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Heroes Season 3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I have to go rewatch these, but so awesome. Maya and Mohinder my thoughts. 1st off she has no one but him and because she seemed to have this hero complex (pun totally intended) it was not that shocking she would go for him, plus he is totally hot. But him going for her was a shock. However the formula seemed to not only give a power but maybe even changed his personality. Perhaps also one of his powers is to influance peoples decisions. We just don't know yet. And the skin peeling eewww. The Fly anyone?


Reply 37#37 silver1978's post

What if Nikki was a chrimera spelling, I mean what if her and the sister were actually triplets but nikki absorbed the 3rd in gesttation causing her to be able to have different powers with a diffrent personality. Or they could have just been triplets. lol


Reply 3#3 waterlilybarb's post

ok so who are sylar's parents then? Is Angela his mother? Poor Elle.


I am watching the end now.  and WOW..


Do you Sylar and the boy are related?
ok and this just drove me nuts Whats her face escaped sees this woman who can help her so she shows her she really is dangerous. That was some bad writing. Why because that is what she thought Nathan wanted. really?
Come on!!!


Alex is played by Justin Baldoni


I think the baby is speedsters, maybe she gets preggy fast and delivers faster
I thought the same of Nathan but thought it makes no sense.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks for keeping the conversation goin 3-12-2009 10:45


ooo that's a good theory. Micah would be awesome.


He is one of my myspace friends . The series looks stupid though but I will watch to support Nathan and if this one gets cancelled time to fire his agent and his manager. He needs Ari Gold.


I have a feeling Matt's kid is the new source and he could even restore all the those who lost powers. Just a theory.
Sylar wants to be the only one that's why he is helping. He wants all the powers and wants to avoid any threat to himself. IMO
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Thanks for sharing in the conversation. 3-25-2009 14:16


Yeah awesome eppy. And once again it is up to Petrelli clan. I knew right away claire would have to do the contest. Duh!! And I so called it about Sylar. I am excited about next weeks eppy.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Thanks for participating in the conversa 4-1-2009 13:56


1st I did love the episode but was disappointed, why? the stupid preview all week had them at the ranch and it was only the last few minutes.
And why is she making them dig up all the bodies? What is the point?
Sylar really hates Bennet.
If Suresh's father was investigating the abnormals how could we not know he was part of it from the get go?
Why did that guy wait until now to mention the stuff in storage?


1st only those people with abilities and their families appear to be the ones who died not everyone.
2nd the military prob buried the bodies but it was possible that Alice did.
3rd why was Angela so stupid, it was obvious Alices mind was fragile.
I agree not as good as an episode as It was pumped up to be.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Thanks for sharing in the discussion. 4-14-2009 19:17


I love how Sylar just can't seem to make up his mind if he is good or evil. We know he is evil but he doesn't and then he does
can't wait for next week.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Thanks for sharing in the discussion. 4-21-2009 11:52


wow so sylar will eventually figure out who he really is. Fitting for Peter to get all of Sylar's powers. awesome

So the Company has risen from the ashes.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Thanks for sharing in the discussion. 4-28-2009 18:12


I need to rewatch I missed Barbara completely, I have a channel surfer during commercials so I often miss the 1st few minutes of each scene

