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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Rufus Getting Married.

Well georgina really know how expose a secret now they know he their son and it forced them get married


Reply 14#14 codebreaker's post

i suspected she wouldn't last


Reply 16#16 spratt89's post

Well it had a good run but i don't it's dead yet


Reply 18#18 codebreaker's post

Yes but Blair took it too far with Chuck


How to Succeed in Bassness

nice little episode and jenny slowly becoming mean   that's the problem once you have power it corrupts you. .


They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?

So the threesome was strange not exactly who i was expecting but i can't believe Vanessa would actual do it with Dan.

The promo for this episode made it look like there more than 1 3-some but no i was left surprised especially by ending with mobile message that the movie wasn't going to be made


The Treasure of Serena Madre

well that was very interesting thanksgiving all those secrets


Reply 27#27 codebreaker's post

Well he wanted best for her it didn't work


Reply 29#29 codebreaker's post

Yes it's amazing what rich people are capable of


Jenny, Full of Grace

Well look like Jenny is become a good drug dealer I mean she smart, actually make her clothes accessory from drugs was rather smart. I knew that woman was chuck mother i am glad Blair saw through it but with his dad dead i don't understand what she is scared of.


Reply 32#32 codebreaker's post

Well jenny still manages to save the day


The Lady Vanished

Well Jenny is really becoming such a little rebel isn't she and i had a feeling chuck mother would stay but i wonder if anyone pick up on look she gave blair at the end maybe i reading too much into it but she never really look blair in the eye. i have feeling she going try break them up?.


The Sixteen Year Old Virgin

Poor jenny she deserved what she got it was awful but this is what happens when you rush it and she was warned by Serena but she didn't listen. Well i knew Chuck's mother couldn't be trusted.


Reply 38#38 codebreaker's post

if you can't trust your own mother who can you trust?


The Empire Strikes Jack

Well they really keep mess around about chuck mother don't there and it will be interesting to see what happens now with chuck, how is he going get his company back.  


Reply 42#42 marryjonthan's post

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Inglourious Bassterds

Wow Bass actually serving up Blair so he could get his company back was awful but it going be interesting to see how Blair get him back


Reply 47#47 codebreaker's post

Well the fact that Chuck think he can win her back is even more distrubing.


The Unblairable Lightness of Being

Well this was nice episode,  Dorota got her perfect wedding thanks to chuck . What was lilly up to with her ex-husband ?


Reply 50#50 codebreaker's post

What he always does mope around like a sad person

