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Human Target Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 26#26 kellemanske's post

I am also really enjoying Ames she really trying be a good guy while still making mistakes.


Reply 28#28 codebreaker's post

She's not exactly an operative  


Reply 30#30 codebreaker's post

so much of being a silent partner


Dead Head

Well another great episode having a client with amnesia but it worked out in the end and we find out Winston ex-wife and reason why they broke up. I swear that actress who played her was in cold case?.


Reply 33#33 arksongbird80's post

good to know my memory is still as good.


Reply 37#37 codebreaker's post

it was funny trying fake his own death ended with having amnesia and my favourite line has to me Ames saying you going trust me truck full of money

However this does come in a close second

Ilsa: My attorney has informed me that I've adopted an adult white male. When I'd laughed it off, he showed me some documentation--signed, by me


Reply 42#42 codebreaker's post

Well it was a nice episode


Reply 45#45 arksongbird80's post

Well we just do no reason behind it


A Problem Like Maria (1)

Chance really seem attracted to trouble women but what she did to them was so wrong and Chance almost got fired. I got feel sorry girl in the bar chat him up than they suddenly shooting up the place her face was priceless.


Communication Breakdown (2)

Another great episode i like 2 parter episodes we didn't wait for next episode i had feeling he would try to do something and he really was hard man to kill after all that she had shoot him in self-defence and Chance got some respect for her as his boss.


Reply 55#55 arksongbird80's post

Yes look like it didn't air because of that anyway i have enough shows to watch so i don't mind i just hope they will air it next week instead


Reply 57#57 arksongbird80's post

Just great look like we just patient


Reply 62#62 codebreaker's post

This was great episode you got love Chance testing bullet proof vest while they were walking in that was just bad timing but he manages to test it out in the opera house but it funny Ames wasn't in this episode.


Reply 63#63 codebreaker's post

Well that why you never get caught robbing a gun shop .

Was this it for season 2 or are they any more episodes?


Reply 68#68 spratt89's post

That's good i can't wait to see how they end second season


Reply 71#71 arksongbird80's post

I was just curious how many more episode we had 3 is not bad


Reply 74#74 sanggye's post

But we didn't see him go inside


Reply 76#76 sanggye's post

Yes it was heart warming but it would be nice if he knew whether it's his son or he step-father since promise to one his friend who has died and ask him look after his kid for him.


Reply 78#78 sanggye's post

we both know Fox doesn't best reputation keep shows


Kill Bob

Well i really liked this episode because chance got admire someone else that is as good as him but Ames getting married was pointless

