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The Carrie Diaries Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


Well Carrie getting a new boyfriend was unexpected consider he was her first proper interview. You just knew kids meeting each other wasn't going to go well but it's clear the mother is very over-protective of her son but asking to see their jugs was amusing . The girls scaring him with wedge story was funny


Too Close for Comfort

Well this is episode where Carrie loses her virginity and glad it was enjoyable experience for her as she seem really happy but i can't believe how quickly she forgive him to reading his diary.   . Most girls would been extremely mad if a boyfriend read their diary ?.


2x06 The Safety Dance

Well what an episode i had feeling Carrie's new relationship wouldn't last but what bad timing she decided return Sebastian coat and see Maggie on  his sofa. . Poor Maggie being pregnant .

Samantha and  Larissa fooling around with each other certainly came as a surprise but what a way to get around showing a 3-some considering this was teen show. I like they push the bounties a bit on this show to see how far they can go.

Mace yourself was just amusing


Rumor Has It

Well Carrie making it in paper thanks to her ex-boyfriend created a situation but it was Sebastian who made her realise it wasn't important taking the blame for her friend situation was nice and finally Carrie knows the whole story with Maggie. .


Reply 80#80 codebreaker's post

Well i have to say his dad looking at bright side of him being expelled was amusing


Reply 85#85 codebreaker's post

Yes things didn't go as expected but Dorett dad tricking her into going out with a guy he approves was amusing


Hungry Like the Wolf

Well Carrie doing someone Bennet work was nice but him not even saying thank you was awful and the fact she felt guilty he got fired from his job was ridiculous because he wants to blame her when he choose to take advantage of Carrie ?.


This Is the Time

How lucky was Carrie to get first proper job but choose between that and college is hard because real world experience so much better than a degree trust me i know i been unemployed for years and i realise i should of thought getting right experience earlier instead waste my time with a degree.

It was tough decision but Carrie is taking a risk because if job doesn't work out she will be screwed. .


Reply 93#93 codebreaker's post

Well her dad not saying i told you so was surprise and what a tough lesson carrie learn about taking risk


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