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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 64#64 codebreaker's post

Look like she will be in a few episodes


Petty in Pink

Another good episode blair plan really went pair-shaped and look like Dan has new admire .


Reply 67#67 codebreaker's post

I think Charlie has a crush on Dan ?


Reply 69#69 codebreaker's post

Yeah but Blair thing got to her . I still think they are great couple blair and dan


Reply 71#71 codebreaker's post

I thought there were both lying to each other ?


Shattered Bass

Well we finally found out who was responsible for Rena mother death but now what has this lead to with Blair in trouble   . There really know how pull the viewers in for a season finale. It would tragic if they killed off Blair but very unlikely.


The Wrong Goodbye

This was very interesting season finale but Vanessa profiting from Dan manuscript is so wrong . So she wasn't Serena cousin after all but why the whole thing about her being mentally unstable so what happen to her daughter?. Blair is pregnant


Reply 78#78 mrs_h's post

Yeah i completely agree with that unfortunately with everything that they have to cover in this episode they really didn't have time for that unless they made this double episode.


Reply 81#81 codebreaker's post

but she's going to profit from it ?


Reply 83#83 codebreaker's post

I suppose we will just wait and see


Originally posted by codebreaker at 9-29-2011 10:12  
Marshall setting Serena up with that bogus list was cruel but i was impressed she kept quite about who told her to get the drugs
Yes i had feeling it was a set up but she got a job out of it so it shows she's growing up and Chuck motorcycle accident looked painful


Originally posted by codebreaker at 10-7-2011 10:38  
Charlie's excuses not to take the beach house was a bit lame but Serena getting her to pay the deposit was amusing and Beatrice is going to be trouble for Blair and her brother
Well i thought she wasn't pregnant but than with the morning sickness it kind made it obvious she was but telling Dan was amusing look Chuck doesn't feel anything was why he is willing to take the risk to feel something. Charlie coming back should be interesting it's clear it's going to get more out of hand that she could ever imagine you just knew that she out of her depth.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 10-14-2011 22:57  
Ivy standing up to Carol over Charlie's trust fund was great and what a way to get Dan to admit to the book he wrote and thought his publisher stole was great
Yeah i had feeling that was the direction there were going take IVY characters but her boyfriend is very lose end i have a feeling that he find her. .


Originally posted by codebreaker at 10-22-2011 14:44  
Another good episode with the launch of Dan's both with a lots of annoyed friends but how will Serena turn it around for her boss to get the movie rights to the book and Diana using the incriminating  ...
Just when she thought she got away with it another snake comes up to get her but Liz Hurley is become a good character for this show. I was worried it was only cameo in the first episode but it look like she's staying for the season. As for the book i would love known what he wrote and what was made up i guess if the movie is going to be made this would be great. This why i prefer this show over 90210 since there have good story lines this season. Last season was average but this not a bad start to the season.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 10-27-2011 21:05  
Beatrice doctoring the contract for Blair was interesting and Serena's boss putting her in the awkward position over Dan's book has made her cross the line but Dan offering the rights to the book in t ...
Yep all that end well but having chuck and prince both see that women is going be intresting.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-12-2011 20:25  
Charlie asking Nate to use her to make a girl jealous should also help to secure her the coveted bridesmaid spots at the royal wedding until she realised the girl was Diana but sabotaging the other gi ...
Well i have say she become one of my favourite characters but even she doesn't know what she's doing but i am curious how long she can keep it up since she really has get rid of her to protect her secret but she ready to go that far to protect her secret.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-21-2011 12:28  
What a small world that the guy Serena bumped into is Charlie's ex who she was trying to avoiding until Diana set Max up at the masked gala
I told you I had a feeling he would be back but question is whether he will stay or leave ?


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-28-2011 21:52  
Charlie almost got away with the lie to her ex until Lily shown him the family photo and Blair finding out it was Louis that was responsible for the leaked emails was great but how far is Max going to ...
Yes she did but that's what you love about this show once a lie starts it difficult to keep it from coming out and i am surprised how easy it was for them get gossip girl sources since it been years if they could sources earlier why not expose it ?. Louie is becoming more similar to Chuck the more time he spends with Blair the question is whether Blair will end up being a single mother ?


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-4-2011 13:55  
I'm impressed how Charlie managed to turn the awkward situation that Serena had organised after over hearing that Charlie / Ivy are the same person but what will Max do next
Well i can't believe how good of an actress she is now it's getting annoying how many close call she has had but look like there's more to her since she has started care about the family but i wonder where real daughter is i mean what did she mean if they found out what really happens to her they would never forgive her. Despite all her close call if real Charlie is alive noway she can cover for that?.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-10-2011 15:20  
Charlie may have been responsible for the paparazzi but it looked like someone tampered with the car and it's not looking good for Chuck after the crash
Well if only she had paid him off she wouldn't of had to panic but i was expecting Lilly tell them Blair lost the baby rather than Chuck is in critical condition i hardly think they will kill off Chuck Bass.

