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Tv Shows that could be updated up to 4th October

Reply 51#51 slade01's post

No it's a reality show following 2 women  and there relationship to guys .

Your right nothing scripted so it's real but it has been edited to make them look shallow. I respect if you want to watch the show that's fine you do what you want   .

i just can't stand those type of shows but that's just me.  

We are all entitled to our opinions   i didn't mean to cause any offence i just don't appeal to this show


Reply 53#53 slade01's post

i don't watch anything in the reality section i stand my ground some mod took bets on when i would crack and actually watch a reality show and that more 8 months and i have stuck to my guns.


Reply 56#56 inro's post

The problem not all member visit the fourm

please make post inThis topic

Than contact an admin Click here


Reply 59#59 codebreaker's post

Wow first time  it's early this week


Reply 61#61 01torres's post

yes codebreaker posted it somewhere


Reply 63#63 carlorica's post

thanks i thought i saw it somewhere - with the amount comment i read it's hard to keep track


Reply 66#66 codebreaker's post

i hope they will update the rest


Reply 68#68 codebreaker's post

i have feeling it's going late more lunchtime


Reply 71#71 codebreaker's post

Well just as i was finishing my lunch


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