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Chuck Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Chuck vs the Anniversary 4x01

So glad to have Chuck back on.  It was good, luv the Buy More, starting to become James Bondish.  Linda Hamilton, be still my beating heart.  And Chuck, the man himself, like the confidence, though you know the Ellie thing is gonna turn bad.


Reply 3#3 bala's post

It will most likely be the same as his father, she is hiding to protect her family, except she is protecting them from the bad guys, who she has too work for.


Reply 5#5 bala's post

Well think it was more than a month, as you can see from the pictures the enemy had of Chuck and Morgan as they globetrotted around the world and Morgan mentioned how much in debt he was because of it.  And Chuck had the clue from the Ring that started leading them there, unlike his father. And we can't forget the Dues Ex Machina aspect


Reply 8#8 bala's post

Liked the scene of the old Buy More crew walking with Morgan and the fan.  He's getting deeper and deeper with the lie again, it's going to bite him hard.


Chuck vs the Cubic Z

Decent episode, all about the relationship.  I didn't find it as funny as others.


Reply 12#12 bala's post

I like the humor   And was good to see Big Mike


Reply 15#15 codebreaker's post

It looked like all the CIA agents posing as employees were not there, only a couple I think are still with the store, as Morgan said they were too perfect to be working there.


Chuck vs the Coup de' Etat

Well Chuck came somewhat clean with Ellie  Morgan is gonna get killed by Casey   It was a good episode.  Awesome's statue just cracked me up.


Reply 22#22 bala's post

Yea I am kinda feeling that way about the focus of the relationship, Do we have to have every episode be them arguing and figuring out where they stand


Reply 26#26 bala's post

I kinda liked the 1st and second season missions, but that was before Chuck was a super spy.


4x05 Chuck vs the Couch Lock

Like this episode, Liked how Morgan saved the day and again grudgingly won Casey over.


Reply 34#34 arksongbird80's post

I'm with bala, I didn't notice the dress, so must be a girl thing


Reply 38#38 arksongbird80's post

I agree, Chuck has grown up alot, he realizes that people in the spy world are not always who they say, so he will be upset, but don't think he will be real angry with Sarah, especially since at the beginning of the episode he thought his mother was bad, and also when she shot him, again he thought she was bad.

I have seen much worse dresses than that one, it was flashy and loud, but again it could have been worse (and I'm a guy, so I liked the way it accented her legs   )

No Sarah Lancaster is not pregnant    Here is an interview with her and Ryan McPartlin (Awesome) where it she mentions the foam baby belly belt: source


Reply 44#44 bala's post

Yea, a backup, either that or a flux capacitor    I agree that she gave him more information, she said along the lines (paraphrasing here) "Your father didn't think you could handle this."

I used to feel for Morgan, but lately, he is starting to really irk me, hopefully Casey will straighten him out.


Reply 46#46 arksongbird80's post

When they showed Orion's setup earlier, it had the same lights and pattern as the lights in the car.


Reply 50#50 bala's post

We will see, you would think after all the fights and such, even without a active intersect he would know something


Reply 52#52 bala's post

I did enjoy seeing Summer Glau, I misss seeing her on a regular basis


Reply 54#54 bala's post

Ah, but you would have to be a fan or real curious to have know that
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 57#57 codebreaker's post

Just think the whole Greta thing was just a role to show Summer  
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 59#59 bala's post

spoken in Thai... "It's the Giant Blonde, She-male... Run AWAY!!!"

Too funny, decent episode, wonder what Eli found
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


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