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The Good Wife Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

6x04 Oppo Research

Alicia listening to oppo research lead some interesting revelation about her family . Trust bishop is get his hand on her campaign


6x05 Old Spice

Kerry really can't get a break can he this season .

Elsbeth and Perotti.were highlight of this episode both of them being so bizarre it was disturbing and amusing from baby lotion to them doing on the table with while "Call Me Maybe" played, presumably on loop.


Reply 11#11 gabsimom's post

I don't think she will win but i could be wrong


Message Discipline

That interview didn't go well but we now know how drugs that went missing were connected to him.


Red Zone

I just had a feeling that that university rape case Alicia was bound set up a law-suit but them getting rid of suspect by exspell him stop class action was a simple solution .


Sticky Content

This was a bad way to find out your husband is back to old way cheating on Alicia but considering she doesn't care but she need him to end it for her run in election .


Dark Money

Alicia trying to get money for her pac was tricky but the pow-wow she having with her running mate have lead some interesting situation and klinder being a baby-sitter was amusing


Mind's Eye

Seeing how her mind worked was impressive


Reply 18#18 shinny's post

This is the problem when show has run more than 3 years it hard to come up with fresh ideas


6x15 Open Source"

Anyone stupid enough to use 3D printer to print a gun is a moron of course it's bound to explode .


6x16 Red Meat

Of course Alcia was going win the election i had no doubt


6x17 Undisclosed Recipients

Those leak e-mail certainly made the lawyers really nervous but i can't wait next batch which expose Alicia


6x18 Loser Edit

Alicia can't even have 1 episode to enjoy her victory before it goes up in flames i knew reporter wanted to make Alicia look bad but not even i didn't see election fraud coming .


6x19 Winning Ugly

What a way for Alicia to lose after winning an election


6x20 The Deconstruction

Goodbye Kalinda and you would think Alicia would know better than to make assumption about Lockhart Garner . Good thing Kalinda sort that out before she did a runner or thing could get even more complicated


6x21 Don't Fail

A flashback episode over old case retried was boring


7x01 Bond

Alicia new job has bond lawyer was amusing


7x02 Innocents

A mother putting naked photos of her children as art was disturbing but you could understand why he vandalised the art


7x03 Cooked

Eli telling the judge about sting was sneaky way to get him on his side


7x04 Taxed

Alicia really annoying that bond judge was amusing but taking everyone else case certainly put everyone on her back

