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White Collar Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 8#8 codebreaker's post

That was nice twist since i wasn't sure if that was plan


Parting Shots

What a great episode with Sarah back certain made for amusing comeback but now he's back on the team


Honor Among Thieves

Well that was one hell close call for neal almost tempted to break the law but he knew peter would have his back but peter thinking it was all con was a surprise since it put doubt in audience mind whether peter got played or not


Identity Crisis

This really felt more like a filler episode but it's nice mozzie episode once in a while


Compromising Positions

What an episode but trying to make it look Peter was having an affair with Sarah with his wife permission was priceless but how they tried to explain it to them was amusing. There really look like two boys with a dirty secret . I have feeling we will see that other women again she too good not be on the show again


Ancient History

Well mozzie going to suit because he didn't trust neil contact was intresting but what a way to put both of them in hot situation when he broke into Alex place and Peter bail him out . I am liking that they involve mozzie more and more on the show


Gloves Off

Well you just knew boxing match between peter and Neal wouldn't go to plan


Family Business

I was right i figured out it was his father from the promo


Family Business

Well it was good con but look like it's a lot deeper and nice flashbacks to his memories of his dad surprised he could remember them.


Reply 30#30 codebreaker's post

Well his wife asking him to lie to him was difficult but fact both of them playing each other is going to make this interesting.


Shoot The Moon

So much surprise vacation i had feeling they would end up being kidnapped


Reply 36#36 codebreaker's post

Yes but we knew it was fake because when she said are you ready for this i knew it was an act but they could of really cut that bit out make look like real proposal ?


Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post

Well this was good start to new season but the fact Peter has his suspions about Neal are really great but i wonder who he pick to be Neal guardian .


Out Of The Frying Pan

So we find out what Mozzie's real name is but delivering Diane baby was priceless


Reply 8#8 codebreaker's post

Yeah but it was cost of doing a con but neal has to deal with other death which makes a higher cost with his handler dead question is going on Neal


Controlling Interest

This was a new one,  getting criminal to rip each other off without actually doing the crime but trust Neal to take the money and give it to moz but i am curious how he plan cut the strings


5x05 Ice Breaker

Well i have to say coming back from dead was one hell of a con but Neal going undercover as a butler was amusing. Peter with a cold was nice storyline actually showing character can actually fall sick .


Reply 14#14 codebreaker's post

i must of forgotten to comment on this episode but neal giving Peter the slip was a very risky move and now Peter knows Neal is up to something


5x07 Quantico Closure

Well Peter ex asking him to help her on case didn't go well for his wife but his wife spying on him and rescue them in hotel room was priceless


Digging Deeper

Well Neal coming clean with his new girlfriend about his past thank to Peter was nice but she really took it well but he left out he was responsible for her getting fired is going to create a problem for him.

Peter still has no clue what Neal is upto but at least he's suspicious

