Smallville Season 8 Season Finale Discussion (SPOILERS WILL BE INCLUDED)
Well i have mixed feeling about this episode, this season finale might not be as good previous one but it does leave a very interesting clif-hanger at the end.
i'm a bit sad that Jimmy is dead but at least he found out Clark secret just when you thought Chloe and Jimmy were going get a second chance Davis kills him but I'm glad Jimmy took Davis with him that was fitting death for him.
Lois is in the future be interesting what writer are going to do about this?
Oliver team are missing ? How is that possible Bart should of been able escape and who helped Clark escape?
Well this is renewed so i can't wait to see a different more understanding Clark, he has learnt an important lesson and i can't wait to see how this change will affect him it's certain by end of this episode he's a different person and realise take the life would better than letting Davis live. They really need push up story-line to more mature audience if it's going to be successful.