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Stargate Atlantis Season 4-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 22#22 bala's post

Lol I mean't John, but he acts too much like Jack.


Reply 24#24 bala's post

Yes one is older but they have very similar personalities. Haven't you noticed the team formula. Have one smart alec but not book smart kick butt guy in charge, have one strong female, someone familiar with culture, have one Brainy person, and add one kick butt Alien and you have a stargate team.


Reply 28#28 angel-87's post

Angel-87 welcome to the SGA forum. so glad you got addicted and have joined into the Conversation.
A new quiz for this eppy will be posted later.


Quiz is up!! The end was so sad and I do not agree with what they did. I understand it but they should have let them continue trying. What they did was not safe and is actually even more dangerous. Idiots!!!


Reply 33#33 bala's post

I love the line whe John tells Ronon "You could of just stepped on it" Ronon "She told me to shoot it" as if he would of done something different.


I hate it when I have to wait 2 weeks for a new one. And this one looks really good.


Loved this eppy, I was so scared.   Quiz is up


oooo Dr. Keller has 2 on the line. Ronan and Rodney. I loved what Rodney said I won't fight you for her but I won't back off either. lol

Quiz will go up tomorrow. I am just too tired to do it today.


Reply 73#73 bala's post

Ronon is so into Jennifer, but if you recall he is a private person and he may have said no at 1st because he did not understand Rodney's question or he may have wanted rodney to say something 1st.


Reply 80#80 spratt89's post

I never caught that, He acts like she is a sister, John on the other hand is totally in love with her.


Reply 93#93 spratt89's post

No Way. OMG I totally did not see that coming?

Awesome Episode!!!! I can't wait to see what they have to say.


I am going to put the quiz up tomorrow. But I just can't get over how good this episode was. WOW.
and I hate to be cont.... too and we have to wait 2 weeks   {please let the next eppy leak early} oops pray typing again.


Ok Very interesting. So obviously when Ronon ignored Jennifer's input in the situation it helped her make a decision. Rodney of course.
As far as the Daedulus blowing up all the Asguard, they did say a whole planet of them existed or do you mean in SG-1 which is also a no. They destroyed their own planet after giving us all their tech.
This has raised a very interesting Question. We have now learned that both Lantians and Asguard civilizations have split causing a good and bad branch and even the Gou'ald and Tok'ra. Whatwould happen if we met evil Nox. Not to mention we know nothing of the Furlings. Any thoughts on this?


This was a filler eppy but it was nice to see Our Dr.   
Quiz is up..


Reply 116#116 waterlilybarb's post

hurry up Barb we miss your insight


this was an awesome eppy. So hopefully this is the end of Micheal and it was not a clone like Ba'al.


maybe next week. I have been too busy to do one. Sorry everybody. Be ready for an exam on this season soon.


Wow everyone is split on this episode. Personally I loves it. There was alot of depth to it. Plus we really get to see how McKay is a better person with her. We see why they  are made for each other and why the botonist wasn't quite right for him.
Who wants Ronon to go out with kick boxing control room girl. Sorry can't think of her name and too lazy to look it up right now?

Big Quiz coming soon. My sister had her baby this week and between her my BFF having a baby the week before and Thanksgiving coming up I have been overwhelmed. Sorry to everyone who depends on my quizzes for points and added enjoyment. Just study up for the big one and think about how random my questions can be.


Ronon had a crush on her and things are a little tense (on his end) since she informed him she did not share his feelings. Plus she was acting weird and I think Ronon picked up on that.


new episode airs tonight. !!!!

