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help please

ive already posted on one of these thread and took that advice....i donated just over two weeks ago and have not been given my points at all yet although i have been activated as a vip member it says...i have been able to contact cs live and they gave me 10 points on a vip card the day after i donted til this was sorted out but i cant get through to them at all now theres no response from them whatsoever when i get through to them and ive tried the whole firewall thing too?? anyways ive sent three pms and no response there either. i understand the site is busy at the moment but its been over two weeks now...i just want the points i paid for it wasnt alot but i still paid!! if anyone can help me at all with this it would be much appreciated thankyou!!!!!
Recent Ratings
  • gypsiegirl66 Points +4 For you inconvenience! 4-3-2008 13:15



admins been in touch so hopefully this will be sorted out and i can watch some greys!! thanks for the help happy days lol!!


still waiting!!!

im sorry but im still waiting for my points ive heard from admin and sent them details they need twice and nothing...i know there busy but seriously its taken a month!!! can i just have my money back?????? i dont want to be a pain and keep posting but i really dont want to wait any rather have my money back now thanks



thanks i got my points!!! so happy! thanks for responding to my post and not keeping me waiting any longer, much appreciated x

