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Tv Shows that could be updated up to 21th September

Tv Shows that could be updated up to 21th September

Shows Pending

Show NameEpisode NameEpisode NumberWIBUT
Army Wives Safe Havens2x13Monday
City Homicide Life After Death2x08Tuesday
Hannah MontanaJoannie B. Goode2x27Monday
Reno 911!Undercover Acting Coach5x15Unknown
Reno 911!The Parade5x16Unknown

Next Weeks Shows

Show NameEpisode NameEpisode NumberWIBUT
Burn Notice
Good Soldier2x09
Stargate Atlantis

Just because they are on my list does not mean they all be updated!

The site has to find a good and reliable source for all these episodes so this means that some episodes may take longer to get uploaded than what is expected.

WIBUT means "Will It Be Updated/Uploaded Today/Tomorrow"
(WIBUT is only guess I make, do not take it as the truth as you may be disappointed)
[ Last edited by 01torres at 9-19-2008 10:31 ]
The pen is mighter than the sword.


Reply 14#14 spratt89's post

Refer to WIBUT to when a show should be uploaded.

So for House and Greek it should be any time today (cannot confirm this).
The pen is mighter than the sword.

