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Hollywood Heights (Nick) General Discussion (Spoilers)

The Paparazzi Photo

Well he should known that he would be followed but Tyler change his approach is interesting. I had a feeling the pharmacy robbery something would go wrong but we don't know what .


Eddie's New Song

Well Chole trying again with eddie but slip of her toungue he caught her in another lie. Loren looked happy that eddie came to her work share his new song. Forgetting to set alarm from  pharmacy robbery was rather stupid but why did he give her that role   .


Reply 91#91 codebreaker's post

Yes that was rather amusing but simple just hold her nose but i like the humour of water


Reply 94#94 codebreaker's post

Yes your right her mother has right to be concerned but she's still a teenage girl and even Eddie said there were friends. Jackie begging Tyler to help her daughter was change of event just couple of weeks ago she begging him not see her and now the opposite is true but using blackmail about car accident was a risky move and how the hell would she be able to afford motorcycle since she has no money and i bet Tyler know that.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 8-25-2012 22:01  
Loren embarrassing Nora with Max about the letter and tears she sent him years ago was amusing but Chloe spoiling dinner was predictable
Girl can't get the message i never met a character that is so bloody stubborn


Originally posted by codebreaker at 8-25-2012 22:44  
I'm glad Don caught Adriana in the office but as much as I don't like Ellie she doesn't deserved to be framed for the robbery and Kelly describing Jake as the energizer bunny was amusing, Eddie volunt ...
Yes the energizer bunny was amusing but things are getting tricky i knew something like this would happen but i am so glad he didn't cheat on her it's not often we see characters have morals and i understand why he doesn't tell Tracey about it.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 8-25-2012 23:33  
Tyler pretending to call Eddie while Chloe was pretending to be asleep was amusing and them pair deserve each other but what bad timing for the photographer to turn up just as Eddie was about to leave ...
Well it did look like stunt and i think we know that girl are certainly hold on to her bone no matter what


Originally posted by codebreaker at 8-26-2012 00:16  
I'm glad Tyler discovered the truth behind Chloe's hospital visit but I hope faking the overdose spoils her own movie careerer and Jackie going to see  Eddie behind Chloe's back was interesting, Eddie ...
Well i can't wait to find out what she finds out jackie told eddie not to see her but i agree with her she needed to admitted for a psych evaluation as i am getting very bad feeling this end up badly either try kill Eddie or Lauren i suspect the latter but that would sad way to end it.


Reply 99#99 codebreaker's post

It was a good bluff shame she caved and admitted it if she had played it out for a bit longer she might got it out of her. Giving the song back was rather nice but that outfit they gave her didn't look great . I wonder what her mothers reaction to that outfit would be ?.


Eddie Feel at home

Well Loren telling Eddie what the real reason behind her songs were great but her mother overhearing was interesting. Look like someone might be pregnant . I can't believe he didn't take the deal the cop was offering .


Chloe and Oz

The sleepover was rather crazy situation with Max since everyone had a nightout . It was great to see Lauren video . The Title give away the episode BUT a chole carter movie sounds ridiculous


Reply 107#107 codebreaker's post

Did you notice something different from this episode ?

No Chloe in this episode


Reply 110#110 codebreaker's post

I know it was nice surprise


Reply 112#112 codebreaker's post

She is the craziest character we seen on a tv show if ever dexter run out people to kill i know who next victim should be


Jake's Concern

Well Tracey holding off having a baby because Jake obessed with his company should be a good thing but at least he has a job -we never seen her at her job in the show so i am curious why?. Eddie will never learn if you allow her worm herself back into his life she will never leave. .Loren gets hurt


Loren Deals with the Ex

Well i have to say she reel him back in but at least he gave her back her present


Eddie Takes Off

Eddie want to take a break and escape from his fame but his father telling Lauren where he is might backfired


So i am upto episode 50 and what a cliffhanger and look like we might actually be up to date with all the episodes


Reply 123#123 codebreaker's post

That was my favourite part but trying to find Andirana to get payback was a bit desperate ?


Reply 124#124 codebreaker's post

Yes what a time but i am glad he's ok but this forces him to do robbery

