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Boss Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 1#1 codebreaker's post

I am looking forward to this but i feel it's going be like serious show.


Episode 1

Well this was a slow episode but finding out he suffering from mental disease that risk his position as mayor of the city but you could see he really know how handle difficult situation.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-2-2011 12:51  
Meredith coming to Thomas's rescue at the press conference was quick thinking and what a way to turn around the race attack from 20 years ago but i can't believe Kitty allowed Ben to use her like that ...
What i didn't realise is that she knew about it as we find out later on in the series.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-9-2011 19:03  
Kitty still allowed Ben to use her like that is ridiculous but it must be the frill of getting caught by doing it in the office and I'm not surprised the Mayor's daughter id annoyed with him
Yes she really has no choice does she, i thought she put up with because her boss told her to keep an eye on him but i later realise there was more to it than i first thought.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-18-2011 11:24  
The way Ben had the cameras turned off while he talked to the farmer was nice and then he goes on and uses Kitty which is annoying but i think she now suspects there is something going on and after th ...
It look like the relationship has improved now that she knows he's sick and it could lead to a good reconication but we both know what he does later which is so crazy i still in shock. Despite the fact this long show there really are some great moments.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 11-25-2011 21:35  
Thomas almost strangling his assistant was diabolical and just when he thought he covered up the water problem that news report is going to ruin him but it looks like Ben might take over
Just when he think he had it all plan out this bombshell hit which made for interesting next couple of episodes


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-2-2011 20:02  
That was a close call for Emma and her boyfriend but how quick he was willing to leave his friend to get beat up was sad and how did he know the alderman wouldn't be around for long without having som ...
That murder was brutal i really felt sorry for him but this really makes for some crazy viewing thinking for a tv show this really pulls no punches.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-7-2011 21:23  
You would think Kitty would of been more careful when sleeping Ben but retrieving the positive pregnancy test from the bin to throw out the window i found amusing and how quick the rumours of Thomas st ...
This really was the best episode of the season so far because just when you think it's all over. He proves why he is the mayor, he really outplayed Kitty but i can't believe Kitty feel for it because she seems like a very smart person with all angles covered but what he did with those photo really ruined him but his wife was the one that really surprised me when she says i don't care who you screw but i worked so hard to get in this position and tells up put his tail between his legs and beg for a second chance was crazy. I loved how it ended him on the floor like a dog .

Will Kitty tell him that she pregnant and isn't she fired ?


Originally posted by codebreaker at 8-23-2012 17:10  
Mayor Kane thinking he had all his basses covered during the vote but I suspect he was responsible for the arrest of the woman and having someone else to create a disturbance so he could suspend it wa ...
Well look like we have new powerful character in this season i can't wait to see how it all plays out.


Through and Through

Well what a question at the end did you do this to me ? - we know it was meant for him but seeing Kitty back was interesting still don't know if she kept the baby or had an abortion but i can't wait to find out. The new aide has his gameplan i was surprised at how calcuated he was about the situation.What is his long term plan ?. So many question and what a job offer



Well install camera in someone else home is taking it a bit too far but he really need step down before his condition get any worse


Reply 29#29 codebreaker's post

Remember husband said that there were maintenance worker who were checking the house electrics for about hour


Originally posted by codebreaker at 9-22-2012 22:54  
Ben's wife doing what Kitty did last season was amusing but I'm not surprised Kitty had something up her slave and releasing those pictures was perfect payback
Well payback a b*tch and kitty played it perfectly but look like he's losing his mind


Reply 33#33 codebreaker's post

Yes but i am surprised he doesn't have back up vice - council man ?

Surely there's a deputy in case boss is away?


Originally posted by codebreaker at 10-27-2012 16:14  
I thought Ben lashing out while still being filmed was a mistake but looks like it was deliberate and why she lifted her skirt and did what she did for her boss was crazy considering the way he spoke  ...
I think she was submissive towards him since he controls her which is disturbing.

