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It's not only about quality

Really guys. I've just read the conversation in that thread and i was kinda disappointed. First of all, the threats that were mentioned here is something immoral. Of course everyone has the freedom of speech and no one gonna disagree in that. But still like the democracy is telling "The freedom of a man ends where the freedom of the other begins". So you are free to tell whatever you want but if your words can harm someone it's can be considered even a crime in some cases. And the quality of the site (Which i think is quite good) Is not the only criteria by which you must judge. The community of this site is nice and friendly. The moderators and the admin are making the site better everyday. And the game site is something that i must mention here (Thx guys) And even if these two theories are not much for you than just think about the effort of the team of this site. I mean a guy was selling some pixels on a single web page (The one million dollar site ,i believe you heard of it) for ads and he took a million dollars for nothing ( He had one million little squares on a screen and he was selling every square for a dollar i think). So if you think about that then surely the people who made this site and maintaining it surely deserve ,at least, our respect. Making a site like this is something that needs time, knowledge and effort. I'm into web design too so i know what i'm talking about. So if you don't like this site then just don't bother (I mean every website or anything else can be liked by someone and disliked, it's hard to be liked by everyone.It's kinda matter of taste). i also can't say that i'm mad about this site, but still i like watching the movies here, i enjoy the community, i like playing the games and i kinda like the point system, it's something like a challenge (xexexe) .But writing threats and offending the others is not the right way, believe me. And excuse me if i offended someone somehow. cheerz...

