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AFR Pit Stop #5

AFR Pit Stop #5

Welcome to Paraguay!! How was this last Leg? Only a few rounds left. Here is the 1st Trivia Question: Paraguay is 1 of 2 landlocked countries in South America. What is the other?


I deleted the song file from sddvasuez's post as it may be the culprit and was not working for some strange reason anyway. I know the forum has been acting up the last couple of days and lbjedward is looking in to it. Djdoctone I don't think sdd thought her question was too hard. She offered to give hints and left me with one as well. a song, lyrics and a picture were all given that should of made it easy. I am sorry you had a difficult time of it. I am sure everyone will consider your post for the next pit stop. It is suppose to be fun and a little difficult. Some people will find some things easier than others and the the things others find easy they find hard. Chin up.


Hey all I am getting the results from the last challenge now. We are down to our final 6 so all of you are guaranteed a prize. I had 2 more rounds planned but I am re working it now.

