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Unknown Error please replay the Video

Unknown Error please replay the Video

I have notice few members are talking about this error which i'm very familiar with since this happen on occasion movieonline site and yes there are similarities between new viptv site and this but here my advice when message pops up, ignore it drag it bottom of the screen as the episode still running. Don't look focus on the message focus on watching the episode i know that's easier said than done since it's very annoying message. As time goes on you will learn ignore it as no way fix it. we asked about it. If you want know why you get that error it just means your connection has lost contact server-it usually happen when you open another tab or refresh a page.


Reply 2#2 gabsimom's post

That another solution which just going edit above comment but you beat me to it. the reason i don't do that because some reason on my computer it takes 5-8 minutes real player software to load and connect server- the pop up window so convent for me.

