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The Good Wife Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The Next Month

That was a lot running about for 1 day trying not to get her client deported but all their efforts were great . Nice Klenda to give that advice to her because we saw completely different side to her . She really would of made Klenda proud what she did in this episode.


100th Episode: The Decision Tree

Well i have to say what a way bring back old storyline from nowhere i had completely forgot that crazy old man but leaving 15Million for Alicia in his will was crazy but after all those arguements finding out he made 15 other wills were pricless because all of them are invalid.

Eli spit take was fantastic when she said she was thinking of naming her baby Peter   . BTW i don't think baby is peter i think she admires Peter and that the reason why she name her baby Peter .

Who would thought Christmas party would be so difficult to arrange ?


Reply 26#26 codebreaker's post

LOL that song wasn't that bad but you got to feel sorry for music lawyer who deal with this type of cases daily


Reply 29#29 codebreaker's post

Neither have i but trivial matter each jury had with each other was ridiculous and what Carey did to Klendra was priceless  


Reply 31#31 codebreaker's post

Well i am still waiting for them hook up with each other


Parallel Construction,

Well i have to say using NSA wire tap convict Bishop was risky because expose the wire tap but the fact that NSA share them with all agency is going make things a lot more interesting.


A Few Words

Well the flashback to Alicia getting her job at Lockhart & Gardiner was interesting and i am glad Will and Alicia actually managed civil conversation agree to be business rival


Reply 36#36 shinny's post

Well it certainly was a surprise none of us see coming


Reply 38#38 shinny's post

Well at least it was good exit


Reply 42#42 codebreaker's post

3 episode back to back must been fun


The Last Call

Well Alicia trying figure out why Will call was annoying because she couldn't find out


All Tapped Out

I was curious how they were going to conclude NSA tap storyline but who would thought a lie dector question would cause them find out about wire tap and using information was amusing . .


Tying The Knot

Wow that one disturbing women he's marrying however confusing Alicia was great work


The Deep Web

What a great reason to get out of jury duty by saying your a lawyer but Carrie giving her the day off was nice but not knowing what to do was amusing but being desperate enough hang around your mother was crazy


one percent

Well having a client who keep on making a mess in media certainly made his case challenging but when Alicia mixed up the media presenter was amusing. Trust peter to get jealous of an innocent photo but that intern is bound to cause problem


Reply 55#55 codebreaker's post

That really was a surprise because i really didn't see that coming but Eli asking Alicia to run was great cliffhanger


6x01 The Line

A great start to season with Cary going to jail because they want Bishop and am using him to get to him but bishop testing Cary loyalty with an inmate stabbing him was impressive and bail being set so high but even when they got money from bishop they couldn't use it.


Reply 3#3 codebreaker's post

i hope we see more of his daughter she was very entertaining


Trust Issues

Who would of thought rumour of Alicia running for office would open up so many chequebook to pat Carrie bail but finally winning chum hum case to pay Carrie bail was great .


6x03 Dear God

Being forced to go church arbitration to sort out case was interesting but asking Grace to help bible arguments was nice

