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Sea Patrol (Nine) General Discussion (Spoilers)

Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post

you haven't even finished last weeks shows you adding more to your list?


Reply 5#5 codebreaker's post

Yeah using a gun barrel was rather great but you would think they would have a translator on the ship if your going deal with foreign ships ?.

Since you recommend this i thought i would give this a shot.


Reply 7#7 codebreaker's post

Well i am glad i can watch all 5 seasons back-to-back without any wait just like rescue special ops. The picture quality for season 1 ain't fantastic.


Reply 9#9 codebreaker's post

Not quite i am on the last season should be finished by next week

ps: god now how i am going finish NYPD BLUE


Reply 11#11 codebreaker's post

Well if that wasn't tough i still have 20 movies on top of all of this


Reply 13#13 codebreaker's post

Trust me your not missing much it really is an average movie


Season 1

I have just finish the whole season 1 yesterday i have say this is nice show i like how series 1 main story-line and this season toxin that kill people and i like how each episode build up on it and the last 2 episodes were really great. Glad they found it and got it.


Season 2 : The Coup

Well this season they have better boat and it really has some fancy gadgets that i didn't even know existed. I heard of Radar but the one that show pictures from 100 miles away of boats location is rather amazing. This season main storyline  revolved around insurgents on the fictional Samaru Islands attempting to overthrow the current government. Trying kill Buffer was rather interesting he really a tough SOB that guy took on an mercenary killer hand to hand was rather impressive . I am glad he didn't kill him .


Season 3 :

Well ET getting murdered and finding out what happend took the whole season and finding out the reason was rather tough Nikki who was suppose to be engaged. Two Dad is the new member but he's a joker and i can't believe he survived the whole season without getting kicked off . That guy certain cause so much problems for the crew .


Season 4

Well we have 2 new characters this season Birdie and Dutchy and this season had no real theme apart from some really good action packed episode there really pull up with the action. Dutchy is marine who seem loads of metals but seem not get with with Kate and at first she think it's because she's a women but later we find out he felt responsible for last female boss he had that got killed.

Bird was Gap year student really inexperience and got herself into some amusing situations but everyone liked her which annoyed RO and speaking of RO he seem to be the odd person still on boat not letting anyone close him and it's great see him mess up because he doesn't understand human interaction on the ship .

I really do Kate become CO of the ship she deserves it after past 4 years and maybe Mike will finally let her take over but he really like be the captain and i am impressed how they managed to keep their relationship a secret for so long

Tough choice the final season left to watch

