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Reply 1#1 sanggye's post

Well nice point but it's admin who decided where to put them.


Reply 3#3 arksongbird80's post

Right now they sort out new shows added on the flash site


Reply 9#9 arksongbird80's post

Well i always run out things to talk about on here if it wasn't for Jim to introduce me new shows i have no clue about i would be bored. You guys are great to come on here and spend your precious free time discussing these shows. it's like a small book club except we have no fixed time of day .


i think this place needs to redesigned after all other errors are fixed. It's rather complicated for new user navigate. I manage because i am on here daily so i used to it but i sometimes look for fourms and takes me a few minutes like it took almost 3 minutes to find royal pain fourm few days ago.


Reply 14#14 arksongbird80's post

Quickest way use the search function you can't do more than 1 search every 30 seconds.


Reply 16#16 codebreaker's post

I know what you mean but because most tv show on here have a discussion topic you can simple search by title .


Reply 19#19 codebreaker's post

Well both of those show have ended it doesn't really bother me much. i am more interested in current shows. you need to remember when IBJ did fourm downsizing this created a mess with some those shows. We don't even know if downsizing has finished or whether it's still a work in progress. On top of that they need to create new forums all 20 + new shows added this month which is going really make forum a little more difficult to navigate. we will just managed like we done so far. This place grown a lot in 4 years and it's going keep growing and we will just figure it out how navigate . it's sad to think people want to comment on show but can't be asked for find the correct fourm


Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post

i miss the old sub fourm links we had after each category so go directly to the fourm.

