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7th Heaven (The CW) General Discussion (Spoilers)

Here Comes Santa Claus

A Christmas episode but Annie and Eric buy opposite present to each other was amusing but pawn shop guy bring it back as a present for both was nice.


Nobody Knows...

Mary passing her driving test by crying was wrong because she couldn't parallel park but when Lucy did it first time after watching Mary do so many times was amusing.


All That Jazz

Well this was alright episode with a few storyline going throughout the episode.


The Tribes That Bind

Well this was amusing episode Ruthie being ruthie and start a family fight with another boy all because he saw her pants and getting all her siblings involved was crazy but the ending one made a crack about their mother being pregnant all hell break loose.


In Praise of Women

So Annie has the babies which was a tough emotionally episode with kids dealing with having a new person join the family. It really surprising to see how each of them had their own concerns but Matt was being ridiculous he's the oldest and having him crack up was amusing but also stupid as he always been the one hold the family together.

The thing that keeps me watching this i don't what it's like to have a big family and this show has given me such as insight into what it's like to be in a big family. I couldn't handle that sort things having someone always bother you and not having any piece of quiet as one of siblings somehow get involved in their problems.


It Happened One Night

Well the twins are home but i love how parent were still able keep an eye of all their children and i love matt sneaking in that comment about his girlfriend and he wasn't paying attention and you could see how both Annie and Eric are pro at catching their children out in lies even with crying babies  



Eric thinking he was getting replace when in fact it was surprise celebration 20 years of service. Jimmy doing drugs was a surprise but using him teen spy for drug dealers was very dangeous and Lucy not knowing that almost cost her getting arrested.


Sometimes That's Just the Way It Is

Well i found it amusing Matt wanting join the army but when he parent forbids he agreed which was odd until we found out he fail army entrance exam .Mary and lucy were lucky the drunk driver hit them when there were outside a car but reason for it was pure luck.


We the People

Well the fact dean of college had an affair with one his student and lucky for him the student was over legal limit but i was surprised that his wife stick by him and made him fight for his job. Eric was right it was a private matter that really no effect on his job performance since there no moral clause in his contract.


The Voice

Wow Rudy telling Eric he heard voices from god did sound crazy but what he did was amazing if that stand had collapse it would been so many injuries. . Great line 'thank god'. As for the monkey that no-one believed Ruth saw was amusing.


All Dogs Go to Heaven

Well this ok episode but i am fan of dogs so it really didn't bother me about dying dog


There Goes the Bride (1)

Wow so this season 3 double episode finale and what a double episode so much happen Matt breaking up Heather wedding was crazy but his relationship to Swana was over as a result. Julia getting married was surprise but finding out who her boyfriend was obvious but thinking she was pregnant was amusing.  


There Goes the Bride (2)

After breaking up Heather wedding Matt has tell her he's not in love with her was awful but finding out why he did it was great. look like the wedding didn't go waste.


The Tattle Tale Heart

Season 4, Well i had feeling this would be an emotionally episode but i didn't expect Eric having a heart attack and kids thinking there were to blame when it was just normal pressures of his job compounded with having tell their dad about Julie getting married and expecting first kid. Matt moving out was about time and that house is getting a bit crowded.   

Simon new hair cut was amusing it's strange seeing him with spiked hair but other kid have dreadlocks was ridiculous


Life Is Too Beautiful

Well Eric being grateful he was alive was amusing but it really drove all family member mad


Yak Sada (a.k.a. One Voice)

Well this interesting episode gender equality which was great topic to explore on tv show but that guy was really arrogant person thinking wife should home maker while he earn the money and tell his women what to do but finding out his mother was treated like that and reason why she didn't leave his father was because of him was sad . I hope he works it out with his girlfriend and learns to respect him.


Come Drive with Me

Well Lucy really handywomen she is so practical and Mary feel left out renovation was sad but i liked the she was able talk to her mum about it.  Ruthie helping her dad get a raise was priceless she really is a character. She such talented child actress.


Just You Wait and See

It was great to see Julie again but her trying leave her husband while pregant because of moods swing was amusing.


Sin ... (1)

This was a two part episode with some great issues to discuss and i have a lot to say on the matter but it's better if i just summarise, Simon accidently giving finger to his friends and get caught and get suspended for 3 days seems a bit harsh. Most kids give the finger and even through it considered rude a verbal warning was normally what's needed and this first time he did it. Now bigger issue with Mary trashing the school halls because coach locked them out unless they improve the grades. It was right decision but there payback had criminal consequences.


And Expiation (2)

It was obvious how serious the situation with Mary was and it's good thing they knew a good lawyer who was able convince them allow her to do alternative punishment instead going to jail but it was one shot if she gets into trouble she's going to jail. Lucy speech at school court was great and show great support to her sister. I like how Eric proved he was back on form loved his line DADDY BACK that really scared his whole family.

