Printable Version, etc.

I am surprised you would have any problems other than the occasional time out in theater mode. Sounds as if you need to reset your realplayer speed. The jumping ahead is a new one. I know I have experienced this and freezing on the sites you mentioned earlier. Usually after the numerous 30 sec commercials. Something you should know is this sites members mostly live overseas where network and the other one are not available. As far as the legality we have answered this question over and over in the last 1 1/2 years and see no need to post it yet again here. just read one of 100 posts on the subject. If you go through the help guides and still are having problems then I suggest you reinstall realplayer and reset your router box.


Reply 12#12 hjfrey's post

I am sorry you feel beat up on for complaining. I know this site has hiccups as it grows. I have encountered problems. just know we will work with you to get it resolved. Usually but not always it is something on the users end. My Internet security was causing errors one time It drove me nuts. I only figured it out because I cut it off for some thing else and started watching a show with no problems and realized that was why. I hope you did not have a death if so my condolences. let me or another moderator know if we can be of further assistance. PS we do not have access to your personal viewing history.

