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Samantha Who Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

This is probably the most funnest new comedy on TV right now (pardon my English). Of course, The Big Bang Theory is still waiting for me to watch it. Christina Applegate is SO good in this series and she's just the right person to play it. My favorite episode has to be the wedding one or the stalker one. I loved how she wanted to be friends with Valerie and ended up ruining her marriage. And then the stalker one..."I'm not a stalker!" even though she broke into his car. ABC picked a show that can get great ratings and still be a fantastic show, unlike Cavemen, which cannot do either. How many seasons does everybody think this will last? I'm guessing 9 or 10 because I am OPTIMISTIC.

Funniest quote from Samantha Who? - The Restraining Order:
Sam: What'd you get busted for? (asking 10 year old)
Kid: Breaking into a car.
Sam: I can do that!'s not the right thing to do.


Official Episode Discussion for "The Hypnotherapist" you can post thoughts here on the latest episode of Samantha Who?

By the way, this is my favorite episode mainly because I haven't laughed at a TV show for a long time. Anybody agree with me? The smoking thing and especially the "Annie" thing made me laugh very hard.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +2 Good thread discussion! 11-20-2007 19:53


Jean Smart does a good job, while being funny, of playing a mom. The night after the premiere, I was thinking, "Should I watch this or pass?" I ended up watching and liking it. I would never have thought of Annie because half of my mind is in break mode so the golden locket thing or the "tall bald man" wouldn't have sparked anything.


Reply #8 waterlilybarb's post

Sometimes it takes me maybe thirty seconds. But others take sometimes a couple minutes. Until I figure out who that person is or where they're from, my brain zones out of whatever I'm watching.


Official Episode Discussion for "The Hockey Date"

Post anything that you have to get out of your system...regarding this Samantha Who? episode. I still have not yet seen it (and it's already Wednesday night!) but I will possibly tomorrow. But until then, post away!


Official Episode Discussion for "The Car"

I still haven't seen this one or the one from last week, so it may be a while before I start contributing again. But talk amongst yourselves...while I get stuck writing essays! Carry on...


Official Episode Discussion for "Pilot"

This is where you may express your feelings about this episode. Depending on whether I want to view the episode again, I may or may not express an opinion. Remember, well-written reviews (if you want a 2-point bonus)!


Official Episode Discussion for "The Job"

Episode #2! This was a good one...I have to find my review from that I wrote for this... Post away!


Official Episode Discussion for "The Wedding"

Ahhh...this was a good one, especially when Sam recalls that time at the bar . Post anything you felt from this episode in here. Make sure you start your review with an emoticon! I'll begin the next phase for the Crew soon...more than just episode discussions!


Next to Sam, Dena's the funniest person. I found "The Virgin" the least funny. But everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I doubt anyone's emoticon will be sad for "The Wedding."


I don't mind. Maybe it'll be easier this way, maybe not. Samantha now has all of her memory in one place .


For 2 weeks, practically everything I've seen has been a crime procedural. When I saw Sam Who? tonight, I practically did flips (in my brain and mind of course). I am ready to embrace comedy again...I'm still kind of romantically depressed in my real life and this uplifted my day.

Todd and Sam getting back together would ruin the series too fast as what would the plot be with them together? Todd's girlfriend is a freak and I have seen her character many times before in movies...even the apology was close to what I've seen in movies ( that apology was so fake). Haha Dena and Sam's mom looked like total nutjobs with the makeup...the rabbit was ugly...and it looked like Jean Smart in a way with all the makeup! Anyways, overall, Sam's return episode was as good in the fall...I'm pining for the next one! I guess I'll resort to watching Scrubs or something tonight...

Milks and bala, that discussion was very long ...this discussion thread is probably now as long as if Sam Who? had a full season...

