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7th Heaven (The CW) General Discussion (Spoilers)

Dirty Laundry

I really don't like these type of episode where they talk about history events there just too sad to watch. . On lighter note Matt and Shana metaphor for intimacy was amusing.


Who Nose?

Huffing episode where simon find some school friends huffing paint can was rather dangerous but Ruthie winning first prize for her art project surprised the whole family.


Forget Me Not

Sad episode here Annie finds out her father is in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease but Ruthie asking him start a fire was rather dangerous.


All by Myself

I would of loved to seen Annie reaction when she came home after her weekend off from her family.


Who Do You Trust?

I can't believe Lucy decided kiss a guy after knowing him for a few hours



This was one of teachable moment that words hurt when a teacher calls Ruthie stupid annie get angry but i am glad she smart enough to get other mother involved and get her fired. How can a teacher call a pupil stupid is beyond my understanding.


Loves Me, Loves Me Not

Well this was a great episode after the last couple of average episodes this really made up for it. Matt spending time with Heather is one thing but not telling Shana was bound to backfire look like it did thanks to Mary telling her. Simon accidently giving his girlfriend a hickey was amusing but allowing her to give him one as payback was amusing. Robbie we knew wasn't a good guy but finding out his plan was awful it good thing she was able to runaway and he didn't force himself on her.


Say a Little Prayer for Me

Well i have say i found this episode annoying about power of prayer


Twelve Angry People

Well this was tough episode where Eric has convince rest of juror the guy is guilty when everyone voted not guilty.


Hoop Dreams

Mary thinking she was going play for WMBA When she wasn't was predictable.


Talk to Me

This episode was about communication with people in Camden family


Liar, Liar

You just knew the newspaper story about his family  was going to be amusing. The fact that all of them told al amusing stories that happen previous 3 season was priceless and photos were icing on the cake.


Love Stinks (1)

Well I have to say this double season finale was going be good but matt going back heather was so annoying but given swana. Mary upsets her parents by announcing that not only has she decided to skip college in the fall, but she is getting back together with Robbie was one annoying story-line where you knew it going fall apart and i am glad Robbie ex girlfriend told him what he was really like. Ruthie thinking having a boyfriend was like having a slave was ridiculous.


Love Stinks (2)

Simon finds out the real reason why Deena wants to break up with him sad their parents are getting a divorce. Well episode cut out at end so I didn't know what clif hanger was but found out


Here We Go Again

Well season 5 and some new changes, Annie want go to school , Mary get a job and buy a car she really can't afford and Simon start high school. Eric has look after the whole family which is challenge but manages. Matt not going through with getting married was clif hanger and since i watched this episode after the last one it wasn't much of suspense.



This episode was asking for help when people needed it and sometimes in life you have to ask for help when you really need it but mary getting fired was predictable but asking her grandad bail her out was wrong but glad he was able arrange a job for her.



This is a combined review on these episode because there had one big story arc about Mary leaving the show and it was a very emotional episode i couldn't believe how bad the character got to where Eric and Annie had no choice but to ship her off to Eric father who is a tough man. It was sad to see how Mary didn't realise how far she had taken her family for granted and what she did was sad. . These episode were tough to watch

I did some internet research and found out actress was unhappy in her role so the writers wrote her out because she posed naked in a men magazine and it was against her contact with the show that she wasn't allowed to do that. This show has had same actors as character 11 years which mean unlike other show where they replace character with different actors this show didn't do that which was great for fans of the show.

She does makes guest appearance later on season 7 and last episode of series .



With Mary gone everyone speculates as why mary left with most of them thinking she's pregnant  . Well it amazing how gossip get out of control but loved the jokes the Eric and his wife made about seeing other people just teach a lesson to those nosey women.



Well we all listen rap music but i never really think about the message bad rap music says about disrespecting women. They really went out teach the ignorance in people have about treating women as object rather than people and at least Simon learnt the effect that type of music has on young guys but attacking Heather really help Simon see the effect that type of music as on people. This season has been more powerful in type of message it sends out.

I am still only half through the series but i can see why this was popular.



Well i have say i didn't see this coming having the guy who tried to take advantage of Mary last season actually move in Camden house because he's homeless. Mary thinking he dating his sister Lucy was amusing

