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Merlin Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-7-2011 22:10  
I thought Elyan was a goner when he ignored Merlin's warning about the strange shrine in the forest but his actions afterwards were troubling, Merlin's comments to Arthur after he feel asleep on the t ...
This was a nice filler episode at same time leading towards season finale


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-15-2011 09:54  
Agravaine keep getting away with murder is getting frustrating and what Guinevere overheard has put her in mortal danger but Merlin trying to sabotage Arthur's picnic with Princess Mithian was amusing
I really liked Princess Mithian she wasn't evil she just wanted to be liked but her asking who other women is was amusing considering she was a royal


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-20-2011 18:27  
Arthur asking Merlin to keep a secret about his weight was amusing and about time Arthur realised Agravaine was responsible, I'm glad Merlin took advantage of Arthur while he was under his spell but s ...
Well i have caught up on this and i can't wait to see next episode


The Sword in the Stone (Part 2 of 2)

Good episode i had feeling somehow Merlin would help Arthur to get his kingdom back but strange twist with morganna just when you think she's a goner a dragon gives her life


Merlin Season 5 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 5 Premiers October 2012

Discuss Anything About Season 5 Here


Arthur's Bane - Part 1

Well 3 years have passed and look like certain things have changed but same Merlin and Arthur situation keeps on coming up. We have some new characters and something that look like an alien

I will be curious to see what this is but what a way to introduce this into this series

Gwwen did right thing sentence that women to death but she was found out quite quickly i was hoping there would some redemption for this character and she did look like a possible love interest for Merlin, that boy certainly need a women to keep him sane.


Reply 6#6 arksongbird80's post

Well it does look like cross between gremlin and an alien


Reply 13#13 arksongbird80's post

I really think this season has been a bit off since not much is happening what was the point of this episode ?


The Dark Tower

Well talk about a new twist am i think she's under Morganna spell ?


Reply 24#24 codebreaker's post

Yes there were lucky but how many times can Merlin do this ?


Reply 26#26 codebreaker's post

Yeah but i really hope they end the series with Arthur finding out about Merlin powers


Reply 30#30 codebreaker's post

Yes but he knew the consequences and now it's going to be interesting next episode


The Diamond of the Day:

What a series finale watched final episode tonight and it was an interesting ending. It strange to see how hard Merlin tried keep Arthur alive after he got stabbed by Morid sword. I am still dealing with how they left open ended  


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