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Chuck Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 129#129 sanggye's post

At least she witness him in action


Reply 131#131 arksongbird80's post

you just can't keep everyone happy


Reply 135#135 arksongbird80's post

I honestly didn't see that coming   of all the people it had to be him i think next week season final ?


Chuck Versus the Last Details

Wow i am left rather speechless after the ending i knew she capable of evil but target Sarah Norseman device made for a great clif-hanger . I can't wait for the season finale next week


Reply 144#144 arksongbird80's post

Well wouldn't it great if he made him the bad guy


Reply 146#146 arksongbird80's post

A lot , think about for 4 years he is always in chuck shadow now he has skills to be anything he wants to be he will start mis use it. . they need to do something grimme a little more interesting and since we know they can remove intersect  safely with those glasses


Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger

Well meet real volkoff was interesting and the way they rescued him and saved Sarah was great but Morgan having the intsec should be very interesting and i am glad it's renewed but i think stop after next season it's getting boring ?. Think about it what more can they explore we meet both chuck parents and we seen improvement to the intersec so what else can they do?.


Reply 2#2 spratt89's post

Well at least it's not 2012


Reply 4#4 sanggye's post

if they did they would of ended a long time again.


Chuck Versus the Zoom

Well Morgan trying to be as good chuck was amusing but losing their funding and trying make buymore profitable is an interesting plan.


Reply 8#8 sanggye's post

That reason why they did it add to comedy look chuck become leader of the team which is promotion don't you think?. Look like there are more secrets that chuck doesn't know about?.


Chuck Versus the Bearded Bandit

This episode wasn't much better but ending was a bit odd if there think that was suppose to create suspence it didn't we know it's only 1-2 episode than he will come back to chuck side.


Chuck Versus The Frosted Tips

Well the kill order for morgan is going good but seriously how far will Morgan go i just felt it was surprising it had a virus


Chuck - Bloopers Season 4 Gag Reel


Reply 25#25 sanggye's post

Well the fact that we know thsi last season is of some comfort but i am still curious to know how they will end this show it better be great or all fans will be disappointed.


Chuck Versus The Hack Off

Well a good episode but nudist cult being a front was amusing


Reply 36#36 codebreaker's post

Yes but i am curious about baby is baby shaws and how does he find out and top of that if he was in prison why didn't remove insec ?


Reply 38#38 sanggye's post

Look like your right since promo for the next episode shows us who has the baby.


Reply 40#40 codebreaker's post

Yes but i didn't even know Sarah mother is alive.


Reply 42#42 codebreaker's post

Well i know but it nice to be surprised

