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How I Met Your Mother Season 3-9 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The Burning Beekeeper

Well Lilly and marshall house-warming party didn't go off nice but barney being put in a difficult situation and choose to get string by 10,000 bees was amusing. When i read title i thought it was the name barney pick up techiques he mentioned few season back?. Anyone remember the name?.


The Drunk Train

Well another great episode but what a twist at end finding out who barney girl actually was interesting. Ted saying he love robin was so desperate that i think she actually believe him. So sad kumar is gone i really like him


no pressure

Wow what an emotional episode for Ted i feel bad but it was right decision for Robin they are great friends but it would unfair keep him waiting until 40 just to see if he will have a chance with Robin this way it's clean break but Marshall and Lilly having bets about their friends was amusing and disturbing you shouldn't bet on people lives. You would think they would know better than leave Barney home alone in their house ?.



Well barney getting played by her was rather amusing he deserved it for all things he has done to women over past 7 years and does anyone think it her who he marry ?


The Broath

Quinn and Barney play a game on the gang was rather amusing


Trilogy Time

Interesting episode how there lives have changed since 2003 -2015



Are they going around in circles ?


The Pre-Nup

That was one crazy pre-nup but finding neither of them trust each other was sad   but it certainly open up issues with the other couple



Well it was nice of Lilly dad to pay for the nanny but seriously BARNEY


The Bro Code For Parents

Well picking who would look after Lilly and Marshall child was interesting but i had feeling they pick all 3




Series Finale Review


If you haven't seen this series finale of this show please don't read any further. I always do a proper review on long running show series finale and this one is no exception

How I met your mother isn't like most comedies because the title kind of gives it away , what the ending is going to be,  and while it's been running for a number of years there was always a concern in my mind that if this series got canned we would have no idea who the mother is but I am glad I stick around for past 7 years because one thing you can sure is that there still few surprises left in this series finale.

The one thing i liked about this series has been the friendship that were formed from Ted to Marshall to Lilly to Barney and than Robin. These were like watching show with your best friends seeing the situations all of these characters been through were great and even i was surprised to find out Barney and Robin actually got married but you never expected them to get a divorced. If that wasn't sad enough finding out Ted's wife died, after all that they didn't live happily ever after was actually a good thing it had dose of reality but I think that they pushing it at end with Ted and Robin , not quite happy with that but kids telling him for after aunty robin was amusing.

Now Barney being a father i saw coming but since we have no idea who the mother is i am curious whether she will be spin off how i met your father why else would they kept that out of episode ?. Mind you i am surprised that Barney doesn't have more children out there with the amount of women he has done .

Marshall and Lilly have been the only constant in this series ever since we met them they been together with occasional breaks in their relationship they always seem to find each other by the end . I did notice Lilly and robin did become annoying in the later seasons.  

I was quite satisfied with this series finale except for the ending. That's 7 years i won't get back


Reply 31#31 waterlilybarb's post

Ok i only been watching this series for 7 years
Craptastic, is all I have to say.
That how i felt watching this series ever season finale since season 3 onwards

[ Last edited by bala at 4-1-2014 20:08 ]


Reply 33#33 waterlilybarb's post

I won't be watching spin-off how i met your father


Reply 35#35 waterlilybarb's post

I am curious if we ever know who Barney's kid mother is that only thing that annoyed me the most because give this show an ending leaving that bit unknown is stupid if they are not planning to include that in the spin-off.


Reply 37#37 waterlilybarb's post

A better show would been a spin-off with barney raising his daughter


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