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The girly`s ......giggle box

i can't believe how you guys treat each other on this thread your suppose to be a team support each other and being a nice to maintain this place.


who firm hand would that be?


what a duty you have what happens if he not in the mood ?


Reply 1113#1113 meljones_83's post

it's a sunday-what did u expect?


Reply 1628#1628 themegababe's post

wow i didn't even know you were getting married-

Best of luck it must be so stressful


Reply 1631#1631 waterlilybarb's post

Well most of time you women chatting boring stuff that i'm not interested in. no need for me post a comment but i found the news Meg getting married interesting


i just found out that  gypsiegirl66 was unwell-i hope she feeling better


welcome back-glad your all loved up


Gyspie66 now a super-mod

Congrats you lucky mod


I hate Summer particular Start of summer because i have to do all garden work like today i spend 2 hours cleaning out the 160 litre Fish pond trust me it stinks like hell. Last week i hate cut the Grass usually i would get my dad to all of this since it's his house but because of what happen in November his health hasn't been good.


Reply 1882#1882 waterlilybarb's post

I think i need clear something up i don't mind helping out around the house it's just i don't understand concept of gardening what is the point planting flowers in summer they blossom than by August they die and than you do whole thing again next year.

i also want make some else clear since it seem people have gotten the wrong impression of me since i think some people think spoilt brat which is not true i'm just lazy i know everything about maintaining a household except cooking and that my future wife job, if i willing everything else cleaning,ironing and occasional heavy lifting the least she can do cook my meals, right?


What's the point of cutting your nails, they are only going to grow again? What's the point of tidying the house, it's only going to get dirty again. Silly, right?
See that's different that is due personal hygiene-gardening has nothing do with that.  

As to cooking-i just not good at it, it look difficult

if i'm desperate i probably buy ready-made meals


Reply 1890#1890 shinny's post

you really don't know me I'm not a practical person so cooking would rather difficult


Reply 1892#1892 waterlilybarb's post

What do you consider the basics are?


Reply 1901#1901 casper27's post

That's a British breakfast that can leads to a heart-attack mate

i'm more of cereal guys at breakfast

Casper-i don't drink so i never had a hang-over i taste my first beer was i was 18 and i didn't like taste so give up on alcohol.


i'm speechless
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are reportedly on the brink of getting engaged.

A friend of the actress said the couple could make an official announcement at any time.

The source told OK!: "They've been talking marriage for a while. They'll be formally engaged any day now. They want to spend the rest of their lives together."

Witherspoon reportedly wants to take the relationship further for the sake of her children. She has daughter Ava, eight, and four-year-old son Deacon from her marriage to ex Ryan Phillippe.

The pal said: "This is a very serious relationship. But Reese is very conservative and traditional. I'm sure she doesn't want her kids to see her 'living in sin'."

The couple previously denied rumours of an engagement in January.


Reply 1927#1927 themegababe's post

it's fact she can move on so easily i mean no offence to jake but if Ryan Phillippe.couldn't handle her does he think he will?-get involved with some who has kids from previous marriage-seriously i don't think he's ready step-father to her kids-man he still a young adult i just feel she is using him as her toyboy.

she capable women who really doesn't need a man  

i liked Ryan Phillippe. but jake i don't


Reply 1929#1929 waterlilybarb's post

we know reason why the marriage failed he couldn't handle her success


Reply 1931#1931 waterlilybarb's post

yeah your right she's older than him right?

i would never marry second time around -if my first marriage doesn't work I'm just going get on with my life.


Reply 1936#1936 studiojek's post

your right about the future but I'm type of person that if thing works out first time i give up

