-up of it than Chuck ever was.
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Reply 10#10 arksongbird80's post

They got married in the last episode of the 4th season, Chuck vs the Cliffhanger
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Reply 13#13 codebreaker's post

I agree, I didn't find anything he did as an agent to be funny, I mean, why did he run through the water?
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Reply 17#17 arksongbird80's post

I miss Chuck being the intersect.  It was funny that Awesome's did the commercial and his name-tag said Captain Awesome.  Morgan going to the other team and losing memories.
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Reply 20#20 bala's post

It makes sense, still hoping Chuck will get it, but it was kinda cool that Chuck, without the intersect easily blocked Morgan, while all the other ones didn't.  Wonder how long Jeff will be sober and straight?
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5x04 Chuck Versus the Business Trip

Well no more Morgan Intersect!    Casey getting arrested though, means someone didn't die, wish he recorded that conversation he listened to.
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Reply 24#24 arksongbird80's post

Ark, I agree, since it is the last season, they seem to just be putting them out.
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Reply 26#26 bala's post

And disappointing fans is a consideration?  Studios don't care, especially when cancelling shows.  Look at the decent shows that were getting a good fan-base that have been cancelled in the last year..
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Reply 29#29 bala's post

I really enjoyed seeing Chuck being a hacker, every since the pilot they always talked about how good of a computer person he was, but outside of opening a few security systems we never saw anything to really prove it, and saying that "Swordfish" was based off him was too funny.
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Reply 31#31 codebreaker's post

His knowledge is a lot more than from Buy More, in fact that was a big part of the plot for the first season or two, how he was a hot shot computer programmer and was attending college, when he was kicked out for something he didn't do.
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Reply 33#33 arksongbird80's post

I saw the previews so i know who!  You will  have to take  a spoiler (not much of one, since it is on the previews and has been for a couple of weeks)

Decent episode, too bad Chuck went back to his idiotic self briefly and left Sarah, it would have been much different
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Reply 37#37 bala's post

Well the baby has to be before Chuck even came around, because there has not been a period long enough if they are hinting at Sarah having a baby, an d of course, it can be a code name for something also.  We will have to see, only 6 more episodes of Chuck, then it is goodbye forever, see ya in the reruns.

Funny cameo with Stan Lee, and Beckman kissing Chuck as cover was too funny.
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Reply 44#44 arksongbird80's post

It is nice that Sarah is getting a family, not only a husband and his family but now her mother and a sister.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 47#47 bala's post

I felt a bit disappointed with this episode, though I guess the Jeffster part was ok
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Reply 50#50 bala's post

Bo Derek, ah, like Chuck and Grimes, she brought back teenage memories.  Wonder what kind of damage Sarah can do with the intersect, unlike Chuck and Grimes, she already knows her stuff, so now she is 1000x better, but might ruin the whole settle down thing.
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Reply 52#52 babysexylexy's post

She knw the stuff, but now she knows more, look at how all the spies have been trying to get it, not for use for a wimpy dude but by their agents.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 54#54 babysexylexy's post

I am glad they didn't, as I don't like the Jeffster.  It was bad enough with Morgan.  I was kind of hoping Chuck would get the intersect back though
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...

